Researchers Find Way to Interact With People in Lucid Dreams

Researchers Find Way to Interact With People in Lucid Dreams

The mysterious world of dreams has thus far only been fully accessible to one person—the dreamer... until now. With a recent groundbreaking study, a new age of dream research has just begun.

The lucid dream is a state of awareness that you’re dreaming while possibly having some control over what happens within it. It’s estimated that some 50 percent of people have had a lucid dream, especially in childhood.

Scientists have been studying this phenomenon for decades but haven’t been able to adequately explain it because a person’s ability to recount their dreams upon waking is often unreliable. But recently, scientists have made a breakthrough by showing that people can both comprehend questions and provide answers to them, all while dreaming.

A team of international researchers studied 36 people with the goal of finding a way to communicate with them while they were dreaming. The results were groundbreaking.

Charlie Morley is a dream researcher who teaches people how to lucid dream.

“Up to this point, there’s been no way to directly communicate to the lucid dreamer while they’re in the lucid dream,” Morley said.  “You can give them instructions before, you can speak to them afterwards, but while they’re in that internal virtual reality simulation of their own mind, there’s a blackout in comms. The brilliant thing about this new study is that blackout was broken through, they could actually communicate to the lucid dreamer while they were inside the lucid dream.”

“What they discovered was, while you’re in a lucid dream you can actually direct your physical eyes at will. So, using a form of literal morse code flicking the eyes left, right, up, down to indicate certain responses, they were able to communicate with the dreamer while they were still asleep. How did it enter the dream? Three main different ways, one person said it came through a car radio in the dream, suddenly the radio station changed and they could hear the voice of the scientist. Another person said it was like the voice of god, it just came down from the sky. And another person said it was like a narrator in a film, they would then reply ‘yes, I can hear you,’ by doing two eye flicks to the left or whatever code they had predecided to indicate ‘yes.'”

Out of 158 trials, participants were able to give correct answers about 18% of the time—a statistically significant result. The validity of the results was strengthened by the fact that there were four separate teams of researchers in four different countries, all using slightly different techniques and getting very similar results.

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The Pineal Gland’s Spiritual Connection With the Third Eye Chakra

The Pineal Gland’s Spiritual Connection With the Third Eye Chakra

The third eye is our greatest gift to connect us to source and remind us of a universe much more mystical than we can perceive with our physical senses. It’s through the awakening of the third eye and its corresponding pineal gland that we’re able to attain supernatural feats of telepathy, psychic vision, and an intimate connection with God.

Rare is a conversation on higher consciousness without a mention of the pineal gland. Its prevalence is more than a fad; it’s an imperative first step to attaining our full human potential.

What is the Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye” in Eastern esoteric religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism), is a pea-sized endocrine gland located deep in the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres. In Western medicine, it is an organ primarily recognized for its role in regulating the body’s circadian rhythms and melatonin production, which helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. The pineal gland also plays a part in the body’s response to light and darkness, influencing mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. While it holds significant physiological importance, some spiritual practices also attribute metaphysical qualities to the pineal gland, linking it to intuition, perception, and spiritual enlightenment.

The Pineal Gland and Third Eye Chakra

The chakra system is the way the spirit moves within the physical body—how the spirit animates form. The chakras can be imagined as wheels of energy to remain balanced and open for optimal human function. If stagnation appears within the chakra system, the physical body will be affected by unease, depression, and even illness.

Chakras are energy centers, whereas organs have defined locations. The chakras are ruled by the organs but are not confined to a specific location. The heart chakra, for instance, is in the center of the chest, while the physical heart is on the left side. Similarly, the third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead near the pineal gland.

The pineal gland is known as the third eye chakra or ajna chakra in the Hindu system. A closed ajna (i.e. mind) is said to lead to confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, and pessimism.

Every esoteric tradition heralded the third eye as our connection to spirit. It’s the space between humans and God, moving us from the isolation experienced in the human condition—through an open and vibrant third eye, we find our highest source of ethereal energy. A return path to God is offered when one works to expand third-eye awareness.

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