Hack Colds and Flu with a Bathtub and Epsom Salt

Hack Colds and Flu with a Bathtub and Epsom Salt

Naturopathic medicine has been around for decades, but today’s naturopathic doctors undergo rigorous training and education rivaling traditional medical schools. Naturopathic research into time-honored folk healing methods has identified the science behind why so many of these practices persisted in times when a doctor may have been hours or days away or even inaccessible. Even 70 years ago, colds and influenza often turned lethal, and pneumonia was a dreaded killer. In those situations, folk medicine could be lifesaving.

Each present-day cold and flu season bring new flu strains and rhinoviruses, or colds. Once that scratchy throat or headache begins, we typically resign ourselves to several days or a week of being laid low. But naturopathic docs, including Dr. Matt Carlson N.D., a graduate of the respected Bastyr University, (a.k.a. the “Harvard of naturopathic medicine”) recommend methods that some would consider old school.

Dr. Carlson explains that when early signs and symptoms of a cold or flu present themselves, the first thing to do is to mimic a fever as soon as possible. Fever is one of the body’s ways of fighting pathogenic invaders and is a healthy response. By inducing a fever during the early stages of infection, the immune system has a chance to get the drop on the bugs. A simple hot bath with a few modifications accomplishes this — here are the steps.

  1. Take a hot bath, staying in the hot water for ten minutes.  
  2. Get out and wrap up in warm clothes and socks.
  3. Jump under the covers and allow yourself to sweat for 15 minutes, giving the induced fever time to reboot the immune system.
  4. Drink hot fluids like bone broth or drinks with electrolytes to prevent dehydration from sweating.

Dr. Carlson adds that while it’s rare, there are those who should not jump in a hot bath without first checking with their doctor. Contraindications include advanced cardiovascular disease or recent heart attacks (must avoid stressing the heart), local malignancies, people with impaired sensation, those who have open wounds, and those ordered to keep their heart rate down (active tachycardia, etc.).  Check with your physician before using this method,” he said.

Adding Essential Magnesium

One hundred years ago the average diet was high in magnesium, but soil depletion has brought average daily consumption from roughly 500 mg. to 200 mg. Lowered magnesium levels are associated with eczema, psoriasis, acne, and a plethora of other conditions.

Epsom salt a.k.a. magnesium sulfate, is used for constipation (think Milk of Magnesia™) for generations, but has other valuable uses. According to a paper published by the NIH (National Institute of Health), “[Magnesium] is one of the most important micronutrients; therefore its role in biological systems has been extensively investigated. Particularly, Mg [magnesium] has a strong relation with the immune system, in both nonspecific and specific immune response.”

In simpler terms, magnesium is good for the immune system. It also improves bone density, activates Vitamin D, lowers the risk of osteoporosis after menopause, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and hypertension, and reduces fatty buildup on the heart’s artery walls. Magnesium deficiency may contribute to anxiety. Some studies suggest that magnesium may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

Hot Water + Epsom Salt

Adding epsom salt to hot bath water creates the ideal conditions for maximum absorption —  magnesium’s best delivery system for immune system support is through the skin directly into the bloodstream. Dr. Carlson cautions about using too much magnesium or using it too frequently if a someone is already taking other magnesium supplements or over-the-counter medicines with magnesium. If taken by mouth, magnesium in high doses can cause diarrhea, but an epsom salt soak entirely bypasses this. 

Four cups of epsom salt added to hot bath water delivers a full dose of magnesium. Those using a foot bath should only use two cups of epsom salt. Adding the salts to a fever-inducing hot bath can increase the benefits when hacking cold and flu bugs, and provide a full dose of essential magnesium.

As seasonal influenza and rhinovirus strains become increasingly drug and vaccine resistant, it’s a good time to revisit every ‘hack,’ a.k.a. folk medicine technique, from the past for present day challenges.

1. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/#en54%20
Disclaimer: All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

10 Highest Radiation Cell Phones & How to Protect Yourself

10 Highest Radiation Cell Phones & How to Protect Yourself

Cell phones have become ubiquitous pieces of technology in our lives. About 96% of Americans now own at least one cellular device, if not multiple. And while we’re constantly reassured that these devices are physically safe and pose no risk of harm, cell phones and smartphones do give off a certain amount of radiation. In fact, when looking at the fine print of any cell phone user manual, you should find a warning telling you to keep your phone at least two inches away from your body at all times to avoid radiation exposure.

These potentially harmful radiation levels are measured in units called SARs, or the Specific Absorption Rate of the radiofrequency energy emitted by a device. 

Is Cell Phone Radiation Dangerous?

Could your cell phone use be giving your body unhealthy amounts of radiation? Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range. Other digital wireless systems, such as data communication networks, produce similar radiation.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2011, mobile phones were classified as Group 2B – possibly carcinogenic (not Group 2A – probably carcinogenic). That means there “could be some risk” of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of smartphones needs to be conducted. However, with 5 billion cell phone users worldwide (260 million alone in the U.S.) answers should probably come sooner than later.

Although no conclusive evidence has been produced, some experts, like Dr. George Carlo, former chief scientist of the cell phone industry’s $28 million safety research project, believes we could be on the verge of a major health crisis. Specifically, he believes the world could be on the precipice of 500,000 brain and other cancer cases annually, because of the proliferation – and rising power – of cell phones and smartphones.

Some health ailments that experts have already theoretically attributed to high cell phone use include increased headaches, high blood pressure, earlier onset of Alzheimer’s, and cancer. Additionally, concern for men’s health regarding cell phones has made international headlines. A meta-analysis of ten past studies, led by researchers at the University of Exeter, U.K., found a small but consistent drop in sperm quality if the men had been exposed to mobile phone radiation. While researchers found no link between mobile phone radiation and an actual drop in fertility rates, the finding could contribute to understanding the global — and still unexplained — drop in sperm count.

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