Are White Holes Real And Can They Connect to Parallel Universes?

What Are White Holes?
When Stephen Hawking proposed the idea that a black hole will eventually evaporate by leaking radiation from its event horizon, there was a problem. If it evaporates, what happens to all of the information it sucked in? If quantum theory is correct, this would defy a fundamental law that information cannot be lost – it’s called the no-hiding theorem.
With the no-hiding theorem, if information is missing from one system, then it must simply be residing somewhere else in the universe – a cosmic game of hide-and-seek. So theoretically, if information is getting sucked in, it must be getting spat back out somewhere, and likely that’s through a white hole. But is it really possible that white holes exist?
One way to conceptualize this in a very basic mathematical sense is to think about the square root of 9. The answer is both 3 and -3. This is fundamentally part of what’s known as Schwarzchild geometry, the formulae used in general relativity to describe the gravitational field outside a spherical mass.
Just like the color black is the opposite of white, the white hole is the opposite of a black hole in every way. Light cannot escape a black hole, so light cannot enter a white hole. This would obviously make a white hole incredibly bright, and some quantum physicists believe that maybe some of the light in the universe we thought was coming from supernovae, may actually be from white holes.
Physicists also believe this concept could be germane when talking about the big bang and how our universe came into existence. They believe it’s possible that at the moment of creation, everything was expelled from a massive white hole on an incredibly large scale.
The premise of white holes is based on a theory positing that space-time is made of granular building blocks that can be quantified. This quantification comes in the form of loops, almost like little threads that are of a finite size – so finite they cannot be subdivided any further. To a viewer these loops would be make space-time appear to be smooth and continuous, but their granular nature would prevent highly dense bodies like neutron stars from collapsing into a point of infinite density.
So, in the case of black holes, these incredibly finite loops would prevent a collapse into infinity, but eventually the loops would only be able to compress to a certain point, until they exert an outward pressure, almost like a spring. This is referred to as quantum bounce, a rebound from a black hole ingesting everything into a white hole expelling everything.
Many argue, however, that white holes are theoretically impossible because they violate the second law of thermodynamics, stating that entropy cannot decrease in a system. But it depends on how one looks at entropy, with some physicists saying it refers to disorder, while others say it refers to information used to describe a system, and an argument over semantics ensues.
White Holes and Wormholes
So, if a black hole is sucking in all of this information and a white hole is spitting it out somewhere, mustn’t there be something connecting the two? A wormhole perhaps? Maybe.
The aforementioned Schwarzchild geometry implies that a wormhole would connect a black hole and white hole with two distinct universes connected at their horizons, also known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge.
Unforunately, these wormholes would be highly unstable if they were even possible. It would also be impossible, with physics as we know it, for one to pass through a wormhole into another universe (also theoretical) due to a number of pesky things like being spaghettified when passing through a black hole’s event horizon before being compressed at the singularity. Though you might at least get to see some distorted light from the parallel universe on the other side.
But since this is mostly theoretical, there are always theoretical solutions, like using exotic matter to stabilize a wormhole. Exotic matter has negative mass and positive surface pressure. This would keep the throat of the wormhole stable, while also preventing it from collapsing. This could hypothetically allow for travelers to pass through.
Will we ever figure out if wormholes exist and whether they can be used for time travel or inter-dimensional travel? Or have we already?
Five Things You Didn’t Know About White Holes
- Scientists believe they may have witnessed a white hole when a sudden burst of white light appeared out of nowhere and then vanished. Unfortunately, there haven’t really been any other similar events recorded to study.
- In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy the people from the planet Magrathea create luxury planets for the galaxy’s richest people from the matter retrieved from white holes.
- Some have theorized that instead of a wormhole connecting two points in space, it could connect two points in time. This connection between a black hole and a white hole could potentially allow for time travel if one could stabilize said wormhole.
- White holes are essentially time-reversed black holes containing a singularity existing in the past.
- In the ‘70s, Stephen Hawking said black and white holes absorb and emit the same amount of radiation when they are in thermal equilibrium, making them indistinguishable. According to physicist Stephen Hsu, when a white hole is in isolation surrounded by empty vacuum space, it’s not in equilibrium, meaning it has nothing to absorb. This forces it to explode and release a large amount of thermal energy – what Hsu calls ‘quasithermal energy.’
Ancient Symbols of Protection from Cultures Around the World

Throughout human history, people have searched for ways to safeguard themselves from negative energy, evil spirits, and other forces beyond their control. Across different cultures, ancient symbols of protection emerged to provide guidance, comfort, and spiritual protection. These protection symbols often reflect humanity’s close relationship with nature, the divine, and the mysteries of existence. They have appeared across continents, in various belief systems—from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Celts to Native Americans, Vikings, Pagans, Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Each carries its own story and context, offering not only a symbol of protection against evil forces but also a source of good fortune, positive energy, and well-being in daily life.
If you feel drawn to these powerful protection symbols, it can be overwhelming to understand their origins and meanings. By exploring their cultural contexts and historical significance, you can discover which ancient protection symbols resonate most with you, whether you seek a protective amulet, a talisman, or a sacred sigil to incorporate into your spiritual practice.
Native American Protection Symbols
Native American tribes traditionally embraced ancient symbols of spiritual protection connected to the natural world. Animal totems, for example, represent protective powers derived from the wearer’s guardian spirit. Some of the most common animal symbols include:
- Bear: Represents leadership, physical strength, courage, and the ability to face challenges head-on.
- Crow: Embodies wisdom, intelligence, and keen awareness.
- Eagle: A revered bird symbolizing courage, wisdom, and strength; it also connects the earthly realm to the divine.
- Deer: Offers guidance to safety, gentleness, prosperity, and shelter.
- Gila Monster: Portrays preservation, resilience, and survival.
- Dragonfly: A sign of happiness, speed, and purity, often seen as a symbol of positive transformation.
- Lightning (Thunderbird): Associated with a legendary spirit of power, rain, and renewal.
In addition to animal totems, other Native American symbols provide spiritual protection:
- Arrows: These can signify defense, direction, and the warding off of evil spirits. An arrow pointing to the left often signals protection, while a downward-facing arrow can represent peace. Arrowheads carry protective properties, symbolizing alertness and focus.
- Cacti: Embody warmth, endurance, and maternal love, persisting even in harsh conditions.
- Drums: Used in sacred ceremonies to communicate with the Great Spirit, invoking divine protection.
- Eagle Feathers: Central to rituals and prayer, representing truth and spiritual activation.
- Medicine Bags: Typically made of animal hide and containing items like sage, tobacco, minerals, or a pipe, these bags were believed in ancient times to offer divine protection and good luck, especially in battle.
Ancient Egyptian, Celtic, Christian, and Greek Protection Symbols
Ancient Egypt, Greece, Celtic lands, and early Christian societies also developed significant ancient protection symbols. Within these various cultures, certain motifs recur, bridging continents and belief systems:
- The Cross: While often associated with the Christian faith, the cross also appears in many contexts. The ancient Egyptian symbol known as the ankh signifies eternal life and spiritual reflection. In Greek traditions, a cross represents the four directions and natural balance, much like in Native American symbolism.
- Eyes: In Egyptian culture, the Eye of Horus—an ancient Egyptian symbol resembling the right eye of the falcon god Horus—represents healing, protection, and the harmonizing of masculine and feminine energies. Similarly, the Eye of Ra symbolizes cosmic order and the sun’s protective force. Across cultures, the eye often appears as a symbol of protection—for example, the evil eye, a belief found in the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and beyond. Depictions like the nazar (a blue-eye-shaped amulet) are used to ward off evil forces and bad luck.
- The Hamsa Hand: Originating in the Middle East, North Africa, and regions influenced by Islamic and Jewish mysticism, as well as some Christian sects, the Hamsa hand is a protective amulet. Often used to repel the evil eye, it symbolizes divine guardianship, good fortune, and spiritual resilience. The Hamsa appears prominently in Arabic, Hebrew, and ancient Egyptian contexts, making it a potent emblem of spiritual protection.
- Wreaths: In early Christianity, wreaths represented eternity and the unending circle of life. Some believe displaying a wreath invites the spirit of Christ into the home. In Ancient Rome, wreaths were hung on doors after victorious battles. Today, wreaths can symbolize resilience, continuous growth, and persistent life force amid adversity.
Pagan, Wiccan, Norse, and Occult Protection Symbols
Beyond religious traditions, protection symbols from around the world appear in Pagan, Wiccan, Celtic, and Norse cultures. These symbols often focus on nature, cosmic cycles, and positive energy:
- Labyrinths (Wiccan/Pagan): Walking a labyrinth is a spiritual journey symbolizing wholeness, renewal, and guidance. One cannot get lost in a labyrinth, reflecting the soul’s steady path through life’s challenges.
- Yggdrasil (Norse): This great Viking tree of life connects all realms, symbolizing stability, wisdom, and cosmic order. It serves as an anchor of spiritual protection and unity.
- Powerful Protection Symbols in Norse Traditions:
- The Helm of Awe: A famed Viking symbol for protection, this Icelandic protection symbol (or Icelandic sigil) consists of eight rune-like arms radiating from a center point. It’s believed to protect the wearer from harm and instill fear in enemies.
- Thor’s Hammer (Mjölnir): Another Norse emblem, representing strength, courage, and the safeguarding of humanity. Mjölnir often symbolizes good luck in battles and marriages, as well as blessings for new ventures.
- Wiccan Protection Symbols:
- The Pentagram (Pentacle or Five-Pointed Star): Revered in Wicca, this shape can ward off evil spirits and negative influences. It often reflects the balance of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
- Mistletoe: Rooted in Celtic tradition, mistletoe is considered a protector against evil forces, ensuring good luck and prosperity for the community, livestock, and children.
- Runes and Other Amulets: Runes, ancient alphabetic symbols used by Viking and Germanic tribes, can serve as talismans, focusing positive energy and offering guidance. In many belief systems, wearing certain runes or sigils helps ward off negative energies and attract good fortune.