Wisdom Teachings
Season 11
. 5 Episodes
David Wilcock, author of Source Field Investigations, exposes some of the greatest secrets and cover-ups of our time in this eye-opening original series.
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Pyramid Power: Fire in the Middle
David Wilcock, author of Source Field Investigations, exposes some of the greatest secrets and cover-ups of our time in this eye-opening original series. Combining esoteric philosophy, alternative science and historical fact, Wilcock offers viewers the chance to rediscover our ancient systems of physics and spirituality. This series is best watched in consecutive order.
David Wilcock
Wisdom Teachings - Season 11 Episodes
S11 E1 - Pyramid Power: Fire in the Middle
32 minsPyramids, as monuments, have astonished countless generations. But pyramids as machines which collect and amplify source field energy? To understand how this is possible, David Wilcock reexamines the nature of gravity and the fluid-like nature of space-time.
S11 E2 - Russian Pyramid Research Part 1
30 minsAs David Wilcock introduces us to some of the key scientific concepts of pyramid power, we see how these simple shapes can affect the future advancement of human civilization. But first, we need to reexamine the nature of the fluid-like energy which gives shape and form to every aspect of our reality.
S11 E3 - Russian Pyramid Research Part 2
29 minsPivotal research by Russia scientists into the effects of pyramids upon physical matter has gone largely unnoticed, until now. David Wilcock brings to light the work of a prominent pyramid scientist, Dr. Alexander Golod who has made some fascinating discoveries involving the power of pyramids.
S11 E4 - Russian Pyramid Research Part 3
29 minsDavid Wilcock continues to expand upon the work of Dr. Alexander Golod by revealing even more of the strange discoveries he made involving pyramid power. If pyramids can alter the material state of objects, then there is no doubt they can have an effect upon human consciousness.
S11 E5 - Russian Pyramid Research Part 4
30 minsDavid Wilcock continues to unravel the miraculous discoveries found by Russian scientists as they explored the myriad benefits of pyramid power.
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