What is a Spirit Guide?

What is a Spirit Guide?

Many of us have experienced a spontaneous action that made no sense at the time but turned out to be exactly what was needed at the proper moment. We scratch our heads and think, “what made me do/say that?” This is an example of a spirit guide stepping in to help you in some facet of your life.

There are many types of spirit guides that are able to provide advice and assistance in any situation. Be confident that the right guide will present itself at exactly the right time in order to help you in the best way possible for your life without hurting anyone else.

Spirit guides can be labeled as Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels and Guides, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and Enlightened Beings, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, Elemental Energies (Sylphs, Undines, Salamanders, and Gnomes), or something residing upon the earth such as a tree, mountain, or body of water. Anything that holds energy has the ability to use that energy to communicate impressions, feelings, thoughts and healing.

The term spirit guide infers that these energies are positive in nature and become known to us to offer assistance in one way or another.

Guides are always there to help in any situation; implanting a thought to assist in keeping you safe and they can become a constant part of your life if you remember to ask for their help.


In the Hierarchy of Angels, the Archangels are the highest of all. They are said to be made of pure love and bring us much needed messages. Some of the better known Archangels are:

  • Archangel Ariel is Nature’s Protector and connects you to the Earth
  • Archangel Chamuel is the Nurturer, teaching self-love and love of others
  • Archangel Gabriel is the Messenger and helps you to receive clear messages
  • Archangel Michael is the Leader and aids in most everything; you can also ask him to direct you to the best Archangel to help you deal with your situation
  • Archangel Rafael is the Healer and can be called upon for any work healing mind, body and spirit
  • Archangel Uriel is the Transformer and brings truth, light and wisdom to bring about transformation
  • Archangel Zadkiel is the Forgiver bringing you the strength of compassion and forgiving

Angels and Guardian Angels

The term Angels can be any spiritual being in the angelic hierarchy. Angels communicate messages, give direction, comfort, protection and can conduct rescues. A Guardian Angel is said to be assigned to you at birth to help you throughout your lifetime; this guardian can be any Angel within the angelic hierarchy including an Archangel.


Guides are any spiritual beings that help you at any time during your life for any length of time to become a better person. Guides may present themselves when you are in a stressful situation or have been with you your entire life.


Goddesses are revered in all areas of the world in vast numbers. They offer help in a myriad of areas that affect human existence. Familiarize yourself with the goddesses that handle the particular facets of particular situations you are dealing with. A few examples are:

  • Amaterasu the Japanese Sun goddess
  • Durga, the Hindu Divine Mother
  • Fortuna, the Roman goddess of fortune
  • Freya, the Norse goddess of fertility, sexual liberty, abundance, and war
  • Gaia the Greek primordial Earth Mother
  • Isis, the Egyptian mother goddess and matron of nature, magic, and creativity
  • Quan Yin, the Chinese goddess of mercy and compassion
  • Pelé, the Hawaiian volcano goddess, both destroyer and creator
  • Sedna, Inuit goddess of the sea and queen of the underworld
  • Shekina, Hebrew goddess of compassion

Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters were enlightened beings upon earth who spiritually transformed (a.k.a., ascended). They make their presence known to us to guide us in our work to raise our vibrations in order to bring about the greater growth within ourselves. Having us become more enlightened is their goal. Aside from this they are also able to assist us when we ask for help. There are many ascended Masters who have traversed the enlightenment route through existing on earth in human form. Among the many are:

  • Babaji, the immortal master of the Himalayas promised to stay in his physical body to help all humanity after Ascension
  • Confucius, born in 551 BC, was a well-educated scholar. His teachings emphasize the growth towards perfect virtue in every thought, word and deed
  • Gautama Buddha, one of the great enlightened ones, represents wisdom energy
  • Christ Jesus, the world’s Savior and teacher, to bring peace and brotherhood
  • Maitreya embodies loving kindness and works diligently to enlighten humanity
  • Mother Mary, Mother of the World, is an ascended Master of great love, wisdom and compassion
  • Melchizedek works towards establishing heaven on earth and is said to hold the secrets of God, Universe and Earth
  • Ramtha is said to be the first human to ever ascend 35,000 years ago and now leads the teachings of Enlightenment and Ascension
  • St. Germain assists in the transformation of one’s human consciousness into the Higher Self

Shamans, Sacred Elders and Wisdom Women

Shamans, Sacred Elders, and Wisdom Women all share the energy of spirit guides who carry the knowledge of the ancients. They are more than willing to share these valuable teachings of the past to those residing in the here and now. They communicate in ceremony and storytelling is their method of teaching. Frequently, they show up asking you to understand and teach the shared information with others.


Ancestor spirit guides are connected to you through genetic memory. They can fill the role of a guardian or protector for your lifetime. Occasionally, they assist in repairing genetic scarring from an intense trauma that has persisted through the generations. This work repairs that of the past, bringing it forward into the present, and perpetuating the repair through the future.

Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals share information you need to help you balance and grow in your life. The qualities of a Spirit Animal are all the inherent attributes of the particular animal’s entire species. As you research a particular species, you understand which qualities her talents the Spirit Animal is suggesting that you adopt for your benefit in order to grow in your life.

Elemental Spirits

Elemental Spirits are said to be the spirit of things that inhabit Nature such as trees, mountains, rivers and waterfalls. All things contain energy vibrations including humans and communication with all spirit guides is accomplished through this energy. These elemental energies follow Natural Law which may be an obstacle to understanding the messages they bring. People who are extremely close to Nature are most likely those to receive messages from this group of spirit guides.

How to Connect with Spirit Guides

Learning to connect with spirit guides is similar to learning any Oracle. You must seriously invest the time and effort to broadly learn about the kinds of guides in which you were interested. Create a sacred space to use and try to keep to a consistent time of day to do this work. You can sit quietly or meditate. You can also set up a special place within your meditations in which you meet and greet your guides. Think of it as showing up for an important appointment each day. When working with Spirit Animals, Elementals or the Natural World a place out in nature may work to your advantage (example: embracing tree communication by sitting up against a tree).

Think Like an Animal

When you start communicating with spirit animals don’t approach it with a human point of view. Learn about the animal and its qualities and behaviors. Start thinking like the animal, getting familiar with how they move through their environment, what sounds they make, how they use their senses, and what skills they use. What about this animal can protect, guide, and/or teach? Once you become closely familiar with the animal(s) you will be increasingly receptive to the spirit animals’ telepathic messages. Use your inherent intuitive gifts, animals do. Remember as human beings, we are also spirit animals and have the capacity for the same power and gifts.

Show Your Dedication

As you seriously work with any type of spiritual guides to develop life balance and purpose, these guides get to know that you are serious about your personal growth. This may show up as increased communication. Spirit guide communication is a practice and your ability to listen and receive messages increases with dedication. The most common forms of communication with spirit guides are through your intuitive gifts, meditation periods, dreams and telepathy. Occasionally a ‘heads up’ shout out is given through an actual appearance. This in-depth work also makes you more aware of Spirit Messengers that show up to add a certain piece of needed information of any kind. They can show up in real life, briefly in a dream, or during a meditation.

Build Rapport

Having some background information on any spirit guide that presents itself is most helpful in building a rapport. Sitting quietly, walking in nature, or meditating are the simplest ways to connect. Have no expectations of whom or what will present itself and have patience. If nothing shows up at first persist and dedicate your time and effort, you may have to show the guide(s) that you are not here just for entertainment but are willing to accept and trust what comes through and the messages they bring. Remember: have no specific expectations.

Keep a Journal

Keep a journal to record impressions, pictures, feelings, smells, specific messages, sensations, and information of any kind that you experience. Do not analyze or judge what you get and write it down as soon as possible otherwise you may forget things the longer you wait to record it. What transpired may not make sense at first but possibly may in the future; this is why writing everything down is so important. If you ask specific questions make sure to jot it down in your journal before you start your session of attempting to contact a guide.

How to Ask Your Spirit Guide Questions

Once a guide starts coming through you can start asking specific questions. When you have established a trusting and nonjudgmental rapport with a consistent guide you can also ask if there is a guide to better assist you to answer certain questions moving forward. Your guide may answer the question itself or bring in another. Don’t try to second-guess this process. This will also help to expand your contacts within this realm of guides.

Another method is to ask to meet one of your guides just before falling off to sleep. Something may come through within your dreams. Keep paper and writing implements at the bedside to jot down anything that may have transpired in your dream state.

No matter what types of guides present themselves, remember that you have a circle of guides around you at all times to help you grow as a person. You may not be aware of them, you may not see them, but have the trust that they are there. All you have to do is have faith and ask for their help.

What Is My Spirit Animal or Totem: The Complete Guide

Embarking on a journey to uncover your spirit animal or totem guide is a fascinating exploration into the realms of self-discovery and spirituality. Rooted in Native American culture and various ancient traditions, the concept of spirit animals holds that each individual has a unique animal guide representing their inner essence and life path. This connection offers profound insights and a deeper understanding of oneself, nature, and the universe. 

In this guide, we delve into the significance of spirit animals and provide you with valuable insights on how to find, connect with, and embrace your own guiding animal spirit.

Table of Contents

What Are Spirit Animals or Totems?

Animals are ever-present in our lives, whether they’re our beloved household dog or the roaming coyote that we glimpse every now and then. Yet, we often lack an understanding of their symbolic nature and the key characteristics that define them.

Traditional shamans believe that spirit animals or totems are revealed to guide and protect their charges throughout a journey. They offer influential insights into our subconscious mind and carry meaningful messages if you are willing to listen. Your spirit animal is meant to serve as a guide and bring attention to parts of your real life that need acknowledgment and exploration.

Listening to your spirit animal‘s guidance can bring a wealth of benefits. By tapping into their wisdom, you can unlock hidden reservoirs of personal power, gaining insights into your strengths and potential. These animal messengers often offer guidance on nurturing relationships with loved ones and seizing opportunities for new beginnings. Their symbolism can illuminate your path, helping you navigate challenges and make aligned decisions that resonate with your authentic self.

How to Find Your Spirit Animal

Your spirit animal is the embodiment of your subconscious mind and, therefore, cannot be chosen. It must choose you. In most cases, your spirit animal will present itself during a time when your mind is relaxed and able to wander internally, such as during dreams or meditation. However, spirit animals may also reveal themselves in physical form, often displaying unusual behavior or showing themselves several times in short succession.

Here are different ways to find your spiritual animal:

Observe Nature

Get outside, take your headphones off, and see the abundance of the world around you. Notice the direction of the wind and the patterns of the birds above you. This step is essential in preparing you for a spirit animal connection. Your ability to find your spirit animal, and receptivity to their guidance, depends on your ability to observe the natural world and identify signs and symbols.

Take Note of Animal Encounters

Be open and attentive when animals appear in your life. Do not be afraid or dismissive. Instead, make it clear that your heart is open, especially if an animal behaves out of the ordinary. Take note of repetitive encounters with animals. Whether in physical or symbolic form, such as an object or an image. Repetition may be a sign.


Conduct a ceremony to call in your spirit animal. Ceremonies may involve the burning of medicinal plants, such as sage and palo santo, as well as chanting and creation of altars. During your ceremony, ask for your spirit animal to show itself in a vision, dream, or live form. Do not question or overthink their appearance. Rather, ask for their support and guidance.

Research Animals of Interest

Research animals that interest you. If you remember the influence of certain animals during childhood, research traditional knowledge or scientific information about that animal. Reflect on why certain animals stand out to you and try to identify traits and characteristics that resonate with you. Explore their movements, interactions with other animals, habits, and cycles.


Channel your inner guide to find your spirit animal. If a specific animal keeps coming to mind, don’t dismiss or overthink it. If it’s not what you imagined or hoped for, that animal still bears wisdom that deserves reflection. Sit with your thoughts and use your active imagination for an inward journey. Coax your animal out of your subconscious with tenderness. By opening your heart and focusing your mind, you’ll be more receptive to the energy and wisdom of your spirit animal.

Document Your Dreams

Dreams are often the subconscious mind’s way of processing complex emotions, as well as manifestations of unconscious imagery and guidance. Write down your dreams and as many details as you can remember. You might be surprised to find a reoccurring animal present. Pay close attention to the messages your dreams deliver and to the specific situations in which animals are present. Animals in dreams may symbolize deep-rooted feelings not fully acknowledged in waking hours, a feeling that you find “wild” or hard to control, and/or your most basic instincts and emotions.


Embrace the process of journeying. The shamanic tradition believes that journeying allows you to view your life from a deeply connected and spiritual state, often revealing your true inner self. Once you find your spirit animal, your journey together begins. Study your spirit animal and its core traits and characteristics. Reflect on why this particular animal chose you and how your spirit animal connects to your own personal experiences.

Express Gratitude

Your spirit animal is a powerful ally. Always thank your spirit animal for their guidance and support. They may help you navigate life, to transform, and to see your experiences and relationships in a new light; in turn, express your recognition and deepest thanks. Like any relationship, a spirit animal connection requires cultivation.

How Do You Know Your Animal Spirit Guide is Around You?

By becoming familiar with the archetypal traits and behaviors your spirit guide embodies, you’ll start to understand which signs you should look out for to know when it’s around you. When you invoke your spirit guide through meditation, mindfulness, or prayer you can ask for it to show a sign. You can also set an intention for your dreams before bed to encourage your spirit guide to show itself to you and provide guidance.

Sometimes signs of your animal spirit guide may be subtle, presenting itself to you in more of a symbolic form, while other signs may be more blatant physical forms. Spending more time in natural environments will undoubtedly help you connect with your spirit guide. Disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with the Earth is necessary to establish this bond.

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