How Do Clairsentients, Empaths, And Mediums Serve Humanity?

How Do Clairsentients, Empaths, And Mediums Serve Humanity?

Each person comprises a unique set of attributes, and therefore embodies and projects a unique vibration. It’s our vibration that attracts our lovers, friends, partners, and circumstances. Our vibrations also determine whether or not we can directly and immediately access information throughout the vibrating universe. If you can source and intuit impressions via the interconnected fabric of life, by interpreting what you sense or feel, you have a psychic gift, and might be a Clairsentient.

If you are also an Empath, you might be extremely sensitive, and can fully embody other people’s feelings, along with their muscle memory and emotional residue. In addition to living Beings, you might feel or absorb this residue from the environments you inhabit, which might also include sensing and feeling the vibrations of the objects around you. 

Empaths might not be more “spiritually evolved” than others, but we can feel other people’s pain, happiness, sorry, and shock. In many cases, we might feel a variety of emotions and not realize that they have nothing to do with us. Being an Empath can be challenging, but if we channel our skills correctly, we can be helpful and healing to those we engage.  

Clairsentient Empaths can become attuned to any vibration in the universe. Through gentle and straightforward practices, we can utilize our emotional bodies and higher senses to plug into the vibrational substratum of other worlds, species, and entities. 

Many people are Clairsentients, Empaths, or both, but haven’t invested in this aspect of themselves. Growing into these types of roles might require meditation, emotional release, forgiveness, and exhaustive explorations of current and prior relationships. It can be hard work, but the benefits can be immeasurably valuable. 

Meanwhile, Claircognizance is just a fancy word for the ability to “know” specific information about a person, place, or event, that may or may not have already happened. This is identical to being psychic. A psychic is someone who can answer specific questions by channeling, sensing, and seeing related energies, images, and feelings connected to others.

Are You an Empath?

Are you Clairsentient?

You might have all the skills, sensitivities, and attributes of a Clairsentient, but have not yet explored it. See if any of these Clairsentient abilities resonate with you:

  • Immediately aware of the positive and negative energies in a room
  • Able to absorb someone’s pain and then reflect it to them in some way
  • Able to name other people’s precise feelings 
  • Acutely aware of impending dangers for yourself and others
  • Able to sense answers to other people’s questions
  • Extremely selective about who is allowed into your inner circle or “family”
  • Knowing, without reservation, what someone’s life-path might be
  • Understanding the depth of someone’s pain upon meeting them
  • Occasionally feeling triggered, either emotionally or intellectually, with no provocation
  • Feeling sensitive to criticism, even when it’s presented in a loving way
  • Often have a deep “knowing” about the interconnectedness of the universe
  • As you feel and sense other people and environments, floods of information pour into you


What is a Medium?

Clairsentient people and Empathic-Mediums, or just “Mediums,” engage their sensitivities at higher and expanded levels. A Medium uses her senses and sensitivities to explore three-dimensional reality, which allows her to source information from someone’s past, present, or future. Mediums can sense energetic forms, feelings, and images connected to an individual. This can help them answer important questions about health, love, relationships, work, and more. 

Can Clairsentients, Empaths, and Psychics help you?

Any person who is able to source information from the other realms can be beneficial to us. They might feel what we are feeling, long before we feel it. Sourcing energetic intelligence might seem like a trivial ability, but it can heal hearts and relationships. It can also improve people’s physical health and save lives.

spiritual guide talking with women

If you know an Empath or Clairsentient, open your heart to them. Chances are since they’ve known you, they’ve been processing bits and pieces of your emotions, thoughts, pains, and burdens. If you allow them to, they can help you work through difficult decisions and conflicts. They might also help you know yourself better. 

When these lovely folks communicate what they have absorbed from you, you might feel provoked into an emotional release or a deep inner-knowing. Afterward, you might feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually healed.

If you know a Clairsentient, Empath or Psychic, treat them with love and respect. When they share their discomfort and pain, whether it’s about you or someone else, pay attention. By allowing them to clear what they’ve gathered or absorbed, you help them liberate, which, in turn, helps them serve others – including you. 

How can you love the Empaths and Mediums in your life?

Trust these loving, influential people with your secrets. They probably already know them anyway. If you’re able to “come clean” with them, you’ll benefit greatly, and you'll remove a burden from their shoulders.

Sometimes Empaths and Clairsentients will be confused by the walls you put up. Since they can already see through your blockades, they’ll wonder why you don’t trust them. They might even doubt their understanding of you. There are probably 30 things that your Clairsentient Empath friends have been dying to tell you, but you have not yet shown signs of being open to hearing them.

Truly empathic and psychic people can easily become overwhelmed, and might not see it coming. They might suddenly stop talking, or they might appear to be dizzy or confused. When this happens, hold their hands, give them a cup of water, and sit with them. They might need a few minutes to expunge the energies they unconsciously collected.

As always, give these open-hearted folks lots of space. If you’re having a party and they decline to attend, don’t take it personally. Intuitive people sense impending events and take their perceptions seriously. If they decline, it’s probably for a good reason and of benefit to everyone involved.

I’ve declined attending events that felt questionable to me, and later changed my mind because I was coerced or “needed.” Not only have I regretted attending these events, others have also regretted it. 

How to nurture your sensitivities and your empathic and psychic abilities

If you believe that you’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), Psychic, Empath or Clairsentient, consider scheduling time every day to explore and expunge your emotions. You can process your residual and trapped emotions through meditation, journal writing, and “feeling through” the related imagery that your mind continues to conjure. With each release of emotions, comes wisdom. Without the recognition and expression of emotions on some level, we might not advance according to our potential and abilities. 

Every early morning before 6 am, sit quietly and invite your angelic guides to join you in your awakening. With each session, you’ll unveil a hidden pocket of emotions, along with precious gems of insight and awareness. Each session does not need to be longer than 15 minutes. If you can commit to this daily exercise for several months, your heart will relax, your mind will dissolve, and your anxiety will lessen. 

Over time, you will become aware of your relaxed and expanded Self. If you’ve done this type of work in the past, the moment you re-engage, you’ll immediately experience your prior work’s accumulated benefits. As you deepen, you’ll expand a part of the universe’s collective consciousness, and all Beings will benefit.

The world needs more HSPs, artists, healers, seers, Empaths, and Clairsentients. Given all the pain, confusion, and chaos throughout the universe, we need more sensitive people to commit to becoming Energy Warriors and Channelers of Light and Wisdom.

As you explore and expand your divine Self, consider repeating this mantra from Amma, The Divine Mother, “May All The Living Beings, In All The Worlds, Be Happy.”

Empathic Connections with Lucid Dreams

Group Intention Experiments Shown to Have Measurable Healing Effect

Group Intention Experiments Shown to Have Measurable Healing Effect

In the field of research being done on intention and manifesting, Lynne Mctaggart is legendary. Her latest revolutionary experiments show the power of group intention to heal.

Mctaggart is a journalist and bestselling author, world-renowned for her groundbreaking work on consciousness and the power of intention. She is also the architect of “The Intention Experiment,” a global laboratory involving thousands of participants testing the power of group thoughts to heal the world. 

Her research has repeatedly shown the profound effect thoughts have on reality.

“We’re all a batch of vibrating packets of energy so there’s nothing solid or stable about us (and) there’s nothing solid or stable about the world,” McTaggart said. 

“In between different objects is a giant quantum energy field, we’re all in the field, and our subatomic particles make up the field. So, because we are energy, energy is changing at every moment at the subatomic level, nothing is an actual anything yet, it’s every possible state all at once. What they’ve found is what turns that potential of something into something real is an observer. So, our consciousness, our ability to observe, our ability to intend also makes us a creator.”

McTaggart’s intention experiments, running since 2007, are some of the first controlled explorations of the power of mass intention. In these experiments, she invites an audience to send a specific thought to affect a target, after which a team of scientists calculates the results to measure possible change.

“I’ve run 40 intention experiments — everything from trying to make plants grow faster, seeds grow faster, to purifying water, to lowering violence in war-torn areas or violent areas, to even healing someone with PTSD,” McTaggart said. “Of those 40, 35 have shown measurable, positive, mostly significant effects as measured by teams of scientists at different prestigious universities. So, we’ve got lots of evidence that thoughts are things that affect other things.” 

Of particular significance to McTaggart are her peace experiments, which include the two she has now done on the 10th and 20th anniversaries of 9/11.

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