Tarot Reading for 2019: Ace of Wands Tarot

The Ace of Wands Meaning
“A whole new world of possibility is opening up for you. The Ace of Wands offers you encouragement to follow your heart and live your passion. Use that creative energy and passion to take the first step. Listen to your instincts and follow your gut.”
Every year we consider making a major change, but life’s many distractions can lead us astray from the goals we set for ourselves. These energetic blockages are common as of late, but now it’s time to let this be the year of opportunity.
The Ace of Wands’ love is an encouragement, an impetus, and your reason to pursue whatever it is that you have felt a calling to act upon.
It’s ok if you’re not sure what that calling is, but know that the time has come to tackle something fulfilling. The energy to start this quest in the past may have laid dormant, but now the time has come to put it to proper use.
If the task at hand seems daunting, don’t be afraid to ask for help or resources — no one is able to achieve a lofty goal all on their own. But don’t waste time, as the Ace of Wands future portends a large payoff for those who act on it.
Let 2019 be the year you explore or strengthen a spiritual practice, act on a business endeavor, or reach out to someone you’ve been wanting to cultivate a relationship with. The potential that lies within you is greater than you know, and it’s ready to be unleashed.
Videos to Boost Your Potential in the New Year
1. Ben Stewart explains how we can rise above the wanton destruction of our world and access our hidden potential. The seeds of our super-humanism have already been planted within each of us. The keys to unlocking this potential can be found within meditation and movement. This is how we can begin to decode reality, get in touch with the information from the natural world and recover optimal health.
2. Gregg Braden lays out four things we can do to adapt our lifestyles to these changing times and thrive in the world that is to come. With the ever quickening pace of life in the modern world, it can be difficult to not succumb to the temptation of ease and convenience provided by a lifestyle that would eventually prove disastrous for a healthy state of wellbeing. However, there are simple changes we can enact which will enable us to embrace these volatile times and thrive in a new world of our own conscious creating.
3. Improving self-esteem can be the secret ingredient to live life to its fullest. Elden Taylor talks about the inner talk we all have and how you can begin to shift this innermost dialogue to make a difference in your life. He offers stories of people who have primed their minds to make positive changes in their lives and explains how we can best make use of the hard-wired connection between our minds and our limitless potential.
4. For many generations, researchers have been trying to unravel the nature of human thought.
“I think, therefore I am” – but, what are thoughts? Just some fleeting void? Or a huge, scarcely researched secret of life? Plan, act, react – what lies behind the game of life? What animates and drives our thoughts, and what are the effects of thoughts?
Thoughts are invisible, but they have a great effect – evidently reaching beyond our own bodies. Through thought we influence our environment and are influenced by it. The latest research confirms what ancient wisdom told us: our responsibility also embraces the inner world. Through each decision we direct the course of our lives and decide our fate. The power of thought – the fire of the soul – makes us human.
Life Path Number: A Full Numerology Report

Numerology has been used for thousands of years to help determine meaning in the greater cosmic plan. Each letter in your name has a numeric value and each number can be reduced to a single vibration. The numeric values found in your name interact with the numbers in your birthdate to reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies. In your numerology report, your Life Path Number is perhaps the most important in determining your most fulfilling life direction. Derived from your date of birth, your life path number identifies your skills and abilities, the negative traits that you must balance, and even the motivation and purpose of your life.
Calculate your Life Path Number
Finding your Life Path Number is easy and requires only a little simple addition. Start by writing down your birthday.
In your numerology report, every meaningful number is reduced down to the vibration of a single digit. For example, 20 is reduced to 2 (2+0=2) and 31 is reduced to 4 (3+1=4). The exception to this rule is for “Master Numbers” 11 and 22. These numbers have special meaning and are never reduced when calculating your life path.