How Bach Flower Remedies Invite Healing And Transformation

How Bach Flower Remedies Invite Healing And Transformation

Each of us is a profound, electric-Being, continually infused with energy from multiple realms. We receive energy into our physical and subtle bodies from the earth, and our hearts, minds, ancestors, and relations in the spirit, mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. Admittedly, we are profound creatures with unlimited potential in any direction. 

Sadly, regardless of these positive aspects, we often disrespect or give-up on ourselves. We might stop taking supplements or refrain from exercising. We might enter into or continue to sustain unhealthy relationships. And certainly, we can ignore the modalities that can serve our happiness and expansion. Doing so, we might also misinterpret our poor health and disruptive emotions and choose non-action. Paralyzed by too much information or too many symptoms, we can remain tired, confused, anxious, lost, or disconnected. These types of things can happen to each of us. 

Bach Flower Remedies are a unique and powerful set of tinctures that were created from flowers to serve and heal our emotions and subtle bodies. They were built from nature and are infused with the life and life found in the earth and its elements. 

“There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind, and inner happiness.” — Edward Bach

Exotic Natural Remedies

What Is A Subtle Body?

In Sanskrit, your subtle body is termed, “Ssūkṣma śarīra,” and comprised of the etheric bodies of the mind, heart, and other vital energies. Some refer to our subtle body as the entire mystical or divine body, or the totality of our spirit and energy bodies that work to support all of your systems, channels, chakras, planes of existence, and spiritual aspects. 

Your subtle body or series of subtle bodies are chained to your physical body and feed all aspects of your life. Your Prana (or breath), activates and energizes your subtle bodies. It nurtures and sustains all aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual forms, in all the realms. It’s through the subtle bodies that we achieve superhuman skills and awareness, a broadening of our spirits, and eventually, our liberation. 

Bach Flower Remedies are among the few types of tinctures and supplements that directly affect your subtle bodies. Bach created them to specifically treat the nuances of your feelings, attitudes, intentions, thoughts, attachments, and personalities (both temporary and eternal). With Bach Flower Remedies, you can heal the fissures in your temporary self-identities, and open pathways to eternal light and love. In doing so, you can alleviate some of your chronic issues and improve your energy levels and health. 

“Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us.”

— Edward Bach

What Is The Origin Of Bach Flower Remedies?

Bach Flower Remedies were created by the British homeopath, doctor, bacteriologist, and mystic, Edward Bach (1886-1936). He believed that the energetic properties of plants could heal us. His processes included placing specific flowers in water for particular periods and then preserving the fragrant liquid in brandy, to be used to heal people of emotional, personality, and spiritual afflictions.

While western medicine and traditional testing have not produced definable results or definitive proof, thousands of people use Bach Flower Remedies to improve their self-esteem and help them with emotional challenges, including grief, anger, anxiety, shyness, and feelings of disconnectedness. 

Dr. Bach said that his work was based on the four elements, including:

  • Earth, as the primary, maternal nurturer of the plants
  • Air, as the source of life and energy for the plants
  • Sun, as the fire to activate the plant’s healing abilities
  • Water, to collect and be infused with the plants powerful healing attributes

“Disease is, in essence, the result of conflict between the Soul and Mind, and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort.”

— Edward Bach

The Primary Reasons To Use Bach Flower Remedies

Many sensitive people in the world have difficulty finding supplements and methods that help them feel loving, whole, healed, and alive. This is certainly the case with empaths, healers, shamans, artists, therapists, social workers, and those who lead their lives from their subtle bodies and hearts. 

Also, some people are not fully aware that they are sensitive, having ventured down paths and into relationships that keep them detached from their natures and spiritual cores. In these cases, healing products and processes like Bach Flower Remedies can be miraculously transformative. 

While the most famous Bach remedy is Rescue (a combination of Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, and Cherry Plum), there are 38 specific Bach Flower Remedies; each one focused on specific emotions, temporary personality traits, and states-of-mind. 

In all things related to our health and well-being, it’s essential to research the most appealing pathways as much as possible. When it comes to Bach Flower Remedies, you must choose remedies that speak to you or nurture you in some way. Choosing our most beneficial remedies can be very personal and requires periods of reflection. 

Here are a few examples of specific Bach remedies that have the power to improve your attitude, emotions, and life flow.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxious behavior often arises out of an individual’s inability to have empathy and compassion for themselves. Try Impatiens, White Chestnut, Cherry Plum, Agrimony, Chestnut Bud, Red Chestnut, and Beech. 

Depression, Loss of Passion, Motivation

If you’re feeling sad, empty, tearful, agitated, fatigued, hateful of life or self, or if you’re having difficulty sleeping, you might try Mustard, Elm, Pine, Gentian, Cherry Plum, Larch, Holly, Olive, Hornbeam, White Chestnut, and Aspen.

beautiful spring background with branch of blossoming larch

Larch flower blossom


If you’re experiencing constant grief or feelings of guilt or worry, you might consider researching these remedies: Star of Bethlehem, Pine, Water Violet, Sweet Chestnut, Red Chestnut, and Wild Rose. 

Low Self-Esteem, Courage, Confidence

Given how complex our lives can become, we can easily lose respect for ourselves and experience a loss of confidence or self-esteem. If you’re experiencing something similar, you might try Willow, Pine, Agrimony, Larch, Mimulus, Olive, and Gentian.

Anger, Hatred, Resentment

When we’ve been betrayed or harmed by someone, we can feel hateful or vengeful, which can extinguish our ability to remain open-hearted and attract positive aspects into our lives. In these cases, we might consider taking Cherry Plum, Holly, Willow, Heather, or Beech. 


During stressful and traumatic situations, we might feel that we are unable to regain composure and positivity. In these cases, you might consider taking Aspen, Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Mimulus, Gorse, Sweet Chestnut, Oak, and Pine. 

Lack of Focus, Daydreaming, Inattention, Confusion

We can quickly lose our focus and connection to the details of our lives for a variety of reasons. In these cases, we might consider Clematis, Chestnut Bud, Walnut, Gentian, Vervain, Impatiens, Elm, and Larch. 


Some find it easy to dismiss spiritual, magnetic, and energetics-based healing modalities for a variety of reasons, and without ever having experimented with them. They might even claim that these methods are under-researched or under-approved, but the real-world evidence is often to the contrary, and overwhelmingly positive. This is undoubtedly the case with Bach Flower Remedies. 

As you explore this profound healing path, embody patience, and take your time. You might consider visiting a store and holding specific remedies in your hand so that you can feel if you have a connection to its benefits.

You might also meditate on the aspects of your chosen remedies and explore the feelings that emerge. With a little reflection, each of us has the power to source the most beneficial modalities and methods to heal our most disruptive health and spiritual challenges. I am wishing you lots of love, light, and clarity in your pursuit of wholeness and happiness!

Stimulating This Nerve May Reduce Chronic Stress in the Body

Stimulating This Nerve May Reduce Chronic Stress in the Body

A flurry of new research has been pointing to one nerve that just may be the key to true health and wellbeing.

The vagus nerve, which comes from the Latin word for “wandering”, is the longest and most complex nerve in the human body, traveling from the brain stem all the way down to the colon.

Dr. Donese Worden is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who has been closely following the research. “The vagus nerve is like an information superhighway, and it goes back and forth from the brain to the organs, and now we know it communicates with the microbiome,” she said.

“It specifically really works on talking to the heart, the lungs, the gut, and the brain. And the feedback goes both ways. So when we’re upset about something, if you feel hungry, you’re short of breath, your heart is beating fast, it’s because of that information traveling back up to the brain from the nervous system saying ‘something is up and we need to take care of it.'”

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