Wisdom Teachings
Season 9 . 4 Episodes TV-PG

David Wilcock, author of Source Field Investigations, exposes some of the greatest secrets and cover-ups of our time in this eye-opening original series.

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The Memory of Water (Preview)

David Wilcock, author of Source Field Investigations, exposes some of the greatest secrets and cover-ups of our time in this eye-opening original series. Combining esoteric philosophy, alternative science and historical fact, Wilcock offers viewers the chance to rediscover our ancient systems of physics and spirituality. This series is best watched in consecutive order.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, Spanish
35 mins TV-PG
Mystics and priests have long known that water can hold sacred energy and intention. But, it took an accidental discovery for one scientist, Jacques Benveniste, to learn what ancient traditions have always held true.
40 mins TV-PG
Even though skeptics lambast Jacques Benveniste’s work, other scientists are working to advance his theories to the molecular and atomic levels. David Wilcock explains how homeopathy and the work of these scientists is just the beginning of a new era for medical advancements.
38 mins TV-PG
Scientists are just now learning how we connect with water through our consciousness. David Wilcock introduces us to the effect of consciousness upon the crystalline structure of water through the works of Dr. Masaru Emoto and Professor Kenneth Libbrect.
35 mins TV-PG
Our consciousness can connect us to unseen sources of water. Dowsing is one of the oldest and most effective means of locating subterranean water supplies. David Wilcock walks us through the history and scientific exploration of the use and applications of dowsing.