Conscious Media Network
Season 2 . 46 Episodes TV-PG

Gaia is proud to host Conscious Media Network’s entire library of in-depth interviews.

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Graham Hancock on Ayahuasca (Preview)

Gaia is proud to host Conscious Media Network’s entire library of in-depth interviews. The coalescence of these two networks continues to provide our community with unparalleled transformational content, taking our viewers to the edges of consciousness and science. This curated collection is evidence of Gaia’s continuing commitment to preserve and expand CMN’s ground-breaking style of journalism.

Featuring: Graham Hancock, Stanislav Grof, Stuart Hameroff, John Demartini, John Jay Harper, Shlomo Shoham, Dr. Lorraine Day, Hank Wesselman, Da Vid, Robert Greenwald, Jacob Tietelbaum, Aaron Russo, Robert Tennyson Stevens, Robin Mastro, Michael Gelb, Hollis Polk, Scott Tips, Margaret Starbird, Stephen Bassett, Martin Gray, Ashok Gangadean, Burton Goldberg, Russel Targ, Lee Gerdes, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Deborah Koppel Mitchell, Jonathan Goldman, Peter Russell, Walter Cruttenden, Paula Petrovic, James Hutton, Jeff Meiring, Jim Hamilton, Fern Stewart Welch, Becky Natrajan, Steven Ross, Michale Hane, Byron Katie, John Anthony West, Robert Scaer, Claude Swanson, David Berceli, Ralph Ellis, Richard Hoagland
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
27 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Graham Hancock
Science journalist, Graham Hancock shares his exploration of expanded consciousness by means of the beverage Ayahuasca (the Vine of Souls).
20 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Stanislav Grof
Psychoanalyst Stanislav Grof discusses his work in expanded awareness, which began as a medical student volunteering for a new drug called LSD.
41 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Stuart Hameroff
Dr. Stuart Hameroff explains the on-board computers in our cells called microtubules, the little fields of pure potential that define and drive us. Hameroff addresses how it all works in the field of Quantum Physics and what we can take away from this knowledge.
49 mins TV-PG
Featuring: John Demartini
John Demartini, author of How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still Get to Heaven, discusses the common conflict between spirituality and wealth.
40 mins TV-PG
Featuring: John Jay Harper
Mystic John Jay Harper, author of Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century, discusses how discovering his deceased friend standing at the end of his bed at four o’clock in the morning changed his life.
47 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Shlomo Shoham
Soft-spoken Shlomo Shoham discusses his spiritual path, from his appointment as the youngest judge in Israel’s history, to developing awareness, to becoming a meditation teacher and the first Commissioner for Future Generations.
39 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr. Lorraine Day
If you have someone in your family that has a medical condition and you don’t trust what you hear, you may want to pay very close attention to this interview with Dr. Lorraine Day as she explains how she healed her cancer, herself.
55 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Hank Wesselman
In this interview, Hank Wesselman discusses how the shaman of the world can heal people of virtually every disease known to man by including the step of healing the soul.
56 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Da Vid
Da Vid discusses his early years and the formation of The Light Party.
23 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Robert Greenwald
Filmmaker Robert Greenwald discusses the making of his film, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price.
23 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jacob Tietelbaum
Suffering from fibromyalgia from birth, Dr. Jacob Tietelbaum had to find his own way to becoming pain free when he realized in his days as an intern that his colleagues couldn’t help him. Today he’s an outspoken proponent of turning to natural substances as a first approach to living without pain.
36 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Aaron Russo
Aaron Russo, writer/producer/director of the movie America: From Freedom to Fascism, discusses the history of the Federal Reserve, the true agenda of those in power, and the legality of the IRS.
37 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Robert Tennyson Stevens
Studying the language of the Hopi Indians, Robert Tennyson Stevens discovered that they had no word for now, because the Hopi live in the now. In this interview he describes how language shapes thought, which shapes reality.
25 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Robin Mastro
Robin Mastro, author of Altars of Power and Grace, discusses practical ways of creating a harmonious space for work, whether at home or in the office.
30 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Michael Gelb
In this interview, Michael tells you how you can approach life and the future from the many different angles that the master used in his own work, allowing you to ‘Think Like DaVinci’ and ‘Work Like DaVinci’, both titles of his hot selling books.
37 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Hollis Polk
Psychic Hollis Polk takes an intuitive look at our economic future.
29 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Scott Tips
In this interview, Scott Tips, a Food and Drug lawyer for over 20 years, discusses the FDA’s current and potential future power regarding supplements.
13 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Margaret Starbird
Margaret Starbird was a devout Catholic, a mother of five and a military wife when she stumbled on some literature that both frightened her and forced her to begin researching what she later referred to as “the lost story of Mary Magdelene.”
57 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Stephen Bassett
Stephen Basset discusses how the free flow of information regarding extra terrestrial presence has been forbidden in the media. Basset calls on every citizen to demand the proof of extra terrestrial life that we intuitively already know exists.
41 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Martin Gray
Traveling as a pilgrim, Martin spent twenty years visiting and photographing over 1000 sacred sites in eighty countries. Martin Gray talks about his background, education and passion behind his desire to bring these Sacred Sites to the public.
36 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ashok Gangadean
Regina Meredith and professor Ashok Gangadean discuss The World Wisdom Council, and viewing the world through different lenses.
56 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Burton Goldberg
Burton Goldberg talks about his book, Alternative Medicine, as well as the truth about mad cow disease and Alzheimer’s in the United States, how non-holistic dental work is affecting your overall health, and startling news regarding cancer.
36 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Russel Targ
Educated as a laser physicist, Russell’s life took an interesting turn when he began working at the Stanford Research Institute training remote viewing to CIA spies. Russell shares his experiences and what he learned from all those years of sitting in the dark.
42 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Lee Gerdes
Lee Gerdes has degrees in physics, mathematics, theology and psychology and happily confesses to being a geek! Now, he has combined everything he has learned in his lifetime to create a technology that, in effect, evolves our brain by creating more neural connections.
54 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jean Shinoda Bolen, Deborah Koppel Mitchell
Jean Shinoda Bolen explores the psychological, spiritual, and scientific aspects of women as collaborators for change.
52 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr. Lorraine Day
In the second part of our interview with Dr. Lorraine Day, she continues to stir the pot and reveals information that you are likely never to have heard before, concerning cancer, AIDS, bird flu, sudden infant death syndrome, vaccines and the link between abortion and breast cancer.
32 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jonathan Goldman
Jonathan Goldman is a writer, musician and teacher as well as an authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics. Wait until the end of the interview for an amazing example of healing sound when Jonathan gives us an impromptu performance!
33 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Peter Russell
Eco-philosopher Peter Russell discusses why attachment to the material world is at the root of most of our suffering.
39 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Walter Cruttenden
Walter Cruttenden, Director of the Binary Research Institute, discusses the precession of the equinox, binary stars, and the rise and fall of civilizations.
24 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Walter Cruttenden
Walter Cruttenden, Director of the Binary Research Institute, producer of The Great Year, and author of The Lost Star, discusses whether our sun is part of a binary system, and who its companion may be.
24 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Paula Petrovic
You will be pleased and surprised by how inspiring sand play is after this interview with Paula Petrovic.
58 mins TV-PG
Featuring: James Hutton
An outspoken commentator on the state of the health industry, Dr. James Hutton discusses little-known therapies such as Ultra-Violet, Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide, and comments on Vaccines, Bird Flu, Hepatitis C and other deadly diseases.
26 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jeff Meiring
Jeff Meiring was severely depressed after the death of his adopted son. In this interview Meiring shares the events that lead up to his decision to take his life, his plan to leave the pain behind, and the miraculous accidents that changed his mind.
34 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jim Hamilton
Who are visionaries? They are the people who make bold decisions, even in the worst of times. Author Jim Hamilton claims that each of us has the innate tools to become a visionary, which he says will become the difference between following others’ agendas and creating our own.
18 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Fern Stewart Welch
Fern Stewart Welch shares what she learned as she connected with her deepest being in order to understand what her beloved husband experienced as his mind and body slipped away.
35 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Becky Natrajan
As a gastroenterologist, Dr. Becky Natrajan saw patients’ health deteriorate in spite of her efforts as an MD. When a particularly frustrating patient returned after a year’s absence looking slim, vibrant and young, Dr. Natrajan decided to learn what was really needed to heal her patients.
19 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Robert Greenwald
Film producer Robert Greenwald discusses war profiteering, and the making of the film, Iraq for Sale.
52 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Steven Ross
Steven Ross discusses beauty, the feminine divine and his unique barometer on the state of a human being.
30 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Michale Hane
Michael Hane discusses the ATLASPROFILAX method of relocating the first cervical vertebra to its natural position and the profound effect it has on physical, mental and spiritual well being.
15 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Byron Katie
Byron Katie discusses self-inquiry – are our thoughts and feelings true, or just a program that we keep running, to our own detriment?
26 mins TV-PG
Featuring: John Anthony West
Author, lecturer and guide, John Anthony West, discusses the evidence that suggests the Sphinx may have been built much earlier than previously thought.
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Robert Scaer
Neurologist Dr. Robert Scaer author of The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency, discusses his book and the implications of childbirth and trauma.
21 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Claude Swanson
Physicist Claude Swanson discusses the need for humanity to reconnect spirituality with actions.
20 mins TV-PG
Featuring: David Berceli
David Berceli discusses how the body naturally discharges trauma and how we suppress this natural process due to societal pressures and cultural shame.
49 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ralph Ellis
In this first of a two-part interview, historian Ralph Ellis discusses why the Judaic culture may have stemmed from the Hyksos line of Egyptian Pharaohs.
19 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Richard Hoagland
Richard Hoagland suggests that much of what we know as the U.S.-Soviet accomplishments in space are simply a camouflage for much deeper and profound truths, truths that we need to take a look at today to avoid a potentially similar fate as those civilizations that he says have disappeared.