Have Recent Solar Flares Opened Energy Portals?

Have Recent Solar Flares Opened Energy Portals?

On October 28, 2021, a massive solar flare unleashed a blast of charged particles in Earth’s direction.
This geomagnetic storm resulted in a display of stunning auroras thanks to our planet’s protective magnetosphere. But did this powerful solar event also open temporary energetic portals?

On Oct. 28, a Category 3 geomagnetic storm erupted from the Sun’s surface reaching earth a few days later. This classification comes from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration’s space weather scale.

A level 3 geomagnetic storm is considered strong and can result in minor disturbances to high-frequency radio signals and low-frequency radio navigation. It also leads to auroras visible at much lower latitudes than usual, including as far south as Oregon and even Illinois.

Matias De Stefano, host of the Gaia series Initiation, happened to be in Oregon during this profound solar event.

These storms from the magnetic field of the Sun affect all the planets around, and of course when they hit Earth, they change the pattern of the magnetic field of the planet,” De Stefano said. “So, that opens portals all the time because it moves the energy of the planet and makes the geometrical patterns have to restore and readapt to something new.”

In 2012, NASA published a paper titled, “Hidden Portals in Earth’s Magnetic Field,” in which it explained that a scientist had discovered what the space agency refers to as x-points, or portals where the magnetic field of the Earth connects to the Sun.

According to Jack Scudder, the lead physicist who discovered these portals, this phenomenon creates an uninterrupted connection to the Sun‘s atmosphere 93 million miles away. But what effect does this have for us here on Earth?

“When these solar flares occur, everything is much more sensitive and faster. The best thing to do is to be perfectly aligned with the positive and negative in our body so we can be a channel. And that means to be meditating and discharging all this energy going toward the Earth or the portal we’re working with,” De Stefano said.

Earth typically experiences periods of heightened solar activity in 11-year cycles, and scientists are predicting a ramping up of solar activity in the coming years, leading to the next solar maximum in July 2025. Is this a cause for concern?

“If it goes straight to us, of course it could create many problems in communications, the internet, and technology of the planet— satellites could shut down,” De Stefano said. “Of course we could be concerned about that, but I wouldn’t be really worried, I would just get prepared for that in case, like having food and all the normal things for when something happens that you should take care of. But I wouldn’t really get worried about something terrible happening because this happens every 11 years.”

What else can we learn from these solar flares and the portals they open on Earth?

“These cycles that we are living — that the Sun is living — is something that injects energy into the planet. The solar flares that will arrive in 2025 will be much stronger for us than the previous ones, so [there will be] a lot of new energy that could help us to build new philosophies, new civilizations, new technology — many things could change if we know how to receive them,” De Stefano said.

Is This a Solution to the Fermi Paradox?

Is This a Solution to the Fermi Paradox?

A new theory has been devised on why aliens have never visited Earth, that we know of, as a possible resolution to the Fermi paradox.

Many who are curious about the existence of ETs have heard about the “Fermi paradox,” named after famous astrophysicist Enrico Fermi.

The story goes that in a lunchtime conversation with other astrophysicists who reasoned that, given the vast size and age of the universe it stands to reason, there must be other intelligent life out there, to which Fermi asked, “where is everybody?”

For decades people have tried to answer that question if there are so many possible ET civilizations, where are they? Now, astrobiologists Michael Wong, of the Carnegie Institution for Science, and Stuart Bartlett, of the California Institute of Technology offer their hypothesis, and it’s a bit dark. 

Using studies of the growth of cities on Earth, they argue that civilizations grow infinitely but in a finite time. This infinite growth of population and overuse of energy will eventually lead to the death of the civilization or possibly saving themselves.

“We propose a new resolution to the Fermi paradox: civilizations either collapse from burnout or redirect themselves to prioritizing homeostasis, a state where cosmic expansion is no longer a goal, making them difficult to detect remotely.”

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