6 Ways to Unlock Your True Potential
Even as we strive to be compassionate and loving beings to those around us, sometimes we forget to love ourselves. Part of loving ourselves is not restricting ourselves from shining brightly in the world. I have discovered that the biggest block in my life has been learning how to step into my true power and potential without letting the opinions of others pull me down.
Being powerful can often feel self-serving, especially if you surround yourself with people who live as if it is unsafe to shine their light and become powerful leaders. Here are some tips for unlocking your true potential.
- Don’t Apologize for Voicing Your Truth
It seems self-explanatory that this is counterproductive to our growth as human beings, yet too many of us catch ourselves on a regular basis interrupting ourselves midway through a thought and justifying our thoughts. If you feel you need to explain yourself, justify your truth, or apologize for the way you feel, ask yourself why you feel uncomfortable and see if you can change your response next time.
- Share Your Story
This goes along with #1, which is about sharing your story without punishing yourself by telling yourself this is being “egotistical.” This is another form of self-harm! This has been one of the most difficult hurdles for me—to get over the hump and not feel self-conscious when I share my story with others. You may notice people you come across feel uncomfortable with your openness and willingness to share yourself, but don’t let that bring you down! It is absolutely safe to love and appreciate yourself, and share it with everyone you meet!
- Empower Your Audience
If you are stuck in a situation of letting yourself become disempowered by another individual(s) in your life, challenge yourself to turn the situation around and ask your friend, “What is your gift?” This simple sentence is very powerful, because it takes the pressure off of you to take on a burden that is not yours to take on, and it empowers your friend at the same time. Instead of allowing someone else to feel less than you in response to your ability to share, allow them the space to realize their gifts!
- Identify Your Tribe
Remember, not everyone in your life is there to support you. Some are there to push you to greater heights, help you find your truth, heal a deep wound, or learn the true meaning of unconditional love.
It can be extremely painful and make you question your entire life’s purpose in one swift blow, but it’s important to always come away from the situation with the knowing that life is not rebelling against you, it’s all being orchestrated for you.
There are also those whom you will identify as part of your tribe. Your tribe consists of people who support and love you unconditionally, allow you to speak your truth freely, respect differences of opinion, allow you to grow and shine your light, and never restrict you to move forward in your life. Take a moment to identify them and have gratitude for them. They could be your bus driver, someone at your yoga class, your neighbor across the street or your Uncle Joe. Let them know you love and appreciate them!
- Confront Yourself — the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Yep, this is the hardest one, which is also why it’s toward the bottom of the list. Confront yourself and take credit for the ways that you have stood up for yourself, believed in yourself, as well as let yourself down by allowing that inner voice to tell you that you can’t do it and that you’re not good enough. Don’t blame it on others, because that’s self-harm as well.
Look at yourself honestly, and take credit for all of it. In the end, your conscious awareness of who you are as an ever-growing and expanding human being participating in this game called life will allow you more room to not feel defeated every time something doesn’t go according to your plan.
- Put Your Superpowers to Work!
Go out into the world and work your magic! Be your own hero!
The Pineal Gland’s Spiritual Connection With the Third Eye Chakra
The third eye is our greatest gift to connect us to source and remind us of a universe much more mystical than we can perceive with our physical senses. It’s through the awakening of the third eye and its corresponding pineal gland that we’re able to attain supernatural feats of telepathy, psychic vision, and an intimate connection with God.
Rare is a conversation on higher consciousness without a mention of the pineal gland. Its prevalence is more than a fad; it’s an imperative first step to attaining our full human potential.
What is the Pineal Gland?
The pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye” in Eastern esoteric religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism), is a pea-sized endocrine gland located deep in the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres. In Western medicine, it is an organ primarily recognized for its role in regulating the body’s circadian rhythms and melatonin production, which helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. The pineal gland also plays a part in the body’s response to light and darkness, influencing mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. While it holds significant physiological importance, some spiritual practices also attribute metaphysical qualities to the pineal gland, linking it to intuition, perception, and spiritual enlightenment.
The Pineal Gland and Third Eye Chakra
The chakra system is the way the spirit moves within the physical body—how the spirit animates form. The chakras can be imagined as wheels of energy to remain balanced and open for optimal human function. If stagnation appears within the chakra system, the physical body will be affected by unease, depression, and even illness.
Chakras are energy centers, whereas organs have defined locations. The chakras are ruled by the organs but are not confined to a specific location. The heart chakra, for instance, is in the center of the chest, while the physical heart is on the left side. Similarly, the third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead near the pineal gland.
The pineal gland is known as the third eye chakra or ajna chakra in the Hindu system. A closed ajna (i.e. mind) is said to lead to confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, and pessimism.
Every esoteric tradition heralded the third eye as our connection to spirit. It’s the space between humans and God, moving us from the isolation experienced in the human condition—through an open and vibrant third eye, we find our highest source of ethereal energy. A return path to God is offered when one works to expand third-eye awareness.