How to Invite Angels Into Your Home

What we generally think of as angels has a lot of discussion surrounding them. From the angels of Judeo-Christian faith to angels perceived in New Age thought, they have been around for a long time, regardless of if people envision them with wings and halos or as simple ethereal spirits. The simplest definition of an angel is a supernatural being or spirit, benevolent or otherwise, and many hold the belief that they are willing to work with us, guide us, and even be part of our homes. They are said to be ever-present and always interacting with our lives, even if we can’t see them.
Whether or not you’re ready to change your lifestyle, philosophy, or religion, it doesn’t hurt to invite some loving, positive energy into your home. You can try these steps to inviting angels into your own home. This is a learning process, so be patient and don’t be discouraged if you don’t encounter immediate results.
Accept and Believe
You can’t meet your angels unless your heart is open to them. Think about angelic beings throughout your day and see where your heart is in relation to them or any angelic experiences you may have had without realizing it. You don’t have to have zero doubt or skepticism, but make sure cynicism won’t cloud your experience.
Set the Stage
Decide on a room in your house that you will be using for this process and get it ready. You may want to light some scented incense, candles, and play some relaxing music. Set up a cozy place for you to sit (but not too cozy—don’t fall asleep!). You want to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible so that you aren’t distracted from the process, but make sure you’re able to focus your mind, as well.
Get Your Heart Ready
It’s time for some peace and quiet. You’re going to be accessing your chakras, so get yourself ready. The chakra you’re going to be centering on is your heart center or the fourth chakra. This is where you can access your deep peace and abundance of inner light. Make sure to visualize it as you would when you align your chakras and zoom in on your heart.
Now, focus your mind on the light in your heart. Visualize yourself being enveloped in its warm rays, and feel it in your physical body as warmth and a feeling of love and peace. You should experience a sense of joy, and all your worries, fears, and doubts should melt away. After you sense this, grab onto the sense of unconditional love and hold on to it.
Communicate With Them
This may include requesting their blessings, unconditional love, and their guidance. You can talk to them quietly or loudly, but make sure you speak verbally and let them know that you believe in them. Other things you can say to them are thanking them for their ever-present love and service. Let them know how important they are to you, even if you aren’t thinking about them all the time in your life. Angels are beings of love and peace, so make sure you reciprocate these kindnesses by sending them some positive, encouraging love of your own.
The trick to finding your angels is quieting your thoughts. Try to keep your mind centered on only one thing, and seek the frequency on which they exist, which is the one of love, peace, and comfort.
You can also tell the angels what you are struggling with, or what is challenging your life. Their limits aren’t like ours, so they will understand anything you have to share. When you’re all done, make sure you express your thankfulness and gratitude for the quiet time.
As you get more experienced with the angels, it’s important to note that there are different roles they have, such as angels of joy, of love, of faith, of hope, of comfort, of healing. Regardless of which you desire for your home, the important part is to have faith and be open, and know that they will come and share their pure vibrations with humanity.
How to Connect with Your Ancestors Spiritually Through Ceremony

The desire to communicate with our ancestors is an innate part of the human experience. We intuitively sense their presence in our wisdom bodies, and it begs the question: can we communicate with them?
Through daily prayer, meditation, creation of art, music, food, and ceremony, the ancestor spirits can communicate, guide, protect, and heal the living. Ancestral communication has been a spiritual practice in every wisdom tradition throughout time. Your ability to connect with your ancestors is always available.
In particular, the days on and around October 31 to November 2 are a transformational portal on the wheel of life. It’s the mid-point between fall and winter, the death and dying season. Therefore, it’s a powerful time to communicate with one’s deceased family members. Read on and receive intuitive guidance on how to create a beautiful ceremonial journey to communicate with your ancestors.
The Traditions of Ancestral Communication
Ancestral communication is an ancient and daily practice found in many cultures around the world, including Mayan, Celtic, Aborigine, Native American, Ancient Greece, Ancient Eurasia, African Tribal, Tibetan, and the Vedic/Yogic traditions. Some major religions, such as the Catholic faith, honor the deceased on All Saints Day and All Souls Day with prayers, candles, incense, chanting, ceremony, and offerings. In Mexico, they celebrate the Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos). In the Celtic tradition, Samhain observes the transition time between the two worlds.
In our culture, we are familiar with Halloween or All Hallows Eve. However, much of the essence and spiritual wisdom connected to these ceremonial days – meant to honor and communicate with one’s ancestors – has been lost.
Through ancestral communication, you’re able to open your heart, experiencing a deeper love within yourself, due to the connection you have with your family tree. Through this practice, people have been able to reconcile deep wounds and karmic patterns that stem back from past life trauma and even issues between the deceased and living families.
Ancestral work can transform the karmas of past generations, as well as work into the current and future generations for healing.
Halloween and The Day of the Dead
These two celebrations are traditionally considered ceremonial days and nights to honor and communicate with one’s ancestors. This is a time to create family altars, perform ceremonies with the ancestors, and lay out offerings of flowers, incense, crystals, art, and food. Halloween or All Hallows Eve literally means Holy Night or All Saint’s Night. It is a time to honor and communicate with those who have taken their spirit walk, ancestors, and the holy or saintly ones. The Day of the Dead maintains the spiritual essence of ceremony, honor, and communication in the deeper regions of Mexico.
Imagine dozens of families from surrounding villages joyfully creating altars, cooking and sharing food, lighting candles, putting up photos of their deceased, and playing music all around the central plaza. It is a very moving experience that observers can truly feel through their intentions and offerings to their familial ancestors.
Elements of these beautiful ceremonies and altar practices can be observed in our modern Halloween by way of candles in jack-o-lanterns, candy offerings, and festivities. If you choose, you can mindfully reconnect to these veneration practices while the veil between the two worlds is open this time of year.