The term “empath” is a form of identity emerging in the twenty-first century to describe a person who was born with unique variations in how her brain and central nervous system works. An empath has the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one’s empath capacity.
In general, the biggest trait of an empath is a high degree of overall sensitivity. All of the sensory organs of an empath have an unusual sensitivity to light, smell, and sound, as well as other, subtler senses. Again, the degree to which they are sensitive depends on the capacity of their natural abilities. An empath also possesses a very sensitive emotional nature that is typically difficult to self-manage. However, being highly sensitive is only one part of being an empath.
Empaths are very, very intuitive. They tend to do things by feeling, sensing, and reacting to cues that most people can’t even begin to see. After all, empaths are driven by deep intuitive connections that are largely unconscious and automatic. Although what an empath senses or knows can’t be verified immediately, once they master their gifts their hunches and gut feelings can become invaluable.
Essentially, empaths have a deep sense of knowing that accompanies empathy and are often compassionate, considerate, and understanding of others. All of this may sound very intimidating, but in truth, these are gifts to be honed and celebrated. Folks who are empaths make wonderful healers, leaders, light workers and holistic practitioners. They are valuable contributors to those who wish to change the world.
So, does this sound like you? Take this brief quiz to find out:
Do you feel overwhelmed in situations where there are many people around?
Do you feel drawn to work that helps others and provides a valuable contribution to the world?
Do people (even strangers) come to you and share their life story, commenting that you are easy to talk to?
Do you feel the same sensation or emotion around a specific person repeatedly?
Do you prefer the energy of the ocean, forest, or nature to the city?
Do you have a strong reaction to violence and avoid horror movies, the news and any stories about violent acts?
Do you influence the moods of others?
Does your mood change depending on who’s in the room with you?
Do you cry easily and have a difficult time containing your emotion?
Do you require a lot of sleep, particularly after visiting a friend or loved one who is hurting?
Do you often feel the pain of others?
Are you good at reading between the lines of what people say (i.e. saying one thing but meaning another)?
Do you find yourself caring for or taking care of others more than yourself sometimes?
10-13 YES’S
You most likely have empathic gifts. “Earth Angel”, healer, holistic practitioner, Lightworker, Indigo child/parent: the aliases you might have go on and on. There are many terms that fall under the category of an empath. Regardless, you have beautiful gifts of compassion, love, empathy and healing that the world needs you to embrace and share with the world. If this sounds like you, you are being called in a big way to get to work on helping and molding our world.
6-10 YES’S
You most likely have empathic gifts and sensitivities beyond the average person. It’s time to awaken your gifts and abilities and strengthen your awareness of them. Consider exploring deeper into this possibility, as you may be ready to find and fulfill your sacred life purpose.
You may be sensitive but not necessarily empathic. In this case, honor your own boundaries and begin to elevate your awareness to what feels good and what feels bad. This will help you feel better as a sensitive being.
The Flow of the Universe: Move From Scarcity to Abundance

Our goal of living an abundant and happy life with all our creative and financial needs met is why we work so hard every day. When working harder and longer hours isn’t being reflected back to us in our bank balance, we need to look at our mindset about money.
Abundance, or lack thereof, is connected to feelings inside of us. These feelings come from our past experiences and our societal cues. According to Eckhart Tolle, “a person’s thinking and beliefs are conditioned by their past: their upbringing and culture they live in.”
Negative experiences as a child can create a scarcity mindset. If we overheard our parents fighting over money, we may relate acquiring affluence with instability and fear. A chaotic family life where there was never enough money but plenty of drama around the subject can create deep patterns of resistance such as: blaming others for lack, overspending to fill a void, or hanging on too tight for fear of running out of it.
We live in a world where the messages of scarcity are all around us.
We must buy everything on sale, not overspend and think there is never enough. We are victims of a scarcity consciousness that effect our actions and perceptions.
There are many who are unable to free themselves from the burden of guilt they feel from ignoring the class structure that confined their parents. Making over a certain amount can actually cause shame and feelings of unworthiness, so success is often sabotaged without being conscious of what is really happening at a deeper level. These mindsets can hold our earning potential hostage. If we have a failure mindset, we are fighting the natural flow of the universe, always swimming upstream and wondering why we don’t seem to be getting anywhere. We need a whole new perspective on wealth.