Spin Your Vortex of Self-Love
Each time you make the choice of a victim you experience victimhood. Each time you make the choice of self-love you experience self-empowerment, that is the difference between a Being that is awake and one who is not yet awakened. And do not think about the other or others. Make that choice for you as what is in your highest good always is in the highest good of all. The downfall is when you try to manipulate through pleasing others, trying to figure out how they want you to respond and so forth. There, you are not in your power. You are looking outside of yourself, when all is within. This is the trick the ego-mind-prison plays on you. This is why we say, it is key to sit still, to take time to meditate, to contemplate, to become the observer of yourself and from that place of inner stillness, intend to spin in your own vortex of self-love and let all be magnetized to that frequency, effortlessly and seemingly miraculously.
Let Go of Any Attachment to Outcome
Once we put expectation on outcome, this is where things starts to get out of balance. This is what you see being played out in the old karmic template of relationship in general. You are not relating to what is but what you expect or imagine about the other. This is another downfall all must face within oneself as to not repeat old patterns of self‐deception and disempowerment. When in doubt, sit and allow your inner self to bring the answers to your awareness; this means take time to listen as you sit in meditation and as you go about your daily activities. Life is a meditation. This is what the New Earth paradigm is built on, Conscious Awareness. You are not conscious one minute and unconscious the next. The New Earth paradigm is consciousness awakened, this is what we refer to as “Dreaming Awake”. An enlightened humanity and you are the forerunners, the way showers, the spiritual leaders of those great times of Awakening and Ascension to the 5th dimension for your humanity as Gaia Earth is already vibrating at the 5th dimension and as we write, she is simply stabilizing and anchoring her inner 5D consciousness and awareness within her Sacred Heart.
Remember that Gaia Earth is Your Spiritual Mother
Take time to connect with her and state to her that you love and support her as she loves and support you. Understand that Gaia Earth is a living planetary being. You are all now realizing it within your Heart and Soul and realizing much forgiveness work must be done as there has been an abuse and dishonor of her being by her own children as she also forgot through the Dark Age who she was, the Goddess.
You are all children of Gaia. And Gaia is your Home.
It is time for you to honor your home and care for, value it as the Indigenous tribes on Earth have done and still do. You have much to learn from their connection to Earth Gaia.
We are not saying this to make you feel unworthy and so forth, it is simply a collective clearing you are undertaking which implies forgiveness and committing to awakening to the love that you are, to opening and living in your Heart. To be the embodiment of the Love that you always have been and always will be. Gaia Earth has already forgiven, she wishes only to connect with all of her children heart to heart and soul to soul. Hear her call as the Goddess within your own being and let her support you as you support her by committing to living in your Heart therefore loving yourself unconditionally. We remind you, keep going within for all that you need, there is nothing outside of you. Increase the love frequency within and let it be matched by the physical world. Do not chase, do not run, do not overthink and play mind‐games. If you catch yourself doing so and you likely will on your journey of Ascension, love it all unconditionally, Love is the Key.
Those are the old ways of the self which knew itself to be separated. You are one with All that is and ever will be. Meditate about this for a moment and let those words activate your inner remembrance through your cellular memory and activate your 12 strands DNA so you can fully operate as the 5Th dimensional being that you are dreaming yourself into being. You are starting to dream awake that is what we refer to as being conscious co‐creators. Wake up beloved sisters and brothers of Light. Your time has come to rise and shine as the magnificent Light being you are and always will be. Time is now. There is only the Now.
What happens as you awake is that you must heal and face all the aspects of you that prevents you from loving yourself unconditionally, from being your true Self. That is where it gets really interesting. We say to you fear not, all is Love. Trust yourselves, know that you can consciously call upon celestial and heavenly assistance trough the Archangels, Ascended Masters and any other Beings of Light and Love that you might have imagined you would want to co‐create with. Oh yes, you dreamt this dream before entering the womb of your Mother. This is why we keep telling you “Relax! All is well!”. You were excited about the dream you imagined, it is all for you This can feel unsettling at times nevertheless deep in your soul you know the best is always to come. All is a matter of perception.
Just look back and see how many times things turned out far greater than you could have imagined. The times where you experienced pain, sorrow and suffering where simply created by your limited perception, your ego mind prison but your higher soul self always was watching you, gently letting you know it was time to move on. Because of attachment you might have taken more time than it was truly necessary to let go, nonetheless in the end you did let go of what was no longer in alignment with your Soul’s frequency. So what we are saying here is that suffering is always optional, nevertheless you can learn great karmic lessons which is why most humans go through suffering, which for most launch them unto their spiritual awakening.
As you start awakening, you understand you do not have to suffer, suffering is simply a result of chasing or longing for something outside yourself. When you feel that frequency arise within you, STOP, hug yourself like never before and say to yourself that whatever your mind is tricking you into thinking this person or situation can only feed your need, desire and want, it is a LIE you have got everything you can ever fathom inside. That is your place of personal power as a spiritual being having a human experience. As far as you will repeat the karmic patterns of dependency you will live outside of yourself in the illusion. Go home to yourself. This is what we wish for you all as our beloved sisters and brothers of the Light. You might have forgotten through your Dark Age who you were but we never did and we ask you to consciously reach out, we are the Family of Light and many of us have incarnated on Earth Gaia as Gaia herself.
The Mind Can Be Your Worst Enemy or Your Best Friend
The Ascension journey to the 5th Dimension is about becoming the Master of your Mind. We are talking about the subconscious and unconscious minds which are the ones that creates in the background of your normal 3D awareness. To resolve and dissolve any limiting patterns you must go into those layers, clean it up and replace them with those that are empowering and loving and supportive. This is the mechanics of conscious living. You are that infinite potential in human form. Self realized being, conscious co‐creators you are remembering yourself into being. And so it is.
Allow all that is not you, all that limits you to dissolve into the oneness of infinite unlimited potential. All is energy. Struggle is simply energy applied in an area, a channel that is not matching the desired outcome. Shift your frequency and you will release any struggles and open the paradigm of infinite possibilities. This is the yoga. Root everything within your magnificent vortex of self‐love.
This year 2016 is the Chinese Year of the Monkey, a potent year for many to become the Master of their Monkey Mind. Again we say to you, it is not about control when we say Master your Mind, it is about allowing and feeling and from that place, love all that comes up and detach from it all, become the observer with no judgement and then something greater will unfold, you will have open the door of your Higher Mind. The One that sees the bigger picture, that understand the Soul lessons you came here to learn and transcend by loving all experiences unconditionally. Trust your Soul as it knows the way.
Everything truly works for your happiness and liberation. Everything. It is a matter of being able to perceive it and from that awareness, conscious and empowering loving choices can be made and anchor one’s inner light deep into the Sacred Heart of Gaia. When one feels empowered one radiates like millions of Suns. This is your birth right to shine. Everything becomes possible as everything is possible. This is the paradigm of the 5th dimensional New Earth. Remember, you have the power to turn any events into a blessing and empowerment. That is self‐ mastery. The key is Love.
As you commit to loving yourself unconditionally now, co-creating a conscious connection with your Soul Self, you start softening, you start expanding into the Infinity and Love that you are. Tremendous joy, inspiration and happiness becomes your natural state of being. You learn that there is no need for struggle. Struggle is an illusory block created by the ego-mind-prison to keep you a prisoner of your own self created matrix of limitations and obstacles of the logical mind. Step out of your matrix into your infinite potential and as you plant the seed of unconditional self-love within your heart and soul, you shall become the embodiment of an enlightened being walking the Earth. Your vibration shall uplift and heal, balance all who come into your presence and beyond as all is one and space-time does not exist within the 5th dimension. This is what you experience as synchronicities. When your frequency starts accelerating, the manifestation process is instantaneous. Why? Because you are clear and open. Thus the Universe can respond instantaneously with the highest vibrational match that you are which is Light.
What You Focus On is What You Create
If you focus on limitations you will experience feeling limited. If you focus on possibilities you will feel expanded, creative and infinite and joy shall arise within you each and every now moment. Make yourself right rather than wrong. Cuddle yourself like you would cuddle a newborn. It is how sensitive you become when you allow yourself to simply be. Not to achieve, not to manifest, just to be. In being lies every possible creation. Learn to simply be and allow all things to be magnetized within the zero point that you are in truth. This is the Shunia space. Your ego-mind-prison does not like this space because it understands it is losing its control over the limited version of you. We say to you again, learn to sit within your majestic all encompassing inner silence, your I AM presence. This is the Heart of Creation and it is you. Feel that space within you. Feel it, become it. You are it. Free you are! And so it is!
Tiamat: Planet, Goddess, Creator
The story is familiar: chaos reigned before order; darkness filled the void before light; waters crested and ebbed to shape the land and mountains; generations of gods and humans battled over power and control. These are shared mythologies that run through continents and civilizations. Out of all the creation narratives, one name rises above the rest — Tiamat, the ancient Babylonian goddess considered the foundational force of the universe.
Ancient Babylonia, part of the Mesopotamian empire, was renowned for its beautiful gardens, astronomy, and astrology, and as a cultural bridge between Africa and Asia. The legend of Tiamat is told through the ancient Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish, thought to have been scribed by Hammurabi, the sixth ruler and considered the first king of the Babylonian Empire.
The Enuma Elish: The Seven Tablets of Creation
Enuma Elish is the Babylonian creation story, predating and influencing early Judeo-Christian texts. Comprised of 1000 lines etched on seven clay tablets, the Enuma Elish is the primary source for Mesopotamian cosmology and tells the story of how the order was shaped out of swirling chaos. The shaper is Tiamat, goddess of the deep salt waters, who with her mate Apsu, the god of fresh, clean water, gives birth to the first generation of deities. The opening passage sets forth how raw and unformed the world was prior to Tiamat’s efforts:
When on high the heaven had not been named,
Firm ground below had not been called by name,
Naught but primordial Apsu, their begetter,
(And) Tiamat, she who bore them all, Their waters commingling as a single body;
No reed hut had been matted, no marshland had appeared,
When no gods whatever had been brought into being,
Uncalled by name, their destinies undetermined—
Then it was that the gods were formed within them.
This early generation of deities is violent and power-hungry, ready to overthrow Apsu and assume power, launching Tiamat into her second, more violent stage. Many scholars view Tiamat through two phases — the nourishing, creative force, and the destructive, vengeful goddess.