The Navy’s UFO Sightings; US Government Recognizes the Phenomenon

The Navy’s UFO Sightings; US Government Recognizes the Phenomenon

Shortly after the Navy Times released “Aliens, ahoy!,” the Washington Post published “Angry Pilot,” and the NY Times asked, “Wow, What Was That?” these heavily promoted and widely consumed articles were immediately parroted by a long list of other popular news sites including CNN, AOL, Yahoo, The History Channel, Live Science, and many others. The upshot? The Navy pilot UFO report and video clearly show an extraterrestrial, “Tic-Tac”shaped ship outmaneuvering the world’s best fighter pilots. Big shocker, right? 

Here’s the thing: when a tidal wave of information gateways tote the same content as the most clandestine, conspiracy-minded, UFO messaging boards, it’s vital we take notice. While the government might try to soften the blow of these reports, the truths resulting from the Pentagon UFO program are now officially confirmed.

“Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government does not care about them! The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. It simply does not care about you! It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.”

— George Carlin

While it’s not clear what shiny, new gems might be revealed in the future, it’s obvious that we have surpassed the “shadow of a doubt” and conspiracy eras related to our alien neighbors and residents. The watershed of false information has been properly diffused. Going forward, expect continued showers of reality and possible floods of verifiable information. The truth is finally setting us free. Or is it?

Some secrets take time to gestate and boil upward to the surface, especially those controlled and manipulated by the CIA and the United States military. They know precisely how pimples work and when to let them pop. Their most coveted and protected secrets, other than ones surrounding 9/11, are those related to the UFOs that have been seen, confiscated, and reverse-engineered by the United States military since the long-ago crash in Roswell, New Mexico.

When Project Bluebook began in the 1950s, its public mission was to uncover the truth related to Unidentified Flying Objects. In all, over 12,000 UFO sightings were reported. Meanwhile, Bluebook’s confidential mission was to control the dissemination of the truth and extinguish all imagined threats. During the years that followed Project Bluebook, people disappeared, many contradicted their stories, and UFO researchers were watched, followed, harassed and possibly killed.

“One day, we might receive a signal from a planet like (Gliese 832c). But we should be wary of answering back. Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus. That didn’t turn out so well.”

— Stephen Hawking

Pathway to Disclosure

Even though Stephen Hawking had doubts, UFOs have never appeared to be a real threat to public safety; in fact, they’ve been vital to the military industrial complex’s sole agenda: invest in advanced weaponry by any means and protect the assets of the United States. The mission of our government and military has never been about the people or the planet or anything even remotely noble. It’s been keenly focused on promoting three things: nationalistic separatism, the proliferation of greed, and the pursuit of war. 

As George Carlin would say: “Government wants to control information and control language because that’s the way you control thought, and basically that’s the game they’re in.”

The US Government never saw UFOs as a threat; they saw them as portals of expedited research and development of the most dangerous weapons the earth would ever see. When the CIA released over 13 million pages of redacted documents, even the most combative deniers of UFOs became unrelenting fans.

What most people don’t know is that the southwest United States includes a military installation much larger than the famed Area 51. When you consider all of the southwest’s classified locations and undisclosed testing sites, it amounts to an area that exceeds the combined size of Rhode Island plus two Delawares. This massive region includes The Nevada Test site, Nellis Air Force Base, and a handful of other restricted military havens, each of which holds unique secrets. 

“Even if the aliens are short, dour, and sexually obsessed—if they’re here, I want to know about them.” 

― Carl Sagan

Navy UFO Sightings

Defense Dept. imaging of a UAP


Within this massive sector, and roughly 83 miles from Las Vegas NV, is Area 51, known to the CIA as Homey Airport and Groom Lake. This is where “black projects” (highly classified military and defense pursuits) like the F-117 Nighthawk and the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber were developed. The formal term for these types of projects is SAP or “Special Access Program.” The money that funds these types of projects has long been known to come from “black budgets.” These programs have been going on for decades, and no-one seems to know for sure how much money is spent and where it’s being allocated. 

Isn’t it about time that the public was given access to all of the redacted information about the peaceful, living, breathing extraterrestrial life-forms currently living in the US and abroad? I think so.

The US government’s interest in and transparency related to UFOs has grown dramatically since 2007, when the Pentagon set up a new program to study “unidentified aerial phenomena.” Sadly, this doesn’t mean they’re willing to declare the existence of alien life, but since they’re using phrases like “security threat” and “potential hazards,” it alludes to the idea that they believe sentient life forms are regularly entering our airspace. 

In 2004, The USS Nimitz reported that David Fravor, Commander of Strike Squadron 41, encountered a UFO that not only outran US F-18 jets, but it also left them in the dust. Six Navy Super Hornet fighter pilots corroborated the events. Intelligence officer Luis Elizondo released a recording with the hope that it might educate and enlighten the protective stealth operators who run The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. 

The CIA and its cohort are emphasizing that the released UFO videos and related reports were not sanctioned by the Pentagon, rather, by a director connected to To The Stars Academy of the Arts and Sciences, Tom Delonge’s company, which is actively seeking funding for extensive UFO research. Regardless, when you tie all of the CIA’s released documents with all of the recent reports and articles, it paints a damning (or exciting) picture and seems to support one simple set of conclusions: They are here, we’ve been actively extrapolating scientific advances from them, and directly relating with them for decades.  

The People's Disclosure

Trump has publicly acknowledged that he doubts the existence of aliens and UFOs, but that didn’t stop a group of US Senators from being glued to their seats during a recent classified briefing related to the long list of ongoing UFO sightings by the US Navy. Citing the potential for flight hazards, the Navy did not specify that their concerns were related to aliens, but they certainly showed all of the classic signs of a government avoiding a topic. Several pilots reported multiple encounters with these UFOs, each of which had no visible engine or infrared signals denoting exhaust fumes. This means that the technology was foreign to every scientific source within the US Government. 

Ever since Roswell, there has been a steady stream of Navy UFO sightings like these. While all of this information has been public for years, the recent flurry of pop-site articles and all of the press briefings have the potential for long-tail results. This means that we will see a long list of former and current employees, from a variety of governmental agencies, coming out of their closets to share their classified experiences around UFO sightings and alien life. This will create the momentum needed to rip the lid off. 


Mass Media Mind Control

I have had wide and varied interests since a very young age and have loved learning all of my life. Simply, I believe life should be lived as a great adventure of growth and learning in every way. In science, my interests started in crystallography and minerals and progressed through the several branches of science into politics, philosophy, religion and all things esoteric.

What is Mind Control?

In the late 1980s, the most interesting research I began exploring was on mind effects or, more popularly, mind control. My interest grew out of the misuses of the information released in the Church Committee hearings of the 1970s dealing with the CIA programs in this area. At the same time, the positive possibilities for these new technologies were also exciting. Stimulating optimum human performance, accelerated learning, meditation, relaxation, and focus could all be improved. In fact, even so-called altered states could be enhanced or even stimulated. The most fascinating possibilities, however, were even more startling.

The idea that perhaps we could stimulate what is now referred to in some literature as “anomalous human capability” or, in the past referred to as ESP or extrasensory perceptions, may be possible.

In fact, this may be the next evolution of humans on earth as many of us are acknowledging and science is proving.

Control of the Mind and Body

The predominant brain wave frequencies indicate the kind of activity taking place in the brain. There are four basic groups of brain wave frequencies that are associated with most mental activity. The first, beta waves, (13-35 Hertz or pulses per second) are associated with normal activity. The high end of this range is associated with stress or agitated states that can impair thinking and reasoning skills. The second group, alpha waves (8-12 Hertz), can indicate more relaxation. Alpha frequencies are ideal for learning and focused life form energy. The third, theta waves (4-7 Hertz), indicate mental imagery, access to memories and internal mental focus. This state is often associated with young children, behavioral modification and sleep/dream states. The last, ultra slow, delta waves (.5-3 Hertz), are found when a person is in deep sleep.

The general rule is that the brain’s predominant wave frequency will be lowest, in terms of pulses per second, when relaxed, and highest when people are most alert or agitated.

What is Entrainment?

External stimulation of the brain by electromagnetic means can cause the brain to be entrained or locked into phase with an external signal generator. Predominant brain waves can be driven or pushed into new frequency patterns by external stimulation. In other words, the external signal driver or impulse generator entrains the brain, overriding the normal frequencies, and causing changes in the brain waves. Changes in brain waves cause changes in brain chemistry; which then cause changes in brain outputs in the form of thoughts, emotions or physical condition.

As you are driven, so you arrive – brain manipulation can be either beneficial or detrimental to the individual being impacted depending on the level of knowledge or the intentions of the person controlling the technology.

Is it Possible to Train Consciousness?

Consciousness training is also a big theme in cults, religious organizations, and others pursuing the “new age.” Science has now gained a greater understanding of how the mind and brain work so that what used to take years, or even decades, to achieve, can now be mastered in weeks, days or even minutes. For instance, in 1996 a method and apparatus for the use in achieving alpha and theta brainwave states and effecting positive emotional states in humans were developed.

Two years later another patent was issued which could create desired consciousness states: In the training of an individual to replicate such states of consciousness without further audio stimulation, such states may be transferred from one human being to another through the imposition of one person’s EEG, superimposed on desired stereo signals and onto another individual, by inducement of a binaural beat phenomenon.

Is Thought Transference Possible?

This is interesting in that it speaks to the ideas alluded to earlier by the military in changing the memory of a person by imposing computer-manipulated signals which would integrate with the normal memory of a person. The possibility of abuse is obvious and the opportunity for personal advancement is also great.

Consider the possibility of gaining education by the transfer of data directly into the human brain by these new methods rather than the standard methods of learning. A serious consideration in developing these types of memory transfer systems will be the fact that they bypass normal intellectual filters – they are deposited into the brain as fact, without question or careful consideration. What happens when new information conflicts with existing information? Would it be possible to include hidden information meant to unduly influence things like religious beliefs, politics or consumption of goods and services or politics?

Ethical Questions Abound

The possibilities are immense and the ethical and moral questions surrounding these matters equally large. We can no longer avoid the debate; in fact, the debate is lagging far behind the scientific advancements. In the interim, there are some simple things we could all do to enhance our own, or our children’s, learning capacity by applying simple and available knowledge. For instance: “researchers at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at University of California, Irvine, have determined that 10 minutes of listening to a Mozart piano sonata raised the measurable IQ of college students by up to nine points.” This is a simple thing of great use to anyone seeking self- improvement as an example.

There are several articles and materials that speak to the various ways that these technologies can be applied and used beyond the scope of this article. Let’s get to the media applications.

The Use of Media

Radio, TV, the Internet, the power grid, cell systems or any other electromagnetic carrier can be used to carry a signal that will influence the behaviors of most people in close proximity to the signal. What such signals can do is cause a person, for instance, to drop into a light altered state. Like when people come home from work, sit in front of the TV and watch the nightly news feed. Within a few moments someone begins saying to you, “honey, dinners ready.” They hear nothing… they are no longer watching the “programming;” they are being programmed with the latest values, beliefs, and ideas being pressed into the consciousness of most people through media.

By oscillating a signal in a certain way, emotional states can easily be reformed so that the reaction to the advertising, political propaganda or “news” is as predicted by those generating it across the broad population as intended by them.

In other words, it is about control and manipulation. It is really very simple. People in psychology understand the Frequency Following Response (FFR). When applied to advertise or any other media, it is incredibly compelling.

Refined Control Tactics

Much more can be done with this technology in terms of the information density that can be sent in on such carriers. The objective of many military planners is to be able to even transfer thought and memory sets. These kinds of technology when applied to media particularly when coupled with mass surveillance of the population this allows those in control of such technologies to have profound effects on a highly individualized basis. This delivery system can be tailored to an individual person to have specific influences on that individual personality type and subtype.

The predictability of behavior for the target of the technology is so refined that is better at predicting an individual’s future behavior they could about themselves. Think about this for a moment.

Perpetual Worry as a Means of Imprisonment

Yet the simplest mechanism for inhibiting higher mind functions, peak performance, and anomalous human capabilities is to just keep people in a constant state of worry, agitation, and fear. Sound familiar? In these states, it is not possible to reach a higher state of awareness. These emotional states do not allow the brain to operate in a manner that will allow this possibility. Fear is the adversary and is at the root of the misuses of these technologies. The government fears an enlightened population where the light of truth shines within its darkest corners. An awakened population cannot be resisted by structures based on fear.

The Next Evolution of Humankind

After 40 years of research in the open literature and opportunities to meet and spend the time needed with the best bio-physicists in the world has allowed me insight into this area. During my time with the Lay Institute in Dallas, I put together a private conference on mind effects with some of the best people in the world. The surprise was not a story about controlling people and manipulating populations, although everyone agreed this was the case in the 21st century in so many ways. The biggest insight had to do with the next evolution of humankind.

Voiced first by the late sister, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, in her presentation about her belief that in what man was trying to create in electronics were already latent in every person waiting to be awakened. The theme was repeated in every presentation that explored the possibilities of reclaiming our birthright in terms of what we are as human beings and the endless possibilities that occur when we begin to recognize ourselves.

As we evolve and grow within the framework of this reality we also are beginning to recognize in the science of consciousness and what we know…we are more than we think, and we are beyond what we know. Together we change the world by fearlessly knowing that we each have all that we need to engage the world and are not alone in it. Our humanity is in fact our very salvation if we can recognize and alter our awareness.

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