Matías De Stefano’s Initiation Atlantis and The Creation of Races

Matías De Stefano’s Initiation Atlantis and The Creation of Races

Matías De Stefano was born in Argentina, with the ability to connect to other worlds from a very young age. As a sensitive and aware, 3-year old Indigo Child, Matías could see and illustrate etheric beings and connect with channels of enlightened information. 

Magical, open, and curious, Matias was committed to developing his connection to the sensitive, electric strands of creation throughout his early years.

In Initiation Season 2, Matías discusses the origins of Earth, its many early inhabitants, and gives powerful and practical insights for achieving harmony as a species on this planet.

He is even able to describe the early, Earthly giants, known as the Nemnir, who once inhabited our planet’s north and south poles. 

As part of his core curriculum, Matías poses a variety of questions for his fans and followers to answer, including:

“What is the purpose of my life?

What role do I fulfill in the whole of humanity?

What importance do I have in this Universe, even though I’m so small?”

Matias has also suggested that while we have learned many tools, including our language and thinking skills, a life purpose should not require so much effort. It should come from the joy within our beings. 


We Are Multidimensional

In his Initiation series, Matias helps us discover the mysterious origins of the species on our planet so we can take our rightful place among the Universe’s multi-dimensional beings, while helping us uncover a deeper purpose for humanity. He guides us towards a more harmonious way to live and exist between all the multi-dimensional beings bound to this world.

It’s no secret he has high hopes for humanity and the beautiful creatures on Planet Earth. 


Matias describes emotions as the ways through which we record information, not only within ourselves but within the Akashic Records.

“Emotions are energy in motion. When the flow of positive and negative energy moves through our bodies, they create pulses that make the consciousness be aware of the universe transforming within, and that’s what we call emotions.” —Matias De Stefano 

The Grand Experiment

Throughout Earth’s history, several evolved beings have inhabited the planet. In partnership with other 4th and 5th dimensional beings, most sought to help thrust the DNA of the planet toward a sustainable existence. This notion is a major theme in the series.


Matias has described polarity as a tool for our evolution. By polarizing, these two forces must negotiate for the position, and in doing so, they give birth to new ideas and pathways. Throughout the ages, this polarity battle has also given rise to a wide variety of human races and species, each of whom has inched humanity toward expansion. 

In other words, with polarity comes innovation, life, and evolution. According to Matias, without polarity, we might never have been able to create, reproduce, or even exist. The process of evolution only happens through the constant movement of the positive and negative forces.

The Giants – The Nemnir

According to Matías, these giant beings arrived on earth and settled mostly in the frozen northernmost areas of the planet. These massive beings began vibrationally coding the ice through deep chanting.  This would then store information in the ice to slowly be released into the blood of the planet, which is the water. 

They used the ice throughout the north as storage areas. They were also the gatekeepers of the pathways to the inner dimensions of the planet. Over time, they traveled to other parts of the planet, which is when they met the newly arriving and birthing human beings. 

As time passed, these Giants would isolate, take care of the ice records and travel channels, and generally refrain from interacting with society. While this remained the way for some time, some early humans eventually would interact with them for guidance. Over time, like all species that aren’t born on planet Earth, the quickly evolving surface of the planet forced them into the underground tunnels of inner earth.

Reptilians – Soffhir

With yellow eyes and lizard-like features, Reptilians did not create culture and societies like human beings. Like the Giants, they hid in the caves and became teachers of humanity. Like the Giants, they were reclusive and became teachers to  humanity

”Due to the natural ability of women to bring the spiritual world into matter by giving birth, reptilians realized that women had a heightened understanding of alchemy and the universe. As a result of their teachings, women became shamans to help the evolution of humanity.Matias De Stefano

As cold-blooded creatures, they understood how to handle their emotions and the flowing energies within their physical forms. This is something that we humans find it difficult to master. With regard to emotions, the Reptilians were the masters. 

The Serpent and The Feminine

This is why the snake and dragon are found throughout the planet’s early cultures, from the sacred snake of the Amazon, the snakes that the Kings and Queens of Egypt deified, the powerful dragons of China, the Kundalini snake of India, and the spirit-snake found in the etchings of ancient, outback Australia. These beautiful creatures were the symbol of enlightenment and expansion.

Even early Christianity, before the power-seekers, came to contrive and rule the religion, gave importance to reptiles through stories of the serpent. 

Moving through our chakras and bringing us life, the serpent represents femininity and fertility. Because of this ability, men began fearing the serpent and oppressing the feminine. These men truncated the flow of truth from the heavens and removed The Goddess from the narrative, even though She gave birth to our planet and all Beings. 

As all the Rishis, great Sadhus, sages and enlightened masters have said, God is mostly feminine. While it is the feminine energy that drives creation, it is the serpent that moves life throughout all the fibers of the Universe. 

Reptilian energies are strong and powerful and still vibrate through each living Being on Earth. The powerful intentions they infused into our natures are laced with survival instincts and sealed into our DNA. This is the eager, striving, proactive, energetic engine that continually thrusts us forward. 

Matías the Anti-Guru

The teachings of Matias De Stefano are structured and formulated for easy and relatable consumption. Even though he challenges some of today’s more popular notions found within the most addictive New-Age theories, he grounds it all with clear descriptions, relatable connective tissue, and a loving tone. This is how the most engaging sages and successful storytellers win hearts. 

Since many of today’s spiritually inclined YouTube stars are overly slick, it’s sometimes difficult to absorb their messages. With Matías, there’s more transparency, and a bundle of openness, kindness, and hope. Overall, Matías’ narrative is infused with goodness, providing a helpful reframe for many themes we’ve been ingesting for years. 

This profound, likable, and bilingual teacher has a global following and regularly streams continuous messages via every social media outlet possible. He’s organized multiple, massive events and teaches throughout the world on a variety of topics, most importantly, the awakening of consciousness. 

Gifted, sweet, and upbeat, Matías seems destined for greatness – or at the very least unbridled, colossal popularity. Check out Season 2 of Initiation on Gaia – it’s wonderful.

Exploring the Ancient Pyramids of the World

If there is one structure that still gives rise to great amounts of interest, speculation and awe, it’s the ancient pyramids.

Oftentimes when we think of the pyramids, we concentrate our attention on the most famous –– the Egyptian pyramids so often featured in movies and travel magazines.

But there are actually many more pyramid locations other than Egypt, including Central America, China and beyond. You may be surprised by the varied places you can find pyramids across the world –– including underwater.

By delving into more pyramid facts, we can unlock more information and understanding about these sizable structures, their prominence throughout the world, and even their relevance for those throughout the world.

What Exactly is a Pyramid?

While you may have initially learned about the pyramid shape in geometry class, architectural pyramids are a bit more complex.

Generally the shape of pyramids include at least three outer triangular surfaces which join together at a point at the top, with the base being any number of shapes with multiple sides. This means that the base of a pyramid could be a square or other polygon.

Pyramids were generally built this way in order to distribute the majority of the weight closer to the ground, meaning less pressure coming from the top. This also allowed the builders of the pyramid to more easily constrict the structures using dry stone construction.

Pyramids in Ancient Civilizations

While the general pyramid structure generally remains the same, each civilization that constructed pyramids did so in a slightly different way. Let’s take a look at a few of the civilizations that lay claim to impressive ancient pyramids, and why each one is worth a closer look.


The three famous ancient pyramids found in Egypt are what most people think of when they think of the pyramids. Current Egyptologists believe the Great Pyramid was constructed for Pharaoh Khufu, and is situated the furthest north.

Said to have been constructed in 2551 B.C., it used to measure about 147 meters, it now stands at around 137 meters, and contains more than 2 million blocks. The Great Pyramid was deemed one of the Seven Wonders of the World by the Greeks, and is the only one that has survived to the present day.

Another one of the over 100 pyramids in Egypt is the Pyramid of Djoser, built for his namesake the Pharaoh as a mausoleum. This pyramid is more of a step pyramid design, which involved six successively smaller layers and a flat top.

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