Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana: Revolved Half Moon

Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana: Revolved Half Moon

Parivrtta ardha chandrasana (PAHR-ee-VREE-tah ARD-uh chan-DRAHS-uh-nuh) requires balance, focus, strength, and flexibility. Maintaining the posture requires balancing energy in the legs and arms, the upper body and the lower. Revolved half moon pose evokes the cooling, rejuvenating qualities of the moon.

Philosophy + Origin

The state of the moon can influence an individual’s state of being. On full moon days, for example, you might feel headstrong and overly ambitious. New moon days can leave you feeling unmotivated. These extremes balance out as the moon makes its way from new to full. Revolved half moon pose asks practitioners to find balance by equally using the arms, legs, upper body, and lower body. When found, this physical equanimity brings mental balance, which can lead to discovering the “sweet spot” in all aspects of life.


  • Place a block under your bottom hand to bring the ground closer to you.
  • Press the sole of your raised foot firmly against a wall for support and to engage the leg muscles.
  • Hover your lower hand off the floor, bringing elbow to your knee or hand to your heart.
  • Keep your gaze to the side or downward to release your neck.


  1. Begin in a lunge with your right foot forward. Shift your weight into your right foot and press into grounded airplane with hands on the floor or blocks, right under your shoulders.
  2. Lengthen through the crown of your head and reach through your lifted heel.
  3. Place your left hand under your chest and place your right hand to your right hip. Draw your right hip back in space.
  4. Turn your chest to the right.
  5. Extend your right arm to the sky.
  6. Option to turn your gaze to your lifted arm.
  7. Hold for up to 10 breaths. Release to a forward fold for a few breaths then step back to lunge and repeat on the other side.


  • Half moon | Ardha chandrasana
  • Standing split | Eka pada ardha uttanasana
  • Revolved triangle | Parivrtta trikonasana


  • Revolved dancer pose | Parivrtta hasta padangusthasana
  • Revolved sugarcane pose | Parivrtta ardha chandra chapasana



  • Parivrtta = revloving
  • Ardha = half
  • Chandra = moon
  • Asana = pose


  • Strengthens standing leg.
  • Improves core strength and balance.
  • Opens shoulders, hips, and pelvis.


  • Revitalizes the mind.
  • Balances energy.
  • Improves focus and mental clarity.

Ardha Hanumanasana: Half Front Splits Pose

Ardha Hanumanasana: Half Front Splits Pose


Ardha hanumanasana (are-dah hah-new-mahn-AHS-ah-nah) is a big stretch for hamstrings. This pose is more approachable than full hanumanasana and strengthens the muscles needed to practice front splits safely with the correct muscles properly engaged.

Philosophy + Origin

One of the main characters of the Ramayana is Hanuman, the famous monkey god, devotee of Lord Rama, and son of Vayu (the god of wind). He is celebrated in the pose hanumanasana, which physically represents his famous “leap of faith,” taking him across the ocean from India to Sri Lanka. Ardha hanumanasana, the preparatory pose for hanumanasana, can represent the stability and strength needed to make grand, world-changing (or life-changing) gestures. Rather than only focusing on gaining flexibility, practice ardha hanumanasana to create a healthy balance of flexibility and strength. When practicing ardha hanumanasana, remind yourself of the dangers of only being flexible in life; in order to really get where you want to go, you must also be strong and stable.

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