How to Physically Manifest Healing Energy Through Your Chakras

How to Physically Manifest Healing Energy Through Your Chakras

The mind is a wondrous instrument that is capable of so much more than modern science can yet understand, including how it is able to manifest physical healing. Bill McKenna, creator and founder of Cognomovement, explains his work with people suffering from physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual issues, finding that the mind is so powerful it can manifest our desires into reality. 

McKenna’s experience led him to understand how the mind affects our energetic fields, which, in turn, affect our states of health (and achieving our desired physical outcomes). While this concept is common within ancient Eastern teachings, we are now realizing how the energies of the chakras are connected to what manifests in our lives. 

By mindfully releasing attachments to our memories and experiences, McKenna says that it’s possible to proactively feel and move our energy to create a state of mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being. His method for such manifestation is through visualizations and tactile exercises that disconnect us from negative thoughts.

McKenna’s groundbreaking book, “The Only Lesson,” is testimony to his work with the mind-body connection and details his life-changing spiritual awakening after having studied with a number of master teachers. This has culminated in his deep understanding of the secrets of self-discovery and the ability to create miraculous changes in his life and the lives of others.

Regina Meredith sets the stage when she adds, “oftentimes when we don’t manifest, it’s because we have some unresolved issues.” 

McKenna agrees that if we didn’t have fear, our health and wellbeing would have already manifested from our energetic field. So it’s a matter of finding out what is in conflict with our desired manifestation. For most of us, says McKenna, it is some form of fear, ironically including what may happen if our manifestation comes to fruition. “The good news is that we can actually clear our field” by touching the blockage until it is gone. 

McKenna says that thought forms are fragile relative to the entire field of energy and are therefore easy to dissipate and unblock. This will open the door to manifesting what we truly want.

In this interview with McKenna, we are prompted to ask what is blocking the manifestation of what we want out of life. He says the answer is thought, though, unlike other teachers, he shows how thought is palpable—it’s a tangible material form that can be dissipated and removed. 

Each blockage is interdimensional and described by McKenna as “a quantum wobble” that can be dealt with more easily than we may have once believed. When the blockage is removed, he shows how to move the object of your desire down through the chakras to make it manifest.

In her book The Intention Experiment, author Lynne McTaggart wrote that over the decades, researchers have discovered that thoughts are capable of affecting everything from the simplest machines to the most complex living beings. “This evidence suggests that human thoughts and intentions are an actual physical “something” with astonishing power to change our world. Every thought we have is tangible energy with the power to transform. A thought is not only a thing; a thought is a thing that influences other things.”

McKenna takes this idea one step further by confronting conflicts and opening up to unforeseen possibilities.

While spiritual teachers have understood the mind-body connection, McKenna’s down-to-earth discussion gives us pause to think about our own state of mind and its potential for healing and wellness. He teaches how to access a power that we already have, and use it for a more fulfilling, enriched life.

Healing Energy Tools: Supporting Wellness Inside and Out

Healing Energy Tools: Supporting Wellness Inside and Out

According to energy healer and author Donna Eden, our bodies are “lattice works of force fields,” in which “energy is the infrastructure.” But what happens when that infrastructure is stressed, exhausted, depressed, and filled with anxious thoughts, resulting in illness? To support wellness inside and out, healing energy tools can help foster physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Thankfully, we have an abundance of healing energy tools, from pyramids to crystals, energy healing stones to tuning forks. Whichever modality you or your energy healing professional work with, all are designed to optimize our wellness and heal what ails us.

Energy healing, or energy medicine, can be defined as any healing work designed to balance and restore our energetic channels. Similar to our circulatory system, which can have negative impacts on our health if not running smoothly, our energetic field also has a flow. If that flow is blocked, our energy fields can lead to emotional, spiritual, and soul pain.

Also similar to our physical body, energy carries its own anatomy — aura, meridians, and chakras. The balance for optimum energetic functioning leads to a sense of calm, equilibrium, and peace. To help achieve this balance, energy healers have a veritable energy healing toolkit at their fingertips. These range from ones steeped in ancient healing traditions, the natural world, and those derived from modern technology.

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