Human Biofield Research Shows Efficacy in Energy Healing

Human Biofield Research Shows Efficacy in Energy Healing

Exciting new scientific research is finally showing the efficacy of an age-old practice: biofield healing.

Humans have been using various forms of energy healing for eons, today the emerging field of biofield medicine is ushering in serious scientific inquiry. Dr. Shamini Jain is a researcher and founder of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, a collaborative of leading scientists and practitioners seeking to expand our understandings of biofield healing. She is the author of the new book “Healing Ourselves.”

“The biofield is a new term that’s been coined by Western scientists to explain what really is a very age-old concept that aligns across traditions around the world, and that is that the biofield is a set of fields, it’s a set of interpenetrating and interacting fields of energy and information that connect us and heal us,” Dr. Jain said.

“So we can talk about and explore the biofield of a cell, the biofield of a person, and even the biofield of a tree or the biofield of the Earth. What’s really cool about it, is we can look at the interactions between our biofields we can look at the biofields between cells, and we can look at the biofields between us and Earth. And it turns out when we start exploring those things in science, we learn about healing effects; we learn how our connection actually heals.”

Cyndi Dale is an energy healer and intuitive who has been working with the biofield’s subtle energies for decades.

“To me, energy is information that moves. Now, Einstein said it forever ago, ‘everything is energy,’ it’s just a matter of how measurable or immeasurable it is,” Dale said.

“So these days, we’ve subdivided those types of energy into subtle energy, which is 99.999 percent of an object or person, versus so-called ‘physical’ energy, which is really, simply denser energy. We’re increasingly being able to measure subtle energy which is really exciting. First of all, we’re explaining it in terms of quantum physics because subtle energy is really most like quanta, which are the smallest units, not just of matter, but of energy. So, therefore some of these quantum wave particles can move faster than the speed of light, but they all carry information or data.”

Biofield healing can take various forms of working with energy, these include reiki, acupuncture, healing touch, and pranic healing, amongst others. Scientists are now looking at ways in which this healing might work, right down to the cellular level.

“We’re bio-electromagnetic beings, even our bones are piezoelectric, and our cells give off charge,” Dr. Jain said. “As it turns out, we can actually even manipulate, for lack of a better term, work with the charge in our cells to grow new neural tissue. We have chemicals that run around in the body, but as it turns out in many cases, it’s actually the electromagnetic charge that might drive the chemicals to move from one cell to another. So as we begin to explore the biofield there’s so much to learn.”

While much still remains to be discovered about the exact mechanisms by which biofield healing works, emerging research is showing it does. Studies have shown the efficacy of biofield therapies in dramatically reversing fatigue in breast cancer survivors, improving immune function in patients receiving chemotherapy, and reducing PTSD symptoms in active-duty military.

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Clairvoyants Able to 'See' Energy Healing in Action, Study Finds

Clairvoyants Able to ‘See’ Energy Healing in Action, Study Finds

An important new scientific study shows that energy can be both channeled to produce healing, and “seen” through extended perception, beyond the five senses.

The Institute of Noetic Sciences, or IONS, has been studying the nature of reality through rigorous scientific exploration for nearly 50 years. In their latest study, IONS scientists set out to validate both the practice of reiki and the phenomenon of clairvoyance or “extended seeing.”                                                                                                                                                                                         

Dr. Helanè Wahbeh is the head of research at IONS, and has been studying energy medicine for decades.

“People who are energy medicine practitioners might call energy this system that runs throughout the body that they experience as energetic, magnetic, tingling, etc. around the body,” Wahbeh said. 

“One type of energy medicine that is commonly used around the world is called Reiki, and Reiki is a technique that originated in Japan. It’s based on the principle that the therapist can actually channel energy into the patient and activate their natural healing process — their innate ability to heal themselves, often releasing obstacles and allowing an optimal flow throughout the body.”

Reiki is one of the best-studied energy medicine modalities, having been shown in clinical studies to be effective in conditions including pain, anxiety, depression, cancer, and others. 

In this IONS experiment, researchers wanted to study the effect of Reiki on people with a variety of physical and mental health conditions to test the principle that the modality uses a universal life force energy and can therefore be applied to anyone for any condition.

“We had six Reiki masters with extensive experience give 30-minute sessions to 40 participants. The participant would come in, they would lay down in this reclining chair, and the Reiki practitioner would say that they were going to start their session, they would place their hands on different parts of their body and direct the Reiki energy for 30 minutes,” Wahbeh said.

The results were profound.

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