Lauren Lewis

Lauren Lewis

Lauren's teachings weave a fabric full of challenging flows, invitations to evolve with kindness, and an understanding that vulnerability is the path to connection. Her approachable and challenging teaching style incorporates intuition honed from her extensive background as a chef along with her experience in vinyasa's physical framework, with the fluidity and opportunities for recalibration it provides.

Practitioners can expect classes that help discern where their unique edge is and move toward it with compassion. Lauren embraces the idea that the more we can show up and love ourselves, the more we can get out of our way to shape the world around us positively. Outside of the studio, you can find Lauren hiking, camping, or biking in the mountains with her family or cooking up a storm in her kitchen.

59 classes found

Exploring the Yamas
Brahmacharya, or the maintenance of vitality, is the practice of learning to savor rather than over-consume. Listen to subtle sensation, engage with the present, and invite satisfaction with what you have in your practice and life off the mat. This sweet flowing practice includes standing poses, balancing, and mini meditation.
Exploring the Yamas
Ahimsa, or non-violence, is a practice of compassion and kindness. The sweet, slow flow serves as a reminder that your words, actions, and deeds contribute to peace or turbulence within yourself and the external world.
Exploring the Yamas
Satya, or truthfulness, is a practice of authenticity along with compassion. Move through a practice full of front-body stretches including the heart and throat areas.
Exploring the Yamas
Aparigraha, or non-grasping, is the practice of creating space. Soften the grip on old identities, relationships, objects, etc. that tether to old ways, creating space for growth. This fluid, even practice moves through a balance of standing and twisting poses.
Exploring the Yamas
Asteya, or non-stealing, is the practice of remembering that we have - and are - enough. This sweet practice of flowing standing poses offers an inquiry into how we take and give energy, time, and resources.
Lauren Lewis
A grounding, steady flow to come back to every day. This well-rounded practice invites finding a sanctuary within as you build breathing, moving meditation.
Lauren Lewis
Embody the humble warrior in the balance of a beginner’s mind and internal strength. Our ability to come home to our body, to introspect and go outward with a willingness to try, fail and start again is how we walk as a humble warrior.
Lauren Lewis
An energy-boosting flow to add positivity to your day. Move through strong and accessible standing poses, balancing shapes, and close with a gentle moment of rest.
Lauren Lewis
Ease into forward folds by unlocking the connective tissue (fascia) of the back of your body from feet to head. Stretch this posterior chain to find calm and hone your internal gaze.
Lauren Lewis
Move like water in this fluid practice to shift habitual patterns. Find the current of your movements and connect to the element of water through lunges, twists, side body stretches, and balancing poses.
Lauren Lewis
Power through a vigorous, full-body sequence with an emphasis on core stability and balance. Play with lunge and chair variations to create heat, strength, and energy.
Lauren Lewis
A gentle sequence to focus on stress release through breath and twists. Encourage relaxation, build a little heat, and promote blood flow to your digestive system to help encourage your natural immune response.
Lauren Lewis
Dance along the edges of your practice with this vigorous practice full of challenging poses and fluid transitions. Strengthen your posterior chain while accessing spacious asanas for an equally juicy experience.
Lauren Lewis
Unlock shoulders, hips, spine, and feet to find a pathway to the heart. Flow through an active sequence including a variety of backbends, upper back strengtheners, and strong foundational poses.
Lauren Lewis
Set an intention for your day with an energizing sequence to intentionally set your body and mind for the day ahead. Flow, balance, move some energy, and carry your intention with you throughout the rest of your day.
Lauren Lewis
Focus on breath-to-movement to stay in the present moment and release any brewing anxiety of what could be in the future. Move methodically through a sequence comprised of equal parts strength and stretchiness.
Lauren Lewis
A challenging flow full of active movement and balancing poses to focus your gaze toward what matters while dropping the story of perfection. Use this practice to show up honestly, express your truth, and move out of your own way.
Lauren Lewis
Strengthen the muscles of compassion through edgy transitions while keeping a steady relationship to your heart. Move through lunges, twists, and heart-openers with an ongoing invitation to consciously shift your thoughts in a compassionate direction.