Do You Know How to Identify a False Flag Event?
What is a False Flag?
A false flag is an action carried out by a person or group, like a government or cabal, that is blamed on someone else to achieve a subversive goal. False flags pose as imminent threats to the security of a populace, when in fact they’re usually committed by that group’s own government.
False flag conspiracy theorists are often derided as being overly paranoid, fear mongering, and irrational, and sometimes rightfully so. But when it comes to being suspicious of a potentially deceitful authority, that skepticism should be warranted; especially if there is historical precedence. And often theories about government operations that sound the most heinous or absurd are those where the most scrutiny should be applied.
False flag events are a manipulation of our trust in authority. They play on our fear and employ propaganda, essentially controlling our minds and the way we perceive events. History is rife with false flags, whether they are officially recognized or not, but being able to identify the signs and wake up to the truth is the only way to prevent them from happening in the future.
A History of False Flag Events
A false flag event takes its name from the days of piracy. Before taking over a ship, pirates would sail the flag of a nation that was known to be friendly to their targeted ship. When they got close enough, the pirates would raise their flag, showing their true colors and commandeer the unsuspecting ship taking all its valuables and killing its crew. Today’s false flag operations are much more subversive and don’t give their victims the courtesy of knowing they’ve been duped. Instead, modern false flags go for the long play. This way they can maintain legitimacy and power and commit other false flag acts in the future to further their agenda.
Among the numerous instances of false flags, one event that has become synonymous with the term and effectively led to one of the most atrocious outcomes was the Reichstag Fire. The Reichstag Fire was an act of arson that was supposedly committed by a communist German, named Marinus Van Der Lubbe. Van der Lubbe set fire to the parliamentary Reichstag building, under the guise of a communist radical. While he was known to be eccentric and a mental patient who might commit such a crime, his behavior during the subsequent trial, as well as the extenuating circumstances surrounding German government at the time, tell a different story.
Before the Reichstag fire, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany during its nascent democracy. He of course wanted authoritarian power, which could only be attained by invoking an emergency clause called the Enabling Act. In order to pass the act, he needed a two-thirds majority in the Reichstag, but the Nazi party only controlled 32 percent. By burning down the Reichstag and blaming communists, he could manipulate the populace and use its fear to assume power.
There are a few pieces of evidence that exposed Nazi involvement in the fire after the Reichstag burned. Aside from the fact that it conveniently allowed Hitler to implement his fascist regime, he was immediately prepared with an emergency decree, laying out his plans. Also, Hitler’s right-hand man, Hermann Göring, showed up to the fire with arrest lists already prepared. All of the warning signs and the framework for a false flag were there, and although it is widely accepted to be a false flag, it has never officially been labelled such, making it a testament to its success.
The Telltale Signs of a False Flag Event
There are some key characteristics that can be indicative of a false flag event. The catalyst is typically an explosive, spectacular event, which is followed by immediate media saturation. Of course this is inevitable in any tragic scenario and simply the nature of news, but there are a few warning signs of a plotted false flag. If the major news outlets are all in sync, reporting on the event without thoroughly vetting the information available, then there is cause for concern. Within a relatively short period of time a scapegoat will be named, establishing an enemy with little to no trial or investigation into other possibilities. The case will be closed, government action will ensue, and, on a much more subversive level, someone will reap profit. And often those who profit are large corporations or military contractors that make exorbitant revenue through war and conflict.
These scenarios work best when the stakes are high. The greater the shock value, the less likely people are to question the authenticity of the event. If someone dares to question the mainstream’s sanctioned culprit in a tragedy, they’re labelled crazy, insensitive or unpatriotic. Skeptics are denounced as pacifists who are unsupportive of their country in a time of attack. Those who do succumb to the hysteria, perpetuate a groupthink that can be easily persuaded to allow government to restrict liberties and implement authoritarian laws. Examples of this can be seen throughout history and as recently as within the past few decades.
Proposed False Flags: Operation Northwoods
While it was never actually carried out, one proposal made to President Kennedy, laid out plans for an incredibly insidious false flag attack. Operation Northwoods was a plan concocted by the Department of Justice and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, intending to garner support for an unprovoked war against communist Cuba through a number of subversive means, making Cubans out to be the aggressors. The plans ranged from blowing up U.S. naval ships to hijacking commercial airliners and crashing them, faking the deaths of U.S. civilians.
The plan was meticulously thought out, providing an array of devious plots to manipulate the public perception of Cuba at the expense of Cuban and potentially American lives. Although it was rejected by Kennedy, similarly duplicitous tactics have been carried out by the U.S. and many other large governments with the resources to do so.
In the modern era, technological advents have allowed for surreptitious cyber attacks and widespread propaganda. In the U.S., this irregular style of warfare falls under the title Psychological Operations, or PsyOps, and is simply the contemporary term for the military’s propaganda tactics.
We now know the extent to which these tactics can be employed and how they’ve been willingly used on the country’s innocent citizens for surveillance purposes. Will they continue to find even more subversive measures to manipulate us and advance their self-serving goals? Or will this usher in an era of awareness and resistance to manipulation from the powers that be?
What is the Cabal and How Dark Forces Control the Masses
If there are dark forces, or a cabal, that control world economies (and minds), as well as secret factions within religious organizations, then a lot of strange things begin to make sense.
Many believe some covert but influential organization is responsible for globally impactful circumstances or events. And the truth is that people conspire — they gather in small groups and work together to take control. Such meetings have been going on since the beginning of our species. But when the actions of secret societies become sinister and harmful to others, then perhaps it’s time for the populace to wake up.
Sometimes called the Illuminati, the New World Order or even the Global Elite, “cabal” refers to secret factions working inside our governments with an agenda for world domination. To become aware of their entrainment, we must empower ourselves with an awareness free from their crafted agendas.
As conscious beings who can see what is happening in the world around us, we are in place to call out and disempower their secrecy. And the best news buttercup, they don’t win! There is nothing to fear.
The truth will be our greatest boon. Cosmic order will prevail and we will achieve the ascension that has been 25,000 years in the making.
The Cabal and Secret Societies
Secrecy needs darkness to survive. We may have heard the name, but what is the Cabal? If we’re unaware of their existence, we are powerless against their manipulation.
Secret societies are nothing new. From the Illuminati to the Freemasons, they have thrived behind closed doors, teaching countless generations’ beliefs and knowledge. Secrecy and power are their currency. Like the Hydra, they have many heads, many names, all with the same belief that power and domination is the role of the select few.
The Bilderberg Group
More than a half-century ago, in 1954, Daniel Estulin wrote, “the most powerful men in the world met for the first time in Oosterbeek, Netherlands,” to debate the future of the world. From that day forward, right up to the present, they have been meeting every year in secret. They called themselves the Bilderberg Group, which has a membership of world-power elites, mostly from America, Canada, and Western Europe.
These are mostly high-profile individuals who are influential in an array of areas ranging from politics to entertainment, and from industry to banking. Well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank, Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB, and Bank of England.
The official Bilderberg website notes that discussions are held under the Chatham House Rule. This refers to the fact that participants can use any information they receive during the meeting, but are sworn not to reveal its source. The last meeting took place in the spring of 2019 at the Hotel Montreux Palace in the Swiss town of Montreux.
The Bilderberg Group’s highly secretive meetings, without a fixed agenda, according to The Local, a Stockholm-based news outlet, act as “regular fodder for conspiracy theorists who believe its participants act as a secret world government…However, organizers argue the private nature of the event gives attendees the chance to hold informal discussions about major issues.”