Deeper Space: Episode 5

Deeper Space: Episode 5
Antigravity and flight has always propelled the efforts of artists and visionaries. In episode 5 of Deep Space, researchers discuss the life and work of artist Charles A. A. Dellschau and inventor T. Thompson Brown. These individuals were not well known in the mainstream but demonstrated unique perspectives and insights that still intrigue antigravity researchers and conspiracy theorists today.
Is there a connection between an artist and a scientist that, when their stories are combined, uncovers the hidden history of antigravity? Did an artist’s eye and an under-the-radar scientist create the foundation for the field of antigravity? Let your imagination take flight through this portrait of an artist and a scientist.
“Aeroplanes are not designed by science but by art in spite of some pretence and humbug to the contrary. I do not suggest that engineering can do without science, on the contrary, it stands on scientific foundations, but there is a big gap between scientific research and the engineering product which has to be bridged by the art of the engineer.”
::John D. North, “The Case for Metal Construction” (1923)
Secrets of Anti-Gravity
New research is bringing to light that German scientists have been researching anti-gravity technology for over 150 years. Now we can finally understand the science behind the anti-gravity systems used for the German Haunebu craft and other vehicles in the secret space programs.
Prussian born outsider artist Charles August Albert Dellschau (1830-1923) immigrated to Texas at age 19. Trained as a butcher and Confederate soldier, Dellschau became a self-taught artist and draughtsman who created hundreds of detailed watercolors of flying craft which ranged from the realistic to the fantastic. In the 1850s, the artist became affiliated with the mysterious Sonora Aero Club. This fraternity from Sonora, California participated in the balloon hysteria of the time.
In Western Europe, military personnel and civilians designed, built, and flew hydrogen air balloons. Of these revolutionary flying craft, few flew and many died. Dellschau’s actual involvement with the California Aero Club remains somewhat tenuous considering the lack of records connecting the two parties. It may be possible his Prussian heritage united him with what would have been a Eurocentric elite group experimenting with air travel.
Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin and UFOs
Who was Ben Rich and what did he say about UFOs? Controversy surrounds this legendary Lockheed Martin Director who publicly commented on the Secret Space Program.
The nature of Dellschau’s work suggests however, his encounter with flying airships to be purely imagined. The paintings, which comprise 12 codices, are so fantastic that it is unlikely they portray any accurate representation of primitive flying technology.
Image courtesy of
Dellschau’s work has been compared to other early outsider painters such as Swiss Adolf Wölfli (1864-1930) in terms of color, composition, and use of motifs such as the Mandala. Like Wölfli, and other untrained painters, Dellschau reached his creative peak in middle age. The Prussian born artist created perhaps a thousand watercolors depicting flying craft, air balloons, engines, generators, and both real and imagined antigravity technology.
Image courtesy of
Often, Charles sketched the apparatuses, or as he called “aeros,” as annotated bisections with accompanying newspaper clippings and other multimedia. Dellschau worked in collage several decades before Pablo Picasso invented the artistic medium as it is understood today. Pieced together, the pasted fragments of newspaper documented one individual’s understanding of the Great 1897 Airship mystery, an early UFO phenomenon.
This artist and his work came very close to being completely forgotten. In 1968, an antique dealer named Fred Washington discovered pages of Dellschau’s portfolio flying out of a truck on its way to the local dump. Washington loaned selected works to a local university for a public exhibition. After seeing the watercolors and collaged works at the exhibition and researcher P.G. Navarro became obsessed with Charles A. A. Dellschau and devoted most of his life to studying the artist’s life. After careful inspection Navarro discovered a hidden Code within Dellschau’s oeuvre.
Strange symbols resembling Greek and Roman letters can be found interwoven between misspelled English and German text. Navarro discovered that Dellschau used a simple cypher, and that the recurring symbols, “ĐM=XØ” translates to NYMZA. In consideration of the consistent design and repetition throughout the 12 books it would appear contextually that NYMZA would be the acronym and logo for a secret group.
The Secret Space Program is shrouded in mystery, but information from government whistleblowers, intelligence operatives and former astronauts has been surfacing for decades. Here are the key terms, events and people you should know about.
”At Caltech I failed in Chemistry and Physics! My other grades were good. Reason I failed – I disagreed with the policies of the Institution limiting time spent on experiments in the laboratory. As soon as I’d get my experiment set up, the bell would ring and I would have to disassemble everything. I never could finish an experiment. That’s when I became determined to have the lab at home, where I could take my time and do the kind of job I felt should be done.”
American inventor Thomas Townsend Brown Or T. Townsend Brown (1905-1985) discovered an electrogravitic phenomenon known as the “Biefeld-Brown Effect.” In sum, when two electrodes of unequal size are powered with a high voltage between them, air molecules become ionized near the sharp points and edges of the electrodes. An ionic wind is generated, which transfers its momentum to the surrounding neutral particles.
According to scientist Dr. Richard Boylan, the most primitive antigravity technology is Electrogravitic: “This involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field.” This is relevant to the work of T. Thompson Brown. In this episode of Deep Space, physicist and astronomer Paul LaViollete summarizes the seed of Brown’s research in this field, so to speak: “It is true there is a correlation between charge and gravity… If you can create what is called unbalanced forces on the capacitor, the charge on one side of the capacitor pushes on the capacitor one way a different amount than the other charge pushes the other way.”
This may be a simple concept to grasp, but as David Wilcock posits, this fact of physics has been too often occluded: we should not be made to believe that “gravity is one thing and electromagnetic energy is something else.” Researchers such as Boylan believe that electrogravitic technologies power military aircraft such as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft.
Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev and the Mystery of Torsion Fields
Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev’s research on torsion fields influenced theories of time and space. Learn about torsion physics and how your emotions may directly impact time.
In addition to electrogravitic technology, antigravity craft can also employ magnetogravitic properties. Magnetogravitic antigravity involves generating high-energy Torsion fields spun at high RPMs which disrupts the surrounding gravitational field. The generated force counters that of the Earth’s gravitational field. It is torsion flields that constitute the basis of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev’s work and possibly the antigravitational properties powering the Nazi Bell or Die Gloke.
According to Boylan, a third method “is direct generation and harnessing of the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends slightly beyond the atomic nucleus of Element 115 . . . by amplifying that exposed gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from Earth.” Element 115, also known as Ununpentium, is a superheavy synthetic element that could only naturally occur in a double star solar system. This discovery suggests that early antigravity technology using this element would likely be of extraterrestrial origin.
Antigravity technology offers many advantages to the modern world, including the promise of clean energy. However, it’s use may diminish the powerful hold major corporations have on energy markets. Freedom of technology, just like freedom of information, potentially threatens the global elite, the richest of the rich, and could disrupt the current status of international superpowers. Uncover more about the hidden history of antigravity technology on Deep Space: pay close attention as the merging of art and science may continue to unveil answers critical to the future of humankind. Misinformation abounds and it is up to you, dear reader, to seek the truth.
Explore the following titles for more information on Charles A.A. Dellschau, airships, and Thomas Townsend Brown:
- Baker-White, Tracy. “Flight or fancy? The secret life of Charles AA Dellschau.” FOLK ART 25, no. 3 (2000): 46-54.
- Busby, Michael. Solving the 1897 Airship Mystery. Pelican Publishing, 2004.
- LaViolette, Paul A. Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology. Inner Traditions/Bear & Co, 2008.
- Schatzkin, Paul. Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown. Embassy Books, 2009
Nemesis Star Theory; Does the Sun Have an Evil Twin?

Many people remain anxious about the threat posed from a hidden nemesis planet, known as Nibiru, that has been prophesied to collide with Earth. Though many of the proposed dates for this collision have come and gone, there is another celestial body that may be more likely to lead to an apocalyptic event: The Nemesis Star.
The Nemesis Star Theory
Binary star systems occur frequently and are actually more common than single stars. At least that’s what we thought, until a recent hypothesis proposed the possibility that every star starts out as a binary pair or multi-pair system. While the theory hasn’t been confirmed, there is significant evidence that our Sun likely has a twin, an evil twin.
The majority of stars in the galaxy are red dwarfs, which are a fifth of the size of the sun and up to 50 times fainter. These types of stars are pretty commonly paired with another star in a binary system, leading astronomers to believe that Nemesis would be the Sun’s red dwarf star companion. But due to the small size and faintness of these stars, they can be hard to find, making Nemesis all the more elusive.

binary stars courtesy
This star is thought to be responsible for 12 cyclical extinction events on Earth, including the one that killed the dinosaurs. The Nemesis Star Theory’s roots can be traced to two paleontologists, David Raup and Jack Sepkoski, who noticed that there was a periodicity to major die-outs throughout Earth’s history, occurring in 26 million year intervals. This led to a number of astrophysicists and astronomers, postulating their own Nemesis Star hypotheses.
So how would the sun’s twin be responsible for mass extinctions? The Nemesis Star Theory proposed the idea that the Earth’s binary twin must be in a large 1.5 light-year orbit, retaining just enough gravitational pull between it and the Sun so as not to drift off. But the issue with the orbit of Nemesis is the possibility that it occasionally passes through a cloud of icy debris on the fringe of our solar system, known as the Oort Cloud.
Don’t Perturb the Oort
The Oort Cloud is a theoretical sphere that is believed to orbit our solar system, consisting of planetesimals, the small icy building blocks of planets, comets, and asteroids. These planetesimals are sticky and collide with each other until they become large enough to have a significant gravitational pull, eventually becoming as large as a moon or a planet. They also create asteroids and comets which can be knocked out of orbit and sent hurtling toward the center of the solar system, crashing into planets.
There is a binary star system that once passed close enough to nearly perturb the Oort, and it was likely visible from Earth. Scholz’s Star made a flyby some 70,000 years ago, at a distance of 50,000 astronomical units (AU), with one AU being the distance from Earth to the Sun. The Oort is thought to extend from anywhere between 5,000 and 100,000 AUs and is believed to contain up to two trillion celestial objects. Astronomers are 95% certain that Shulz’s star passed within half of a light-year of us, possibly perturbing the Oort, though apparently not enough to cause a mass extinction event.
Comets are believed to exist within the Oort and are the product of a thief model, a give-and-take of celestial bodies between stars when they’re formed. In this process, comets get pulled back and forth between the gravitational field of stars. It was for this reason that the Oort was theorized, due to the number of comets coming from it, there had to have been a sibling star that pulled them out to the Oort.

The Oort courtesy of
Astronomers also found a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, a region just before the Oort that also contains icy, celestial bodies. This planet, named Sedna, orbits the Sun in a long, drawn-out elliptical path and is one of potentially hundreds. Sedna may help to explain the Nemesis star theory, in that its far-flung orbit was likely caused by our Sun’s twin, pulling it out as it drifted off into the depths of space. Imagine if instead of 9 planets in our solar system, there were a few hundred?
So where is this Nemesis star? Several years ago, the E.U. launched the wonderfully named, Gaia satellite, to map out the stars in the Milky Way and look specifically at stars that have had a close encounter with our solar system or that might come close in the future. But whether or not Nemesis will be found is unknown; it’s possible that it could make a return for the next mass extinction, or it is possible that it drifted off, perturbing the Oort of another star.