Expand Your Creativity: 5 Spiritual Principles of Intuitive Painting

Expand Your Creativity: 5 Spiritual Principles of Intuitive Painting

I feel blessed in the creativity department. I love to paint, dance, sculpt and chant. I know that many people don’t feel this way, though. When I invite them to a workshop in creativity (usually centered around painting), the response is one of embarrassment because of the potential “self-exposure” of the final painting. We think we are being judged, we don’t like the result, it didn’t turn out the way we thought it was going to turn out, what we produce looks child-like, etc.

Our insecurities as human beings can be triggered by something as small as attempting to play with paint. This feeling probably holds true for 90 percent of the population. Even if we really think the result is pleasing, we can be shy… It is creativity in action that shows a small piece of who we really are. The subconscious mind becomes more conscious, based on what comes out, and what is happening in our minds can also be revealed when painting with intention.

Like anything in life, we can simply “do” it, or we can take the principle of meditation and apply it to what we are doing. That is, set an intention to the action, or consecrate the action in the name of the divine, to make it more purposeful.

It is this methodology that has lead to Intuitive Painting. It has been the combination of meditation, development of my own intuition, and setting purposeful intention that has completely changed my style of painting, from one that was of tangible renditions to more colorful, lively and more aesthetically pleasing pieces.

What starts coming out when a person begins to train in both meditation and different painting techniques will often begin to be seen as child-like. They may be held by societal conditioning and the perceived notion that we are now adults, and should act “mature.” A messy painting done with our fingers simply cannot be seen as a representation of maturity.

It is this mess though, that is needed not only to de-condition us from how we think we should act (which generally leads to less fun in life), but is also required as a process in which to forget about what you think you are going to paint and how it is going to look.

Drawing something before you actually paint it, like a paint-by-number, is not the point of Intuitive Painting, or meditative and intuitive creative development. The point is the let go of the outcome and a focus on going deeper into process, looking internally upon the self to reveal what may be repressed. Inner reflection and freedom of expression happens through meditation.

Meditation and its continued practice can be the largest altering factor in people’s lives. It is meditation and learning how to combine it artistically in almost everything I do that assisted in having the confidence to be bolder in the energy of my painting, and also to truly live out my dreams.

If you are now wondering about the why’s and how’s of meditative painting, try not to “think” about it too much. One of the things that will happen with meditation in your life is that you will finally learn how to stop thinking, and move into the realm of experiencing – the rational to the unknown, in-the-moment experience.

Try to consistently bring yourself back to this concept when you are painting; be in the moment, not worrying about the outcome. Something magical will eventually happen, in your meditation, in your painting, in your life, if you follow these simple principles:


Be total in every action, especially when you’re painting.


Be in the moment. Don’t think about what you couldn’t paint before, or what it’s going to look like.


Observe what’s happening in the mind, and what’s happening in your painting. Take breaks to do this and meditate by starring at the middle of your painting, then close the eyes as if you were still starring at the painting. Try to remember what you were looking at with eyes open.


Make no judgment, for judgment limits everything, and perpetuates more judgment. Enjoy every moment of change while you continue to paint.


Intuition-over-mind: make the attempt to reach a “no-mind” state while you are in the process of creating something. Take any preconceived ideas of what it might end up looking like and simply “go with the flow.”

A few more tips for Intuitive Painting: Only finish when you are happy. If you are not happy with how it looks, keep painting. Use acrylic paints; the paint covers what is underneath. If you are going to use black, which is a dark energy, wait to use it until the final touches, for emphasis rather than a full feel. We are doing this not only to develop creativity, but also to raise our energy through the process and heal what may be hidden in the body or the mind. Positivity generates more positivity, so see each painting session as a learning opportunity and a time for deep reflection and expression. High intentions will yield high results.

Using The Science of Intention Setting for Success at Work

Using The Science of Intention Setting for Success at Work

According to many spiritual leaders and success gurus, good fortune, abundant health, love, and finance do not come to you by accident. You call them forth with your thoughts, actions, and intentions. And if you are not experiencing days filled with joy and fulfillment at work, it is likely that you only have your own subconscious mind to blame.

Many old, limited and toxic belief systems hide out in our subconscious mind and are secretly running the show of our lives. When you are focused on your current state of misery, scarcity, and ‘want,’ then you will receive more of the same. Yet merely by thinking of yourself as having joy and abundance at work, you will start the process to make it a reality and begin to attract the right resources and people to you.

Setting Your Intention

Start by taking a big picture approach to your goals and be specific. If you know what you want, don’t beat around the bush. Boldly ask for it. Saying “I am a confident and detail-oriented senior copywriter” leaves little question as to what you are trying to accomplish. When you acknowledge the direction you’d like your career to shift, you can start to approach your workday with a whole new sense of being — every action you make throughout the day starts to change with your intention in mind.

Rephrase your goals in a positive way that brings you even closer to what you want. Saying “I am happily employed at the job of my dreams” will eventually help you figure out what those dreams actually are.

Even thinking through your intention helps you get really clear on what you might want out of your job, which in turn helps you make clear decisions that are focused solely on that goal. You might start to ask yourself “Does this new project I am taking on serve my intention?”

Give these mantras a try

Repeat these to yourself daily or write them down in a journal.

  1. I am confident in my skills and will keep an open mind when new challenges arise.
  2. I am getting a new job that inspires me to challenge myself and that makes me happy.
  3. I am focusing my energy on what I can accomplish in the present moment and not dwelling on mistakes from the past.
  4. I am successful in everything I set out to accomplish.
  5. I am a valuable asset to the company.
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