IONS Study Finds Clairvoyants ‘See’ Reiki Healing in Action

IONS Study Finds Clairvoyants ‘See’ Reiki Healing in Action

A groundbreaking new study shows that people with clairvoyant abilities can see energy healing take place. The implications for both the understanding of these extra-sensory abilities and the healing field- are profound.

The Institute of Noetic Sciences, or IONS, has just released the results of an important study that shows that energy healing works and that clairvoyants can pick up information about the healing by using their extended perception.

Dr. Helanè Wahbeh is the head of research at IONS and the study lead. 

“Clairvoyance essentially is the experience of being able to see things around people — see within their body and around their body — and gain information in a way that is beyond our normal sight,” Wahbeh said.

“Sometimes this shows up as colors, sometimes people can see illness in other’s bodies; what might be called ‘medical intuition.’ Anyone can learn how to be a clairvoyant seer, in fact, there are people who teach medical intuitive classes. I’ve talked to many teachers who say ‘[A]s long as the person believes that they can, they can actually learn how to do this.’ That doesn’t mean that everyone is going to be excellent at it, but that the baseline level skill is learnable by anyone who is willing to try and believes that they can.” 

Researchers sought to examine these abilities within the context of a study of Reiki, a popular Japanese energy healing modality. In the study, 40 participants with varying health issues were given half-hour Reiki sessions, which were then shown to improve their wellbeing. While the sessions were taking place, a group of six experienced clairvoyant seers observed.

“We wanted to answer a number of research questions through this study. The first one was ‘do the different perceivers perceive in the same way, what is the corroboration in what they receive during the session?’ We looked at four different types of data for this question and what we found overall was that the perceivers did corroborate the information that they were receiving and that this was beyond what we would expect by chance,” Wahbeh said.

“The second question was about the degree of corroboration with the different people in the study, for example, did the Reiki masters answers match up with the perceivers? Did it match up with the participant on the various forms that we had them fill out? These were forms about the participants’ physical symptoms and also the way that energy was moving in the space. We found that, yes, they did,” Wahbeh said.

Another really important question the study sought to answer had to do with the degree of accuracy with which seers were able to pick up on the participants’ health state before the session.

“For this one, the participants checked what type of symptoms they were having, and then the perceivers also filled out the same form seeing if they could see what was going on with the participant, and this had a high corroboration,” Wahbeh said.

Just what are the implications of these remarkable findings?

“Extended perception is a human capacity that we are just barely scratching the surface on, in terms of its abilities to support us in health and other many practical applications,” Wahbeh said. “The idea that we could use medical intuitives in our healthcare system to support diagnostics and healing is world-shattering and would completely revamp our healthcare system. I’m very excited to be able to validate this skill and see how we could apply it practically in our world,” Wahbeh said.

How to Activate Your DNA and Unlock Dormant Potential

How to Activate Your DNA and Unlock Dormant Potential

Have you ever felt as if you’re not living up to your full potential? Or have you felt that brief flash of genius you know is lying dormant within but don’t know how to access it regularly? Of course, you have. It’s something we’re all familiar with and likely experience on a regular basis. And according to the theory of DNA activation, there are ways to clear these energetic blockages and access your true potential.

The double helix DNA structure most of us are familiar with is encoded with copious amounts of information. In fact, DNA can be used to store more data than any artificial medium – so much so that all the data ever recorded by humans could fit into a container the size and weight of a few pickup trucks.

Though our DNA contains such large amounts of data, the vast majority of it is considered extraneous by geneticists who regularly study it. Some refer to this 97 percent of DNA as non-functioning or “junk DNA.”

What if this data isn’t junk but actually encoded with information whose function has yet to be discovered? And what if there are more than two strands of DNA, but instead, up to 12 potential strands lying dormant in a subtle energy spectrum? Wouldn’t you want to activate them?

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