Lindsey Lewis

Lindsey Lewis

For Lindsey Lewis, living a liberated life, and helping others do the same is the most important part of being human.

Lewis is a certified teacher who brings a sense of flow and ease into every class that leaves students feeling filled with joy and contentment. As she teaches students to learn to listen to their body - just as she learned to do through yoga - they also learn to listen to the wisest part of themselves - their intuition.

Because it's no small thing or selfish thing to pursue what makes you deeply and uniquely happy, Lindsey Lewis believes that yoga is her dharma, her destiny, and the greatest gift she can give to the world. After leaving her magazine editor job and all the perks that came with it, Lewis decided to re-design a life that was right for her. She stripped herself of anything that didn't bring peace including her career and relationship.

Lindsey Lewis rebuilt from the ground up, beginning to teach yoga and do communications work for health and wellness businesses. Soon, she was spending more time on the yoga mat than at her desk. Realizing she had more potential for transformative growth, Lewis reflected on the life that she was destined for. She began to live more from her heart and less from her head, trusting the choices she made because they just felt right. As the worry and stress melted away, and a natural flow fell into her life, Lewis experienced the true benefits of yoga.

Now, she helps others to do the same - through yoga and life coaching.

11 classes found

Lindsey Lewis
This short but powerful Kundalini set will ease the tension in your body, calm your mind, and enable you to find deep sleep. It can be done before bed, or in the middle of the night.
Lindsey Lewis
Move through kriyas (actions) to help open you to love as you work your arms, legs, and core.
Lindsey Lewis
We all face fears, anxiety and stress in our life. Use this practice with Lindsey Lewis to help you release them.
Lindsey Lewis
This short, powerful Kundalini set with Lindsey Lewis will boost your energy when you need it.
Lindsey Lewis
A set of simple kriyas (actions) to connect you with your intuition. Connect to intuition to connect with your wisdom and your destiny.
Lindsey Lewis
Ignite gratitude within as you practice kundalini postures and kriyas (actions), as well as fusion-style sequences. Strengthen legs, core, and arms to create space to receive.
Lindsey Lewis
Tone your core and free your mind in this challenging yet peaceful class. This class uses kriyas (actions), mudras (hand positions), and mantra (sounds) to create a fast-paced Kundalini-style practice.
Lindsey Lewis
Awaken the engery in your pelvis with a fast-paced intense workout in the form of kriyas (actions) and specific pranayama (breath).
Lindsey Lewis
This Kundalini Hatha flow with Lindsey Lewis is intended to liberate your entire spine—known as the shushumna channel—and bring energy from the base of your spine all the way up through your core, heart center and into the crown of your head. You will anchor down into your own sense of strength and peace, open your chest and shoulders, lengthen your back body, strengthen your core, and more. To finish, fall into a deep relaxation—the sweet reward of your efforts. Then transition into a powerful Kundalini meditation to liberate yourself from fears, doubts and insecurities.
Lindsey Lewis
Your power center holds energy. This third energy center of the 7 that line our central line, or spine, is where many of us hold untapped energy. Also called Manipura, the power center is associated with our capacity for commitment, our own will power, and the strength to present our most essential selves to the world. Tap into it through this practice intended to help strengthen your core, your commitment and your stability-on and off your mat. This practice is also a great core workout. Note - Those who are pregnant, have high blood pressure, lung problems, or heart problems do long, deep breathing instead of breath of fire.
Lindsey Lewis
This practice with Lindsey Lewis will help open and expand your heart center. Gain more compassion, for yourself and others. Strengthen this center so it can guide you in your life when your mind feels overwhelmed or confused. Great for stress and people who are having trouble sleeping. Tone the core and arms and open your chest.