Research Confirms Intention Affects Structure of Water Pt. 1

Research Confirms Intention Affects Structure of Water Pt. 1

Groundbreaking new studies have been published on the power of the mind to change the structure of water and even help stem cells grow.

Water, the most plentiful substance on Earth, has been shown to have the unique properties of recording and storing information. For this reason, it has recently been used as a target in the scientific study of mind-matter interactions.

Dr. Dean Radin is the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, or IONS, which has for the last 50 years been at the forefront of studying the frontiers of consciousness. Since 2006, Radin has led several studies on the effect of mental intention on water, culminating with a groundbreaking just-published experiment.

“We’re interested in mind-matter interactions where water is the target because we are composed mostly of water,” Radin said. “One of the questions then — when it comes to any kind of psychic healing, distance healing, energy medicine — maybe the reason why it works is because the mind can influence properties of water because then it would obviously influence all of us.” 

“So, some years ago we did some studies to look at the claims of Dr. (Masaru) Emoto, who had become famous as the result of putting different kinds of mental intentions into water and then making little frozen crystals, and his claim was that if you think beautiful thoughts at the water as you make the crystals, the crystals will look beautiful, and if you think ugly thoughts, then you get ugly looking crystals,” Radin said.

When IONS conducted two rigorous studies to validate Dr. Emoto’s work, the scientists found that the effect held; the quality of the intention placed on the water directly affected the configuration of the crystals.

In another more recent study, Radin and his team explored the effect of intention on water as part of an experiment looking at energy healing.

“We were looking at different kinds of energy medicine practitioners, and then almost 200 clients, each of which had carpal tunnel syndrome,” Radin said. “Each person then would be treated by one of the healers. We were also taking water almost as a proxy for the body. And the way that we did it, we took an aliquot of water (a couple of millimeters of water) and put it around a necklace that the healer would wear during healing, and then we gave the same to the client. So, before all of that happened we took a few drops from each aliquot and did a spectrographic analysis, which tells us about the molecular bonding in the water itself, and then they did the half an hour of healing, took the water, and did it again. So we have a pre-healing/post-healing structure of water comparison.” 

What researchers found was extraordinary.

“What we found on that was quite strong evidence that the water around the healer’s neck had changed,” Radin said. “It changed in a place where we had kind of expected it to change, which is called the stretching bond. There’s something about, not necessarily mental intention towards the water, because in the case of healing the patient, yes they were wearing a necklace, but the healer wasn’t thinking about the water, they were just engaged in a highly focused mental activity. And that was apparently sufficient to change that water in the way that we saw.”

Just what are the implications of these results?

“(With a) clinical study looking at energy medicine, the most important thing was: [I]s there clinical relevance? So the measure there is: [W]as the pain reduced? So, the answer was yes, very significant statistical difference and even clinical significance. We took a number of other measures — water measures, magnetic field measures, random number generators — to see if there was something that could be detected in the environment itself. All of that together, especially the clinical outcome, suggests that whatever it is that energy healers are doing, not only affects the patient, but it affects something in the environment, and it affects it in an objectively measured way,” Radin said.

IONS’ most recent experiment looked at the effect of intentionally treated water on the growth of stem cells — the results have the potential to change everything.

“One of the implications is that wherever stem cells are being used, you want to train the people who are growing the stem cells to maintain a certain intention; that these cells are going to grow better, and then see what happens. If it worked, well that would change everything, because now it means that anybody doing any kind of mental preparation, not just stem cells, but anything, if they come at it with an intention that this is going to work better, well, it looks like it will look better,” Radin said.

More on this important study and just what may account for these fascinating effects in Part 2 of our Gaia News Special Investigation.

Binaural Beats Heal, Induce Out-of-Body Experiences Research Shows

Binaural Beats Heal, Induce Out-of-Body Experiences Research Shows

New research suggests that using binaural beats to entrain your brain may not only heal but also induce out-of-body experiences.

Brainwave entrainment is a method of using pulsing sounds to stimulate the brain into entering a specific state. It has grown in popularity lately, evidenced by the increasing number of available brainwave entrainment recordings. Many such recordings are created using binaural beats; two tones with slightly different frequencies. Now, research is showing the healing benefits of listening to these binaural beats for both body and mind.

Karen Newell is an author and co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, a leading creator of brainwave entrainment audio recordings.

“Binaural beats are delivered by giving you one signal in one ear and a slightly different signal in the other ear, and the result is a wavering sound,” Newell said. 

“Binaural beats are effective in that they are affecting the brainwave state of the brain. So, our brains put out an electric signal (and) it’s measured with an EEG device with the names of Delta, Theta, Alpha — we’re used to hearing those words. Beta, that’s the state that we’re in when we’re walking and talking; that’s the state that really prevents us from getting into a quieter state of awareness. So, binaural beats are designed to bring us into those lower brainwave states, so help the brain get into a quieter state that’s associated with sleep, meditation, and focus.”

People experience a wide range of responses to binaural beats, from deep relaxation to enhanced intuition, lucid dreams, and even connection with the souls of departed loved ones.  Another fascinating effect increasingly reported to Newell and her team is the out-of-body experience.

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