Who Controls The Media?

Who Controls The Media?

Out of the Shadows of History with Daniel Sheehan

How did the political and financial world get to be in the state that it is in today? As we will soon see, it was not by accident. Daniel Sheehan reveals many tell-tale snippets of history that have intentionally been left out of the public narrative which tell of the establishment of a financial cabal and their puppet governments within the United States and the rest of the world. What we learn, is that the forces which have been running our planet are becoming obsolete and it is up to us to make the change.


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Was Marilyn Monroe Killed to Prevent UFO Disclosure?

When famous model and film icon Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her home in 1962, the official autopsy reports labeled her death a barbiturate overdose, and likely the result of suicide.

While Monroe had exhibited signs of depression and used prescription sedatives for years, her death came at the peak of her career and was a shock to millions. And rightfully so, as Monroe was closely connected to a number of powerful men, namely President John F. Kennedy.

A number of conspiracies abound around her death, including the possibility that she was murdered by either the CIA or the mob out of spite of President Kennedy. Others thought that (then) Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had her killed because she had incriminating evidence against the family that could have ruined their political careers and led to legal woes.

But there’s another theory behind her untimely death that stands out above the rest—one that involves disclosure.

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