Circumstantial Beings – A Positive Force of the Human Life
Let me ask you this: How many different types of Beings exist in the Universe? What would you answer? Since I’ve given you something to think about, let me throw out another question (or idea) for you to give yourself a headache over: Circumstantial Beings and the Dimensions in which they reside.
At this point, you might be saying: What in the world are you talking about?
I am here to tell you that there are Beings that sit in what are called Circumstantial Dimensions in order to bring and afford you the opportunity to experience the circumstances in your life!
What? Let’s say you park your car in your driveway at home upon your return from work and you leave it parked there overnight. In the morning, when you go outside to get in your car to go back to work, your car won’t turn over – the battery is dead. No juice! So you wonder to yourself how could this be? You haven’t had a problem once with that battery, and there were absolutely no signs that it was going to go out.
Now, because of the circumstances around the fact that your car’s battery was dead, you also had to change your plans for that day. However, upon changing those plans, you were afforded the opportunity to experience something that you would’ve missed had you just gotten up that morning, gone out to your car and simply driven away.
The Circumstances You Need
Circumstantial Beings brought to you those circumstances that you were afforded to experience that day in your life.
Think about it. How many times does something like that happen and we get upset? We always tend to think of it as a coincidence, and most of the time we don’t really give any thought to things happening the way they do. Those unplanned instances we experience on an ongoing basis are caused by Circumstantial Beings that sit within the Circumstantial Dimensions that I’m describing.
Are You Paying Attention?
Sometimes in our daily lives, things seem to be strange or completely out of sorts, and we have no explanation for any of these things that just seem to happen. Could it be that Circumstantial Beings are affecting something in your life? Are your Circumstantial Beings trying to show you something?
Circumstantial Beings can also manipulate and play with colors and shapes due to the fact that every human’s circumstances are different. In other words, your colors and your shapes and your circumstances differ according to who you are. The fact of the matter is there are Beings in the Universe that dwell within the dimensions that deal with our circumstances. Circumstances that we put ourselves into and get ourselves out of throughout every day and every moment of our life.
There is a dimension of Beings that work very specifically in trying to set up the circumstances for requests that we, as humans, send out into the Universe. It’s a dimension of workers that the Universe directs in response to the vibrations you have sent out. This is all they do! They line up circumstances for human beings here on this earth. Yes, your own group of workers that work on circumstances made just for you. And again, they are doing this (on your behalf) at all times.
From the moment you get up in the morning and find your newspaper on your doorstep (take note that these Beings work hard to make sure that happens), to how you get to work every day, to whether your day goes smoothly, these beings are creating on your behalf. There will be other events that may also be put into place that may seem strange or coincidental, but remember, they really aren’t and are part of the alignment for the requests that we have put out to the Universe.
Recognizing the Circumstantial Beings
What is amazing is that there are more and more people on this earthly plane who are beginning to recognize these types of circumstances. As we continue to work on expanding our knowledge and understanding, we begin to see these Beings as we go throughout our day. At first it can be startling, but once you realize that there is no harm to be found, it is actually very peaceful and calming to know that the Beings are in one’s midst.
One should give way to the fear of it. It is always there, and it is that which is supposed to be there. Once again, just another Being that is in one of those dimensions that we as humans either are not aware of or seemingly take for granted. Circumstantial Beings will not communicate with you verbally. All they do is set up circumstances for you in your life. That is how they communicate.
In order to have communication with them you simply need to piece together the circumstances they have created for you.
When you look at a piece of artwork, does it speak to you? Does it make a statement to you? Are you drawn to this or that through this artwork? Those circumstances were set up for you in order to receive those feelings through that particular circumstance. Do you hear a song during the day that for some reason just seems to tear at your heartstrings or makes you feel a certain way? What (or who) do you think it was that made you feel that way? Once again, it is the Circumstantial Beings that have set this up so you can recognize it. What is it that you’ve recognized?
Become More Attune to Your Emotions
There are so many things in our lives that we take for granted, or things happen in our lives for which we don’t have an answer. Needless to say, these life events are the Circumstantial Beings hard at work, and these Beings are afforded to each of us. Once again, Circumstantial Beings communicate to you through sound, color, and movement, and whatever they do, they will stir an emotion within you—that is their communication process with you.
It helps to tune into your emotions in your heightened state of awareness. Dimensional Beings are in other areas of the Universe as well, and that is their way of communicating with one another. There is no language involved within the time and place they exist. There is only language on this earthly realm. So how else do you communicate with them?
Circumstantial Beings have been hidden throughout your existence. Once you become aware of who and what they are, then what they do and the tasks that they perform will heighten your awareness. Human beings, at points in their lives, have lacked the capacity to match the frequency that these Beings live and exist within. We have a hard time acknowledging them. But for highly tuned-in individuals, you can start to sense that these beings are there; once you start recognizing them, they will become more of the norm in your life.
Pay Attention
Pay attention to strange circumstances in your life. Those circumstances will afford you the opportunity to see and to experience many more marvelous opportunities. You will begin to recognize and see circumstances that happen that you may have been completely unaware of. Again, this is one of those awakening processes that an enlightened Being goes through in life.
How aware do you become of your life circumstances? How aware are you of the Circumstantial Beings that influence your life? Once you recognize them, and once they have become generous enough to show themselves to you, you need to acknowledge them and thank them for coming. Ask them to keep showing up and controlling the circumstances in your life.
These Circumstantial Beings are anxious to communicate with you, but they can’t do it without your permission.
Too many human beings are under the impression that a spiritual being will just come up and talk to them. Yes, this can happen, but that is only one type of Being. There are other Dimensional Beings that don’t speak. Again, they have other ways to communicate with us. Since humans are speaking beings (with language), we keep waiting for something to manifest itself to us. We often miss all the other communication that is out there! There are five other senses in the human body that we very seldom are even aware of, and those are the way these Circumstantial Beings are going to communicate with us. This is a better way of communication because it triggers emotion—the best way to convey a message.
Learn how to plug into your emotional state to recognize and see these Circumstantial Beings and what they can do for you in your daily life. Once you do, you will be amazed you were not aware of them before.
Sacrifice as a Catalyst for Rebirth and Bliss in Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey
Joseph Campbell is one of the most influential writers, philosophers, and professors in history. His work on mythology has taken native stories beyond their face value and deep into the human psyche, where they resonate with the core of who we are.
Campbell’s life’s work brought countless people across the world in touch with the collective unconscious that underlies our every thought and motivates us to seek happiness. His phrase “follow your bliss” is now a household prompt, thanks to a series of interviews with celebrated journalist Bill Moyers in the early ‘90s. Gaia members can now experience this timeless discussion, listening to episodes discussing “The Hero’s Adventure”, “Sacrifice and Bliss”, and more.
Campbell’s teachings applied the lessons of heroes and metaphors of mythology to our own lives. “A myth is not a lie,” he famously said, despite this commonly misused definition. Rather, a myth is a story meant to turn the mind inward to reflect upon itself and reveal the essential truths of reality and our relationship to the transcendent.
As Campbell explains in his series of interviews with Moyers, myth is often constructed as a hero’s journey — a pivotal course of events that slowly test the story’s protagonist and push them to the next step of unfoldment — toward transcendence. Each obstacle the hero experiences is a reflection of himself, as he is moved one step closer to sacrifice the egoic sense of self to the greater good, which is total consciousness.
When we study mythology, Campbell taught, we find the theme of sacrifice to be all-important. We must let go in order to receive what is already present. Campbell said, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” The hero sacrifices his lower nature for his higher nature, and his safety for the one he rescues, or perhaps an object of desire for a noble cause.
Campbell taught that sacrifice is a theme that runs through all things natural — death (the sacrifice of a living being) gives way to new life in an ever-continuing cycle. But death is often metaphorical and may be the death of a habit, a pattern of thinking, or an attachment to something. Or, he said, “When you make the sacrifice in marriage, you’re sacrificing not to each other but to unity in a relationship.”