Science Behind Why Essential Oils Have Power to Heal
Essential oils have benefits that are up to 100 times more powerful than their dried herb counterparts because of their concentrated property. Therefore, it’s no surprise that they can do incredible things to heal your aches, skin and even psyche!
Most essential oils are high in antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, making them very suitable replacements for cleaners, wound treatment and salves. They also have a small molecular size, which means they are well-absorbed by the skin. Adding them to your lotions and salves induces healing, softening, and nourishing.
Essential oils create signals which cause the brain to release neurotransmitters like serotonin, which link our nervous and other body systems, to provide a feeling of relief. Our sense of smell is received by an organ in the brain called the amygdala that carries waves of perceptual recognition directly to the autonomic nervous system, which stores memories associated with the smell in the cells of our body.
A study was conducted by Vestn Otorinolaringol where a mixture of essential oils by inhalation was used with a group of 3-4-year-old children to prevent acute respiratory diseases and alleviate the symptoms of rhinitis. The essential oil blend was found effective with no side effects noted.
Energetic Qualities of Essential Oils
Science tell us that everything is energy, there is a subtle bio-energy that flows through all of life. The use of essential oils encourages your body to regenerate damaged cells, build a higher immune defense to viruses as well as sustain energy vitality.
Given the technology we have today, we are now able to measure the effect essential oils have on the body using frequency. We know that the human body’s vibratory range is between 62 and 68 MHz. The human body will start to mutate when the frequency drops below 62MHz, this is where we start to see colds, flus and diseases appear. If we combine this knowledge with the frequency an essential oil provides, we can start the work to properly re-tune the body to its original frequency.
Essential Oil | Frequency |
Rose | 320 MHz |
Lavender | 118 MHz |
Myrrh | 105 MHz |
Blue Chamomile | 105 MHz |
Juniper | 98 MHz |
Aloes/Sandalwood | 96 MHz |
Peppermint | 78 MHz |
Basil | 52 MHz |
This Ancient Healing Practice Drastically Reduces Inflammation
Recent scientific discoveries suggest a new approach to managing inflammation. Will it be effective at dealing with an issue believed to be at the root of all diseases?
Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autoimmune disease — are just a few of the conditions in which inflammation is known to play a major role. Though it is the body’s natural process to rid itself of waste products, excessive inflammation can wreak havoc on multiple systems.
In a new approach, scientists suggest they may have found a way to go beyond current treatments that seek to stop inflammation, often without lasting effects. The new research focuses on targeting immune cells called macrophages to help with the cellular clean-up necessary to fully resolve inflammation.
Dr. John Douillard is a leading practitioner of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of natural medicine often called “the mother of all healing.”
“Science shows — which is great — ‘we need to get in there, help manipulate the macrophages and clean up the lymph outside the cells…’ Great idea! But Ayurveda would say ‘let’s do that by going upstream,’ and treat the upstream cause of that inflammation versus trying to put out the fire with fire trucks in which the fire is sometimes too big for the fire trucks,” Douillard said.
Ayurveda has traced the upstream issues causing inflammation to several key factors.