Full Blood Moon and Libra Lunar Eclipse

Full Blood Moon and Libra Lunar Eclipse

Full Moons like April 4, 2015 are a time of letting go. According to expert Jordan Danae Macbeth of Be Yoga World, “This Full Moon is known as the third of four “Blood Moons.” Also known as “The Four Horsemen” and a “Tetrad,” this is an extraordinary event that takes place every 500 years or so. According to history, every time this has occurred has been a time of HUGE change and tragedy followed by a HUGE triumph.

In addition, today is also a Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse is a powerful time to wipe our slates clean. Think of this as the ultimate cleanse!

You may want to fight and cling to what is leaving you. But the only way out is through letting go. If we want to be healthier, then we have to let go of unhealthy habits.

Being on the mat in meditation or yoga reveals what is necessary for us to evolve. We get to see where we are resistant to change, or where we doubt ourselves and hesitate, which are forms of resistance. Even when we know what we want, if we replay old patterns, we will hold ourselves back. This eclipse knows how to push our buttons, forcing us to face our insecurities and fears. While this is challenging, there is no better time than now to eliminate people and situations that are working against you.

Today, begin by saying I AM READY FOR CHANGE. Use the transformational energies of the full moon and lunar eclipse as a motivational turning point to move through your fear. Think of this as a mental and emotional cleanse to bring positive changes in your life.

Meet Your Resistance

Joseph Campbell found that there was one crucial moment in every Hero’s Journey and that is the “Call to Adventure.” This is the moment when the hero is living his or her normal life and something changes. At this moment, there is an opportunity to go on a journey.

The question is, does the hero say yes or no?

Every hero says no at first.

Why? It is simple: fear. The hero knows that if she says yes, her life will never be the same. The hero is afraid of change, afraid of risk, afraid of greatness. But being a hero means having courage and moving forward even though you are afraid.

So, consider today a call to one of the greatest adventures of your life! Love yourself, love your day, love your life! ~ Silvia

Journaling Exercises

Use the following writing prompts for your journal to get yourself thinking deeply about what it means to let go and cleanse.

  • Out of all my intentions for this year I am realizing that I need to let go of ____.
  • My fear looks like/ feel like/ acts like/reminds me of____.
  • I am afraid of____.
  • If I wasn’t afraid of what others thought, I would____.

Don’t Miss This Rare Solstice Planetary Alignment

Today marks a full planetary parade, a Cancer solstice, and the perfect time for you to expand your potential.

Here’s how you can prepare to get the most out of this rare phenomenon on June 21st the Northern Hemisphere will see the most light while the Southern Hemisphere will be at its darkest.

If we look through a telescope that night, we’ll be able to see all the planets of our solar system lining up with the Moon in between Mars and Jupiter. But starting June 24th, the Moon will be in the constellation of Taurus between Mars and Venus and will be the most beautiful day to look at the sky.

How will this celestial event impact our lives? Astrologer Mercedes Arnus Arraut weighs in on the event.

“So equinox and solstices divide the zodiac wheel into four points, which are the zero degrees of Aires, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn,” Arraut said. “When the Sun enters any of these four constellations, we have an equinox or solstice, bringing in a new season. That’s why these four zodiac signs are called cardinal signs; it’s cardinal energy bringing something new and activating areas in our life that needed action. In this case, the constellation that we’re talking about is Cancer — the energy of home. Cancer season starts on June 21st and talks about homes, safety, family, stability, protection, nurture, and what’s familiar to us — it’s our emotions. So in the upcoming three months, we can experience a renewal of all these matters, since Cancer solstice this year takes place under very dynamic energy.”

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