Man Changes His Brainwave Frequencies to Contact Spirits
Is it possible to communicate with spirits by adjusting your brainwave frequencies? Renowned psychic Mark Anthony explains how in his new book “The Afterlife Frequency.”
Mark Anthony is a psychic medium who has been communicating with spirits since he was a child. In his new book, he presents the latest research in the fields of quantum physics and neuroscience to explain how anyone can tune into, what he calls the “afterlife frequency.”
“We know from matters of faith, that the soul — who and what we are — pre-exists the body, comes into the body, and moves on after the body dies. We also know that the brain, from neuroscience, has a coherent electromagnetic field. We know from the laws of physics that energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another, and that is why I developed the term the ‘electromagnetic soul’ to describe what we really are, that is pure consciousness that is eternal electromagnetic energy,” Anthony said.
“Everything has its own vibration, everything is made of molecules which are made of atoms, which are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons, which are made of the smallest single particle — a quantum — which is electromagnetic energy. Everything has a different vibration, spirits are at a much higher vibration because they are not tethered to a lower, slower, denser vibration that would be the corporeal entity known as our body.”
Just how does this electromagnetic soul facilitate communication with those who have left their bodies?
“Think of our world, the material world dimension, as AM radio in its energy, vibration, and frequency, and the other side as FM radio — that’s the afterlife frequency. In our world, AM and FM are two energetic systems that coexist and coincide, and it’s the same thing in spirit communication. You have the material world frequency and the afterlife frequency and even though they’re separate there are times when the two frequencies overlap and when that happens you get an alignment, that’s spirit communication and henceforth we are communicating with the afterlife frequency.”
Anthony explains that we all have two separate regions in the body that can allow us to enter into spirit communication.
“I believe that everybody is capable of spirit communication, not necessarily being a medium, but in receiving messages. Why? Because we all have the same basic physiology, and as I explain in “The Afterlife Frequency,” we have the pineal gland and the solar plexus which are the two receptor areas in our body, and I go into great detail explaining how they’re sensitive to electromagnetic frequency and the types of information that you receive through these two different receptors,” Anthony said.
“Everybody receives contact from spirits, it’s whether or not you’re paying attention to it, whether or not you’re spiritually, situationally aware. That’s why I developed the RAFT technique: to help people Recognize signs from spirits; Accept it as real; Feel it without fear; and then Trust in the message. But many people negate it, they block it, and when they do that they create energetic blocks, and there are many ways that people create an energetic block. Once you remove that block, you will see how spirit communication will not only be influencing your life, it can actually change your life and for the better.”
Anthony describes the source from which spirits receive information to transmit to the living as the “collective consciousness.”
“Think of your soul, or your EMS (electromagnetic soul), as a drop of water, and when you die that drop of water plunges into the eternal sea of souls, that’s what I call the collective consciousness. So then your EMS is linked to other spirits, that are linked to other spirits — think of it as this infinite internet — and you maintain your identity and individuality, but you are now energetically interlinked,” Anthony said.
“This is not some far-fetched concept, this is based on quantum entanglement, where on the subatomic level, subatomic particles even when separated by a distance of a billion miles if you influence one an immediate reaction occurs to the other. We are energetically tethered to our loved ones in spirit as they are to other souls. This is also why when spirits communicate, they can bring forth information, medical information, healing information, all sorts of information and data that far exceeded the scope of anything that that individual person knew while living in the material world.”
Will science ever definitively prove the existence of this afterlife frequency?
“We are getting a lot closer technologically to developing a device that can tune into the afterlife frequency. Thomas Edison was the first major scientist and inventor to believe that such a device was possible. Since Edison, we’ve had all sorts of types of paranormal investigation equipment, K2 meters, EVP, ultraviolet/infrared scanners, Spirit Box—they’re all designed to scan the electromagnetic frequency band. I was in the laboratory of Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona and he is currently developing technology known as the Soul Phone, which will, and already does tap into and communicate with the afterlife frequency.”
“Within our lifetime it is conceivable and quite possible that there will be a device where we can literally tune in to the afterlife frequency.”
Until then, Anthony hopes that his research will serve as evidence that communication with spirits is possible if we just tune in.
3 Ways to Positively Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
What is Your Subconscious?
Our subconscious is the part of our minds that connects the subtle patterns needed to function in life. Our subconscious is programmed to carry out simple tasks so our conscious mind can ponder the complex.
Our brain functions are incredibly intricate with many facets still not fully understood. In computing terms, the number of operations per second that our brains are responsible for reaches into the thousands of trillions. While that number is truly impossible to conceptualize, to put it into perspective, one of the world’s fastest supercomputers was made to mimic one second of one percent of human brain operation by using 83,000 processors – it took the computer 40 minutes to complete the task.
And though our brains are far superior to these artificial processors, like a computer, certain elements of our brain functions can be programmed in different ways. Our brains are conditioned from a young age and from many directions, including society, family, and academia. Some of this conditioning is necessary and desired, but there are also subliminal elements that fly under the radar and can often be subversive and self-defeating. But the good news is that there are conscious steps one can take to correct this.