Scientists Make New Discovery in Efficacy of Sound Healing

Exciting new research and cutting-edge technologies show just how powerful sound, vibration, and frequency are in facilitating healing and expansion of consciousness.
Sound has been used for millennia as a powerful tool for physical healing and spiritual awakening. Today, new research into the science of sound, as well as emerging technologies to deliver personalized sound healing, has revolutionized the ancient practice.
Dr. Jeffrey Thompson is a renowned sound healer who has, over the last 40 years, pioneered a range of remarkable discoveries in the field. He explains how our connection to sound begins before birth.
“My total experience in the womb, and for all of us, is baptized by sound and vibration. My ears are hearing it, and the largest sensory organ of my body, my skin, is feeling it. That’s my whole experience for nine months. I think that’s why sound is the most powerful clinical tool; sound is bigger and more powerful than all of them,” Thompson said.
The mechanism by which sound brings about physical healing has been studied for decades and is continually being refined by new scientific findings.
“When a cell goes into a healing response, it increases its metabolism and its intake of food, expelling of waste, and rebuilding of tissue, so it’s raising its energy up. Sound waves can raise it to its highest possible potential that is way higher than the cell can do on its own, so we’ve just created a super-healing state,” he said.
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How Sage And Similar Herbs Help Us Extinguish Toxins And Heal

Nature has given us an abundance of healing plants and minerals, more than we’ll ever need. The Earth, which also sources life from its sister realms, is flush with life. We have yet to discover some of its most unique lifeforms. If we’re conscious and proactive, we can continue to benefit from the ancient plant knowledge that is still accessible to us.
The premise is simple: we can restore ourselves using tinctures, herbs, and supplements born from the Earth’s wildlife. Whether it’s to remove toxins, treat organs, extinguish tumors, or find a more profound peacefulness, the trees, plants, flowers, and shrubs nearest to you might hold the secrets to your recovery and detoxification. At the very least, they might expunge some of the toxins that negatively impact our minds, hearts, and immune systems.Â
Living on Earth is not easy. Society has developed in such a way that it has become a complex contradiction. It builds infrastructures that support living, but it rarely nurtures or promotes life. To counterbalance this, we can foster a symbiotic connection with nature, not only to extract medicinal value but to create mindful bridges. You might consider caressing your favorite plant, cleaning her leaves with love, and verbally telling her how much you love her. Also, when you see a little creature flying in the sky, pour your heart toward his soul.
“There’s an herb for every system, every organ, every gland, and every tissue of your body. Mother nature has put medicine in our food.” — Bob MarleyÂ
While we might be limited in a variety of ways, all lifeforms can find power by uniting, protecting, and feeding each other. It’s in this way that the herbs growing on our planet are reaching out to us. They are the embodiment of life’s desire to expand and connect. They rise toward the sun with one mission: serve all life and give all living-Beings what they need to live, thrive, heal, and survive.Â
Here are some of the most potent and nutritious herbs, in various forms, that can help you relax, extinguish toxins, and heal what ails you: