Researchers Find Genetic Signature in People With Channeling Abilities

Researchers Find Genetic Signature in People With Channeling Abilities

New research into channeling is getting closer to validating and explaining the ancient practice, and is showing that everyone had the innate ability to channel.

While the practice of channeling has existed throughout all of history, it has always been shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. Doctor Helané Wahbeh is the director of research for the Institute of Noetic Sciences, or IONS, whose mission is to reveal the interconnected nature of reality through scientific exploration. Dr. Wahbeh has been practicing and researching channeling for decades. She is the author of the newly released book “The Science of Channeling.”

“The way I define channeling is the process of accessing information and energy beyond our conventional notions of time and space that can appear receptive or expressive,” Dr. Wahbeh said.

“We propose that anybody can channel; that it’s actually this innate human capacity that anybody has. Channeling phenomenon exists on a spectrum from, perhaps, intuition and hunches that everyone can probably say they’ve had at one time or another, to more rare experiences like trance channeling or mediumship or mind-over-matter psychokinesis. And then you have everything in-between, like being able to sense the future or mind-to-mind communication,” she said.

Dr. Wahbeh and the team at IONS have just completed a study in which they analyze the characteristics of 500 channelers to answer the question “what makes a channeler?” They call the unique way in which a channeler receives and uses information their ‘noetic signature.’

“So we coined this term the ‘noetic signature,’ that refers to this unique and diverse fingerprint, if you will, of people’s channeling abilities, and we created a measure to be able to see what that looks like. We call it the noetic Myers-Briggs, which is a personality test, to be able to understand people’s channeling expression. We have 12 different categories of channeling or noetic experiences that make up this noetic signature,” Dr. Wahbeh said.

Now that the inventory is complete, IONS will soon be making it available to the public so that everyone can assess their own unique noetic signature. IONS has also been doing some fascinating research on the genetic basis of channeling abilities. They recently completed a study in which they analyzed the DNA of a group of channelers.

“There are many, many anecdotes where people share that their experiences of channeling run in family, so we did a case-control study. We found 13 high-functioning psychics who had various channeling abilities, we had them give us a saliva sample and we looked at their DNA. So this TNRC18 gene was statistically significantly different in the channelers versus the controls. The controls, the people who said they didn’t have channeling abilities, had the mutation whereas all of the channelers had the original version of that gene,” Dr. Wahbeh said.

“The notion of this supports this concept that we actually all have an innate capacity to channel on some level.”

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Times of Social Unrest Appear to Boost Our Brain’s Neuroplasticity

New research suggests that times of global unrest present a unique opportunity for neurological growth and profound behavior change, but only when leveraged correctly.

Kayla Osterhoff is a neuropsychophysiologist who studies the interaction of the mind and brain, which she calls the ‘human operating system.’

“One of the greatest mysteries in modern neuroscience is actually how the brain produces the mind. The reason why we have not been able to come up with the answer for this is because that’s not how it works. These two are actually separate systems that interact together to produce what I call the ‘human operating system,’ which is responsible for our version of reality as humans,” Osterhoff said.

Osterhoff has recently been researching the hypothesis that times of social unrest provide a valuable opportunity to neurologically upgrade this human operating system.

“Right now, we have this very unique opportunity to upgrade our ‘human operating system’ globally,” Osterhoff said. “And that is because as a society around the entire world we are experiencing this social unrest and this has caused a couple of significant cognitive and neurological shifts that have provided an opportunity for us to grow and evolve as a society.”

Osterhoff points to several fascinating factors that contribute to this phenomenon.

“So, studies are showing that acute states of stress, like shock, trauma, or something surprising like what we’re currently experiencing in our world, caused this cognitive psychological shift that actually makes our subconscious mind more suggestible, meaning that our subconscious mind is brought forward so to speak, and it’s more malleable, it’s more programmable,” Osterhoff said. 

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