Does Long Hair Improve Psychic Capabilities?

Does Long Hair Improve Psychic Capabilities?

Indigenous cultures have often connected long hair to psychic capabilities or improved intuition. Allegedly, the infamous Choctaw and Navajo Native American scouts of the Vietnam War, known as the “Code Talkers,” attributed their extra sensory capabilities to their long hair. According to these recruits, who were forced to cut their hair, their intuition dimmed with short hair, rendering them less effective as trackers.

Long Hair and Improved Intuition: Myth or Fact?

Western science is still catching up to Eastern and mystical knowledge. Currently, Western science considers hair to be dead. However, knowledge of the subtle body is growing. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that hair picks up on and transfers subtle information.

In biblical mythology, Samson, also known as the “Strong Man,” was forbidden to cut his hair; his long hair was considered a testament of his dedication to God. In the stories of Samson, his strength is connected to his hair length.

Is Hair Alive?

The short answer, according to modern science, is “no.”  Hair is dead by the time it is long enough to poke out through the skin. Yet, according to a study published at the University of Illinois, Chicago, “the hair cells of the inner ear have a previously unknown “root” extension that may allow them to communicate with nerve cells and the brain to regulate sensitivity to sound vibrations and head position, researchers have discovered.” Perhaps our medical technologies are unable to identify the “root” of other types of hair follicles at this time.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “your hair begins growing from a root in the bottom of the follicle. The root is made up of cells of protein. Blood from the blood vessels in your scalp feeds the root, which creates more cells and makes the hair grow.” Quantum physics unveils the connectivity of all things, from our cells to the outside world: why would the hair-brain-heart connection be any different?

Sensory Capabilities: Whiskers Versus Hair

Hair serves different evolutionary purposes: whiskers, ground fur and guard fur are meant to 1) pick up environmental information, 2) keep animals warm, and 3) protect against the elements, respectively. While all made of keratin, whiskers have measurable innervation, meaning they send important information to the nervous system and brain (i.e., large object to the left!). Common knowledge considers human hair incapable of sending information even though it is also keratin, albeit much thinner.

Intelligent Hair: A Social Experiment

Consider for a moment this social experiment: stand behind someone who is unaware of your presence and place your hand close to their head of hair, moving closer and closer to their hair until you barely touch it (obviously, try this on someone you know). When do they become aware of your presence?

Often, the subject of this experience will acknowledge your presence (hopefully without too much surprise) either just before you touch their hair or as you touch their hair.

You may also try growing your hair yourself. Let us know if you feel more “in tune” in six months.

Why Does Hair “Stand on End”?

Everyday Health states that, “goose bumps are the result of a reflex that makes the muscles attached to the base of each hair follicle contract.” This reflex is triggered by adrenaline. Also known as “piloerection”, this evolutionary response in animals provides warmth (personal insulation via a layer of air) and protection (think of a Porcupine).

How to Take Care of Your Hair Antennae

Yogi Bhajan famously taught students to repair split ends with almond oil at night to repair and maintain hair antennae.

Improve Your Intuition, Regardless

If you are interested in honing your psychic capabilities, with or without long hair, try your eyes at remote viewing.

Scientist Explains What Happens When People Channel

Scientist Explains What Happens When People Channel

When you hear the word channeling, what comes to mind? Many of us would think of Bashar, Seth, Barbara Marciniak, Edgar Cayce, etc. In other words, most people think of trance channeling, where a person allows a supposed entity (deceased spirits, aliens, angels, higher self, etc.) to use their body as a vehicle to communicate.

I am a trained clinician, naturopathic physician, and Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. I also happen to come from a long line of trance channelers and received a BIAL grant for researching the physiological effects of full-trance channeling:

As someone who bridges the worlds of scientific inquiry and the esoteric, I have a more encompassing definition for channeling:

“Channeling is the process of revealing information and energy not limited by our conventional notions of space and time that can appear receptive or expressive.” – from The Science of Channeling

One of the most confusing things about channeling is its name. Many people associate it with trance channeling. Others use it interchangeably with terms like psychic, medium, psi, ESP, etc. When I first engaged in conversation with people about these phenomena, I found that the terms meant different things to different people.

For example, as a naïve new researcher in the field, I formally reviewed the literature to understand the terms used for trance channeling. There were 29 different terms used to describe this form of channeling and the people who do it.

Multiple research studies show that channeling is experienced on a spectrum. On one side, you have widespread experiences like intuition and gut hunches. Telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition lie somewhere in the middle. Rarer experiences like trance channeling and out-of-body experiences are on the far side of the spectrum. Channeling comes in so many forms.

At IONS, we call your unique way of channeling your Noetic Signature™. There is no right or wrong signature. All are beautiful and unique. Just as each snowflake is different yet equal in its exquisite beauty, each person’s Noetic Signature™ has inherent value.

An Overview of Channeling

In my book, The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All, I share about the IONS Channeling Research Program and what we’ve learned by investigating these research questions:

  1. How common is channeling, and what are its characteristics?
  2. How does channeling work?
  3. Are there defining characteristics of someone who channels easily?
  4. Can we verify the information?
  5. Is the content useful?

In this blog post, I’d like to share an overview of these findings with you. You can also watch a video about some of our findings here.

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