Fitness App’s Heatmap Exposes Secret Government Military Bases

Fitness App’s Heatmap Exposes Secret Government Military Bases

The tables have been turned as governments are starting to see how intrusive cellular data collection can be, now that a fitness app has exposed secret military bases around the globe.

Strava, an app that has set its sights on becoming a fitness social media network, has recently come under fire for uploading a global heatmap of its users’ activity.

The map has exposed patrol routes as well as secret underground tunnels and bases that have been undisclosed to the public or unable to be viewed on satellite imaging from Google Earth.

Conspiracy theorists are scavenging the heatmap in attempts to discover undisclosed bases. Some online sleuths believe they’ve found evidence of potentially secret outposts located in and around Antarctica, Greenland, and the Giza pyramids.




The intention behind Strava’s app is to create an engaged community of athletes who use each other’s training data to learn and improve their own routines. Users can follow professional athletes or peers to discover new training techniques and regimens, while contributing their practices to a communal forum.

But unless you know to turn off the location services on the app after its downloaded, it will automatically track and upload your movements to its server. Strava hasn’t said how many users have downloaded its app, though it has conceded that it gains roughly a million new users every 45 days with 8 million activities uploaded each week.

This is how the massive, global heatmap was compiled, by collecting the data of both users who were aware of its function and, clearly, quite a few who were unaware. Strava doesn’t make it easy to opt-out of the function that uploads your data, either. One must dig somewhat thoroughly and turn off four different settings to disable all tracking.

The app touts its real-time tracking ability as a safety feature for runners and cyclists who want to share their location with up to three contacts in the event of an emergency. But the flip side of this is that strangers are able to see other users running routes, even with stricter privacy settings, unless tracking data is completely turned off.

One of the main purposes of the app, however, is to acquire “kudos” much like Facebook or Instagram likes. This encourages users to upload data of their whereabouts and routes taken during exercise, while also exposing their routines to just about anyone.

While there are certain features to block out the beginning and end-points of a user’s route, this metadata can be just as intrusive, especially if it’s a route that’s run consistently.

It seems that our newest technological advents are becoming more and more intrusive in our obsession with social media and fitness tracking, now for both the state and the individual.

Did the Philadelphia Experiment Really Happen?

The World War II-era is notorious for mysterious Nazi experiments involving weapons and strange esoteric technology. But the U.S. also conducted its fair share of tests on new and nefarious weaponry and wartime tactics. Some of the most famous minds of the time, including Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, were even employed to execute the military complex’s will, occasionally leading to some perplexing stories.

One of the more bizarre accounts involves the supposed attempt of the Navy to develop a technology that could make an entire ship invisible to the naked eye. But these experiments had some unintended consequences that led to the project being shut down and buried until a man who claimed to have worked on the project blew the whistle on its cover-up. The stories that ensued became the inspiration for a 1980s, sci-fi movie and the Netflix series, Stranger Things, but could these stories actually have some validity to them?

The Philadelphia Teleportation Experiment

A man named Al Bielek is a central figure in these stories and his account has been ridiculed as simply being contrived nonsense, but the historical context and his detailed narrative are intriguing and possibly part of a true story, shedding light on clandestine government operations, one of which was known as the Philadelphia Experiment.

According to Bielek, in the late 1930s, the Navy was working on a project using electromagnetism to essentially develop an invisibility cloak for its warships. Around that time, Bielek said that Einstein was directing a program of degaussing ships by wrapping them in electromagnetic coils, to protect against magnetic mines planted by the Nazis. Tesla purportedly took this technology and parlayed it into the cloaking experiment, having some initial success with a small boat. After failed attempts with larger ships, Tesla gave up and the project was handed over to Dr. John von Neumann, who also worked on the Manhattan Project.

Von Neumann eventually succeeded in making the U.S.S. Eldridge, a Cannon-class destroyer escort, invisible for a short period of time on the first occasion. According to Bielek, one of Tesla’s inventions, a Zero Time Reference Generator, lent itself to this success. This device supposedly locks the Earth’s magnetic fields and acts as a cosmological reference with the electromagnetic fields at the center of the galaxy.


uss eldridge de 173 1944

The USS Eldridge, involved in the Philadelphia Experiment


Bielek said that Tesla gave von Neumann a cryptic warning about a “personnel problem” that might occur in their experiment, but he continued anyway and the Navy trained a crew specifically for the operation. Then on August 12, 1943, they ran a second test. After being shrouded in a “green, ozone-laden haze” the ship purportedly disappeared for several hours, during which it traveled through time and then rematerialized. Upon its return, sailors were reported to be violently ill, some engulfed in flames, and others molecularly bonded with the ship. Bielek, however, said he and his brother, who was aboard the ship at the time, jumped off during the time warp and remained in 1983 on Montauk, Long Island at another secretive government facility also experimenting with time travel, known as the Montauk Project.

Bielek gives an intriguing explanation for how his time travel was possible, relating to Tesla’s Zero Time Generator. He said that Tesla’s device was the key for the ship to return back to its original location. According to Bielek, we live in a five-dimensional reality, with time being the fourth and fifth dimensions. He said that every human is given a set of locks that lock them in a point of time from which they came, but that the experiment ruptured those time references, upon returning to Philadelphia.

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