How Fasting Can Increase Your Awareness

How Fasting Can Increase Your Awareness

In recent years, medical experts have begun to understand the seemingly intangible relationship between physical and mental health. Good health, as we know is more than a disease-free body. Good health, is a stress-free frame of mind and vibrant energy. When one cleanses, toxic waste is removed and disease is removed. The process also causes feelings of toxicity and a range of negative emotions, as if the emotions are stored with the waste. When you cleanse, a total sense of well-bring can be created for your system.

Fasting is an ancient tradition practiced by most cultures for thousands of years, used for spiritual purposes, for physical purification before performing a ritual act or rite of passage, and self-discipline, or asceticism. Among some Native American tribes, fasting is the primary means to stimulate ecstatic experiences on a vision quest.

In today’s world, many are partaking in fasting in order to lose weight. It seems that most Westerners come about the idea to fast when they reach an awareness that it is time to clean, renew, and perhaps kick-start the body into a new state of wellness. They come into the idea from the position of wanting to look and feel better, and with time and experience, as well as the combined practices of yoga and meditation accompanying the fast, they can quickly learn about the other benefits.

Watch this episode of Healing Matrix called Fasting for Self-Healing with Dr. Edward Group

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Fasting for Self-Healing

Some of the best yoga practices in your life can happen while being completely empty. You may be able to actually feel your internal organs, twist deeper and get into the meditative quality of the practice while on a fast. You needn’t feel like you don’t have enough energy for the practice; it’s nice to do something gentle, but if the body is used to yoga, it feels good to move into spaces you don’t normally have, especially in twists.

Meditations can also go deeper while fasting. It is interesting to feel one’s mind settle more quickly when going in, like a switch turning on. It can take at least thirty minutes of an hour-long silent meditation at times to get into the flow when one is more connected to the grounding experiences when taking food. When the body is empty, experiencing the higher chakras in meditative states is easy, and bringing about the sense of “no mind” that meditators and yogis are able to achieve with as much practice and stillness is also possible.

When the body is allowed to rest internally, with no energy being spent on the digestion of food, a deeper clean can happen which allows for the regeneration of cells. It is highly recommended to use colonics when cleansing, assisting in drawing out toxins through the colon. When waste is disposed of in this way, it is like the reset button has been pressed internally. Vitamins and minerals are absorbed better through the internal organs, allowing the body space for less food to have to be taken in order to get the same health benefits and feeling of fullness. Glands and tissues also benefit from this time of rest; clearer eyes, skin and appearing younger can result.

Breaking the fast is as important as doing it, as eating things too hard on the body all at once can be damaging, causing bloating, yeast infections in women or indigestion. Those who have not been careful with sugar intake (even in fruits) or have not incorporated enough probiotic content that needs to be replaced once the body is emptied have also been known to cause the very problems they were trying to eliminate after the fast. Be sure to eat wisely upon completion. It is a nice idea to eat a bowl of cucumber to break it, or a bowl of fruit if there is no worry about candida or sugars and how they affect the body.

Tualang Honey; A Gift From the Jungle

Tualang Honey; A Gift From the Jungle

What is Tualang Honey?

A honey from the Malaysian jungles is attracting attention from researchers who are finding it has unexpected health properties beyond those of the famous Manuka honey of Australia and New Zealand.

While it has been used as medicine and food for thousands of years, researchers are confirming the therapeutic value of honey — accelerated wound healing, infection fighting, anti-tumor, and anti-diabetic properties, to name a few.

When a pollen-producing plant species has health or curative properties, those characteristics transfer to honey via the pollen harvested by bees. Until recently, Manuka honey from New Zealand has been the gold standard, with higher levels of methylglyoxal, a natural antibacterial, than other types of raw honey. By placing hives into Manuka groves, beekeepers produce and harvest this “monofloral” honey, meaning the hive worker bees have harvested pollen only from the Manuka tree blossoms, which gives the honey it’s unusual therapeutic properties.

Tualang honey is produced by the rock bee (Apis dorsata), a type of honeybee, that builds its colonies in one of the tallest trees in the world, the Tualang tree of Southeast Asia, and in particular, the Malaysian peninsula. Specimens as high as 260 ft. (80m) have been recorded. The species is found in lowland forests — indigenous people believe the giant trees are inhabited by spirits. This belief has spared the trees from the logging industry. Tualang honey is only found in these jungle giants — the tree’s smooth bark makes climbing difficult for honey loving predators like the sun bear.  


malayan sun bear

The honey-loving Malaysian Sun Bear


Honey can be monofloral or polyfloral. Manuka is monofloral, with the Manuka tree species as the pollen source. Polyfloral Tualang honey differs in that the rock bees pollinate diverse Malaysian jungle plants and flowers, and those plant properties find their way in to the honey. The therapeutic potential of multiple rainforest plant species are captured in Tualang honey.  

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