How to Prepare for Upcoming Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Eclipse season will be here soon, here’s what you can expect and how to prepare for this cosmic dance between the Sun, Moon, and Earth.
Both solar and lunar eclipses hold strong energy in astrology. They can shake us up and stimulate change within ourselves to reach our highest power. We will soon see a partial solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. What can we expect from these cosmic events?
“Eclipses take place when we have lunar events, which are full moons or new moons that fall close to the nodal axis,” Astrologer Mercedes Arnus Arraut said. “So what is the nodal axis? The nodal axis is the axis of intersection between the orbit of the moon around the Earth and the orbit of Earth around the Sun. That intersection has a north and south, and those points are called nodes. So, the north node represents our destiny; or future, where we’re headed as humanity, what is our destination, what is our direction, where do we need to focus on. In the south, the south node represents our past; what we need to purge, what we need to cleanse, what we need to integrate, what we need to let go…”.
The first eclipse will be on April 30, but Arraut says we will feel it a lot sooner.
“We usually start feeling it around a month before the first eclipse takes place. So, this first eclipse that takes place, the 30th of April, brings many changes into our lives, since all eclipses are like catalysts that align us with our highest purpose. Eclipses literally will cleanse, detox, and be used as tools to show us what path we need to follow,” Arraut said.
Soon after the solar eclipse,we will see a lunar eclipse in May. How does this relate to the solar eclipse we just had?
“We can expect endings, closures, cleansings through situations that needed to detox from our lives,” she said. “So, Scorpio is already the energy of emotional detox of power and empowerment. So, we can be feeling very emotional close to this eclipse, but it’s also going to give us the power to move forward with those changes we’re already starting with the previous eclipse. So, it’s very normal to be experiencing this and to let go of certain situations with this eclipse. But we can definitely see a lot of endings, and a lot of closing times for people to walk out of our lives, and people to walk into our lives — especially with the previous eclipse.”
How should we prepare, mentally and physically for these changes?
“Many people are going to experience death and rebirth from their own ashes and new beings creating, literally, brand new lives for themselves, moving toward a much more practical, much more positive, growing reality. But in order for that to happen we need to let go of what no longer serves us,” Arraut said.
What can we look forward to, and take and take advantage of this eclipse season?
“Overall, we could use this eclipse season to focus on building a new reality for us, focus on enjoying Earth, focus on the pleasures of being conscious — of being a conscious human being appreciating what makes us happy. Letting go of whatever brings suffering or letting go and cleansing that emotional baggage, because that is what the cosmic energy is guiding us toward, to take care of what we value the most and let go of all the intensity and what is no longer necessary within our lives,” she said.
Decades After Landing on Mars, We May Find Proof of Past Life
After 25 years of rovers landing on Mars, many are looking forward to the next chapter of Mars exploration, which may include excavating deep into the red planet. In July 1997, NASA’s Pathfinder landed on Mars and began its mission to demonstrate how a robotic rover would land on the red planet.
Using an innovative design, the rover landed on Mars with a parachute and a series of giant airbags to cushion its blow. The Carl Sagan memorial station and the Sojourner Rover outlived their projected lifespan, and in the years following sent magnificent images back to Earth.
The lander returned more than 16,500 images and the rover sent back 550 more, in addition to chemical analyses of rocks, soil, and data on wind and weather. The final transmission from the Mars Pathfinder was on September 27, 1997, but the data it provided helped scientists to conclude Mars was once wet and warm, and rounded rocks on the surface indicate they may have been worn down by running water, and if there was water, there could have been life.
Flash forward to today, NASA’s Perseverance Rover, on the red planet since February of 2021, is tasked with finding past or present life and seeing if humans could one day explore or colonize Mars.