Yoga Foundations
1 Season . 15 Episodes TV-G

We are all on a different path--whether you are brand new to yoga or trying to reawaken your "beginner's mind," we have everything you need at your fingertips. Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee have utilized their three decades of experience to design this foundations series.

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Embrace the Beginning (Preview)

Welcome to Rodney and Colleen's comprehensive beginner yoga guide.

We are all on a different path--whether you are brand new to yoga or trying to reawaken your "beginner's mind," we have everything you need at your fingertips. Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee have utilized their three decades of experience with students, teachers, and their own personal exploration to design this foundations series. Take the time to build your yoga foundation and enjoy the journey with these master instructors.

Teacher: Rodney Yee & Colleen Saidman Yee
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
2 mins TV-G
What is the Yoga Foundations series all about? Rodney and Colleen give a brief overview of what you can expect.
28 mins TV-G
This practice is designed intentionally for those newer to the practice of yoga. Learn the foundations of through this sequence of accessible movements, standing poses, balancing poses, forward bends, twists and backbends.
24 mins TV-G
Standing poses are the foundation for your practice. This grounding and strengthening practice focuses on the legs and feet and by holding the poses for longer periods of time you will develop a sensitivity to your personal body architecture.
23 mins TV-G
Focus on mindful transitions as you move from pose to pose in this slow flowing practice with an emphasis on common standing postures in hatha yoga.
25 mins TV-G
Dive into the subtleties and anatomy of standing poses to better understand how to correctly align your feet and legs throughout your yoga practice.
27 mins TV-G
Learn to lengthen and ground to create space in the spine. A spacious spine allows ease in twists and backbends. Follow Colleen for modified variations.
24 mins TV-G
Explore twists and bends to give extra attention to the places where you might feel stuck. Wring out slow-moving energy with twists and open your mind with backbends.
31 mins TV-G
Focus on refining twists and backbends to help make them feel effortless and safe. Move methodically with attention to alignment in seated and standing postures.
28 mins TV-G
Cultivate patience and relaxation with an exploration of closed twists and forward bends. Shift your reflection inward by exploring standing and seated poses taught with many accessible variations.
28 mins TV-G
A flow to stimulate the organs, intestines, and spine to create heat and encourage purification. Explore a variety of twists and forward folds.
29 mins TV-G
Refine your understanding of the architecture and movement of the physical body by focusing on subtle aspects of closed twists and forward bends.
28 mins TV-G
Explore prep poses for inversions and arm balances to increase your agility and flexibility. Learn to enjoy challenges as you re-orient your body and mind.
30 mins TV-G
A foundational flow offering perserverence into your arm balances and inversions. Open your hips, build strength in your core, and explore challenging postures designed to prep your body for handstand and crow pose.
25 mins TV-G
Refine your practice by learning the healthy and safe way to prepare for more challenging poses. Break poses down and discover patterns so that even seemingly difficult poses become more approachable.
51 mins TV-G
Enjoy a well-rounded practice that starts with seated twists and moves onto some big standing poses and breath-to-movement. Close the practice with a short meditation.