How to Manifest a Sacred Relationship
How to Manifest a Sacred Relationship
By: Marcus and Sheila Gillette | July 7th, 2018
The following interview was facilitated by Marcus Gillette and channeled by Sheila Gillette. Sheila acts as a medium for the THEO group, 12 archangelic beings, speaking in one voice, here to be mentors and teachers to humanity. Speaking directly through Sheila, THEO is here to guide humanity during this unprecedented shift to a higher state of consciousness.
Marcus: Thank you, THEO. It’s great to have you with us today. What does sacred relationship mean to you?
THEO: It is that fulfillment of sacredness within – that recognition of the divinity that you are, the beauty, the uniqueness of your individuality that which is the light of your soul. It is that sacred aspect of your being… that soul that is connected to God… the God-self.
M: Share with us the importance of the relationship unto the self?
T: As one recognizes that divinity, that uniqueness of the being, then that is what is radiated out into the world from a peaceful place (not an angst, not that projection of fears and angers) that which is the resonance of the wholeness within; meaning, that there has been a satisfaction on all aspects of one’s soul to allow unconditional loving presence.
M: Let’s go a little deeper on manifesting a romantic relationship.
T: Romantic relationships can be attracted from very many ways, and most often there is in romance the attraction first that is a lustful one or an energetic connectivity that allows you to recognize one. There is a resonance. It is much like your auric field combining another. There is a vibration that then sparks a lustfulness that leads to romance, but also that which is romantic has to do with your interactions and your sensitivities to another and that awareness with them and with yourself.
You think alike, and you are alike in many ways, for like attracts like. So, if you are in a relationship that you are viewing something that you feel inappropriate, what inside of you is being mirrored to you? There are many facets to romance; but, first off, it is that magnetism, that hormone-pheromone expression and experience, and then underneath that is the recognition of the soulful connectivity.
M: Please speak to the possibilities now present for relationships in this 5th Dimensional energy to have telepathic and multidimensional experiences together?
T: When allows that connectivity to another, you engage on an energetic level that can be unspoken yet heard; experiencing openness (no fear) to allow a trust so that you combine your energies and witness that which is known to each of you together. It is telepathic; it is also extrasensory; it is clairvoyant, at times; it is clairsentience for those who are feelers. There are many ways to engage in multidimensional expression in relationship together, by intention, as well as spontaneously.
M: So, in addition to intention, what else do we need to know to manifest these experiences?
T: Be open. It is very simplistic. It is easy to speak of in words but that openness (the reduction of one’s fears) is where the key lies and that is an integrative process. And asking the self the questions of truth on the inner: Where does the fear come from? Where is the resistance? Who is resisting? Integrate it.
M: Let’s talk about sacred sexuality. Share with us your perspective on how we can take our sexual relationships to another level.
T: It is to understand that sexuality and the orgasmic part of sexual encounters is sacred for it is that creation that is God. It is that connectivity to God. So, frivolousness in this expression of self is doing oneself disservice because it is a connectivity to souls to that God you are, the Creator that you are. So, in tantric and sacred sexuality, there is an honoring of that and the individual that you are with, and it is not the act, in and of itself, but it is the connectivity that is important from the heart, and the true expression of the self, the ability for vulnerability, allows that connection to each other.
M: Please speak more to the “ability for vulnerability” within the sacred sexuality that we are discussing.
T: One can speak their truth. Speak to another with trust. That is what you are trying to arrive at is trust within and trust without. And vulnerability allows you to bring out your authentic self (who you truly are): even speaking to what your fears may be, your likes and dislikes; the touch, even of the fingertips or the hands, can hold the energy that can be transmitted back and forth to each other while gazing upon the eyes which are the window of the soul.
M: Take us a little deeper on the topic of vulnerability.
T: Vulnerability is sharing who you truly are: sharing your thoughts, asking for what you desire, speaking the truth of yourself. For example, when you have a conversation with one that you love, not relinquishing your power for acceptable sake, to say, “Oh, yes, I would enjoy doing that,” whatever that may be, but in truth you would not for fear of abandonment you go along with whatever it is, and that is a martyring role.
So, your expectation is unmet and theirs is fully met because you have acquiesced your power and empowered them with your energy. There should be an equal exchange of energy, and when one is vulnerable and speaking their truth, that is all we are speaking about and it needs not be harsh, but if one says, “I would like to do this, would you like to do it?”
You could say, “No, I would like to do this or that,” and you can compromise with each other and if something is more important to one than the other, you can say, “yes, I will do that because obviously it is more important to you than what I want and I am willing to participate with you in your satisfaction.” That is truth. And the other can feel loved by the person saying “yes, it is important to you so I will participate,” and each will be satisfied and expectations will be met.
Watch Channeling THEO: Soul Integration for Sacred Relationships
M: Help us understand the truth about soul mates and twin flames.
T: Soul mates are not always romantic. Soul mates are soul family on the same frequency and of soul age. And so many teachers in our lives could be soul mates, even those that are most difficult, because soul mates have an agreement to support each other’s growth and you are on the same frequency. Twin flame is that which is of the same vibration, the masculine and feminine vibration of the soul that is eternal. Not always are twin flames incarnate together in every incarnation; however, they are fully together always, and if incarnated will meet, for that is a given when incarnated.
M: I think that can be a little confusing, so are you saying that we are one-half of a soul, one-half the male and the female of a single soul, or are we, in fact, an individual soul that has a partner?
T: An individual soul who has a partner on the same frequency that is exact, both having the attributes of the masculine and feminine. And understand that when you are not embodied there is not age-gender specific.
M: Will twin flames always find each other when they are incarnate together?
T: Yes.
M: It is magnetic, isn’t it?
T: It is.
M: There are a lot of people experiencing some disconnection in relationships, people with spouses or partners that are not on the same spiritual path.
T: It is important to recognize why you are attracted to one. Oftentimes there is a fragmented aspect that is attracted to the fragmentation of another, the woundedness in another, with an expectation that if one cares for the woundedness of another, they will care for you and make you whole. That does not work for it is the responsibility of each being to care for the self, to allow for that soul integrational process that allows for the recognition of wholeness and unconditional loving self. Then that is projected out and one attracts to oneself a being that is willing to do their emotional work, to identify those expectations not met and give them unto the self, and then with the ability to share with another from that place of wholeness or holiness.
M: When people are in unfulfilling relationships, how can they have a sacred separation?
T: It is important not to go into collusion or blame in trying to find a circumstance or something to be angry at to feel better about the separation, but rather to be in a place of recognizing that there is a completion with the relationships; they are good people that have learned together and then have come apart when that learning is complete. So, it is that more mature resonance with self that allows one to speak clearly the truth. The truth may not be liked but it will always be accepted because it is a vibration that is known clearly. So, when one speaks the truth – not conjuring up all blame of perceived harm or perceived difficulties but to be in the truth, then there is that completion, and it is important to honor each other in that learning that has been given in that time. This is difficult to do for most beings for when they are saddened, or do not want a departure, or they feel that they must leave, conjure up anger and judgment to make the case on the inner that it is alright to leave, so it is to recognize first off – one needs not create an anger-emotional circumstance to leave relationships.
M: What if we aren’t feeling certain about moving forward in a relationship?
T: First off, if there is a fear, or if there are concerns, pay attention to it and go inside and bare it out. Bring out what it is that is prompting that feeling within, for your feelings are real things to you, and if not satisfied and understood and recognized, it will not be satisfied. Pay attention to what you are experiencing and then the knowingness will be underneath the “I don’t know”, for you truly know in the depth of your being what those things are that are off putting to you.
M: This brings up a question about disharmonious relationships in the workplace. Let’s talk a little bit about that.
T: There has been much talk about dysfunctionality in families. That is no different in the workplace for beings do not put their souls in the closet and go off to work and then come home and do their soul work. It is all the same. So, there is as much dysfunctionality in the workplace as there are in the individuals, and within that leadership. Beings project that out and so when one stands forth in one’s truth they do not be involved. Step out of the collusion and be in your truth. If there is one that is particularly aggressive, one can choose to participate in the usual ways of interaction. It can be brief interactions and very to the point but not to engage in the gossip.
M: Final thoughts?
T: Sacred relationships are anointed and ordained and blessed. Seeing the best in each other is only a reflection of the best in you.
About the Author:
Sheila Gillette is a world renowned spiritual medium and channel for the twelve archangels collectively known as THEO. She is the co-author of, The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace and author of, The Fifth Dimension: Channels to a New Reality. She and her husband Marcus are the co-hosts of the popular interactive internet TV show “AskTHEO Live”, and she and THEO are prominently mentioned in the Abraham-Hicks publications as the mentors for Esther Hicks to begin channeling Abraham.
The Awesome Power of the Field of Love
In February, a lot of us start thinking about Love and it’s not only because our most widely celebrated cross-cultural holiday is observed on February 14th. Apparently people were thinking of Love at that time of year way before there even was a St. Valentine. Maybe it has more to do with winter turning the corner – the first inklings of springtime, softly fizzling in our future.
No, in our reality it isn’t the seasons or saints that inspire a couple billion dollars worth of chocolate to be sold, the harvesting of two hundred million roses, or the wedding engagements of somewhere around five to six million couples, it’s the most powerful extra-dimensional force known to humankind. It’s Love, silly, and it can move mountains.
“None of the means employed…has a sixteenth part of the value of loving-kindness. Loving-kindness, which is freedom of the heart, absorbs them all; it glows, it shines, it blazes forth.”
The Buddha
Love is a powerful field of positive energy that makes all of Life’s greatest spiritual and material manifestations and realizations possible. The more we consciously engage with the field of Love, the greater those manifestations and realizations will be.