A Reiki Circle Step-by-Step Guide: Starting a Healing Circle

Are you curious about the possible benefits of energy healing through Reiki? Have you realized your body and mind have the incredible ability to heal yourself and others? There’s currently no better time to start a Reiki healing circle than right now, considering the practice can be done without ever having to leave your home. And with the advent and widespread availability of video conferencing apps, you never have to leave the comfort of your home.
What is a Reiki Circle?
A Reiki Circle is typically a small group of healers who gather, either to practice reiki healing modalities or to concentrate and direct a group’s healing energy toward a particular person or group of people. Reiki circles allow for group healings and group attunement to a target’s needs.
In today’s world, reiki circles are being increasingly performed over zoom calls, as the beauty of energy healing is that it can be practiced from any distance.
10 Steps to Starting a Reiki Share
Got a dream or a passion for traditional Reiki energy healing? We’re so glad to hear you have a compassionate heart and willingness to spread your positive energy with others! Reiki healing transcends self-healing and can be practiced within big or small groups. If you want to grow your practice, you might want to consider starting a Reiki Circle to reach more people. It’s really not that hard or intimidating, once you learn the right steps to starting a healing circle.
1. Do Your Homework
A great place to start learning about reiki is through the reiki.org website, where you can take classes and become a certified practitioner. There are various levels of programs starting at basic certification classes for a few hundred dollars to full-on reiki master courses.
Learn everything you can about how group Reiki sessions work. In general, Reiki practitioners simultaneously practice Reiki on a recipient for a set amount of time, usually 15-20 minutes. The recipient then exchanges places with a practitioner until all in the group have received their Reiki treatment. It’s a very loving communal act, as it breaks down boundaries in a safe, compassionate manner and allows individuals to help each other.
2. Set the Circle’s Tone
Figure out how you want to facilitate these sessions, such as if you want to give out refreshments like tea or snacks. You also need to decide on music or no music. Pick your lighting…do you want natural light? Candles? Regular light bulbs? Your goal is to create a safe space for the group healing exploration, no matter where it takes place.
Living rooms, furnished basements, community centers, and practitioners’ treatment spaces can all become circles. As you get more attendees, you can also start a rotating cycle going from home to home. Some recommendations to consider: live music, healing lights, healing pets (make sure no one has allergies), incorporating other healing traditions (Shamanism, crystals, and aromatherapy).
3. Clear the Space
It’s important to keep the energy flowing and to make the space sacred. Have both rose water and sage to smudge. Rosewater is usually not as offensive an aroma as sage and can quickly be sprayed in and around the group. Chimes, bells, and ting-shaws (Tibetan cymbals used to mark the beginning/ending of a ritual) are sound instruments that can be used at the end of each session. These sounds not only mark the closing but also gently cleanse the space.
4. Set Boundaries and Expectations
Setting healthy boundaries for the circle creates an optimum healing space. Make sure everyone is aware of what will go on, and what the other healers will perform ahead of time so there aren’t any awkward or uncomfortable surprises. You may want to create guidelines, a website, or a Facebook group so that everyone is on the same page.
5. Let the World Know
There are a lot of ways to get the word out. You can make flyers and put them at the corner metaphysical bookstore or other alternative shops. Send a press release to the local paper and explain your healing intentions. Use Reiki networking websites, who knows maybe you’ll get a response from a local reiki master. CraigsList allows you to post events for free. Start a Facebook group and encourage your members to share and RSVP.
6. Stay in Close Communication
Keep in touch with your members. Email, Facebook, or a physical mailing list work. Make sure there is a place for people to ask their questions and feel like they know what’s going on.
7. Educate the Community
Welcome to the world of self-promotion as a certified Reiki practitioner! Facilitating a Reiki circle is an excellent way for you, as a budding practitioner, to build your public relations skills as well. You must organize the event, market it, and then facilitate with grace and ease. Each circle gets easier and easier, but in the beginning, you might feel overwhelmed, so shadow another facilitator for a while.
Ask to co-facilitate a session and get a feel for the flow and for what details they have to keep track of. Take notes! Reiki circles require grass-roots community organizing. But it’s important to keep a regular and posted schedule for your circles. Don’t be afraid to fail, try new things, or make mistakes, but make sure you are as consistent as possible.
8. Take It Global
Start some special events! Hold monthly circles for global healing. Instead of having clients lie on tables, reach out to groups of people in crisis and put them in the center of your circle where you are seated, and send healing energy from a distance. You can also coordinate internet events with not only your group but larger, global groups.
For example, a group out of Seattle, Global Earthsend, apparently has over 50,000 Reiki practitioners connected worldwide via the internet who send healing energy to a particular part of the world each Friday night. What a beautiful way to showcase community and love.
9. Understand the Social Significance of Circles
Empathy is a definitive part of a circle. Circles are places of deep healing and self-discovery. Their main purpose is to provide a safe environment of support and love reminiscent of being held by a universal mother. The circle becomes the receptacle for a recipient’s self-discovery and healing: “How do I feel about being held by those I had perceived as strangers? These people are now coming together to help me on my path. They have never met me, and yet they hold me.”
Each one in turn receives from the group in an equal balance of giving and receiving. There are no expectations. There are circles being held all over the world, in many different environments. As time goes on, we will see more of them in places like hospitals, corporate spaces, and educational institutions because circles offer immediate stress-reduction and relaxation.
10. Be Mindful and Aware of Progress
Keep doing your work. Hold a circle. Build your practice. Reiki circles as social healing phenomena are beginning to reach their potential. Continue to watch the world transform through the building of healing communities and the sharing of universal energy.
How to Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks?

Psychic attacks may manifest in the dream world or through energetic impacts on the body in the waking world. They are mental intrusions, efforts from free-floating energies or specific people, to enter your psyche and make some kind of detrimental impact or extract information.
Try not to fear since 1) the greatest defense tool is the power of love and light; 2) negative energies thrive in the presence of negative thoughts or emotions. And 3) we will provide psychic protection using the principles of love and positivity. Some psychic attacks require embodied warrior energy, the assistance of professional healers and shamans, or both. Before getting into psychic self-defense, we need to explore and understand what psychic attacks are and how to identify them.
What is a Psychic Attack?
A psychic attack refers to a phenomenon in which negative or harmful energies, intentions, or influences are directed toward an individual’s energetic or psychic space. These attacks are often believed to be carried out by individuals who possess psychic or metaphysical abilities, intending to cause harm, discomfort, or disruption to the target’s well-being.
Signs of a Psychic Attack
The impact of a psychic attack on someone can be significant and varied, affecting them on multiple levels:
- Emotional distress: Psychic attacks can trigger intense and unexplained emotional turmoil, such as sudden mood swings, anxiety, fear, or depression. The victim may experience heightened emotional sensitivity and find it challenging to manage their feelings.
- Energy drain: Psychic attacks can lead to a sense of exhaustion and fatigue that isn’t easily explainable by physical reasons. This drain on energy can leave the victim feeling depleted and lacking vitality.
- Physical symptoms: Some people believe that psychic attacks can manifest as physical symptoms, such as headaches, body aches, and other discomforts that have no apparent medical cause.
- Disrupted thoughts: The victim might experience persistent negative thoughts, mental fog, or confusion. Their ability to focus, make decisions, or think clearly can be compromised.
- Sleep disturbances: Psychic attacks can also disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia, nightmares, or a general sense of restlessness during sleep.
- Relationship strain: The negative energies from psychic attacks can impact personal relationships, causing misunderstandings, conflicts, and an overall sense of disconnect from loved ones.
- Spiritual imbalance: For those who are spiritually inclined, psychic attacks can disrupt their connection to their inner selves, higher consciousness, or spiritual practices. This can lead to feelings of spiritual emptiness or detachment.
- Blockages and obstacles: Psychic attacks may create barriers in the victim’s life, hindering their progress in various areas such as career, relationships, and personal growth.
It’s important to note that while belief in psychic attacks varies widely, the psychological and emotional impact experienced by individuals who feel they are under such attacks is real.
Types of Psychic Attacks
The concept of psychic attacks encompasses a variety of negative energetic or psychic influences that can impact an individual. While views about them vary across cultures and belief systems, here are some common types often discussed:
- Thought form projection: This type involves someone intentionally directing negative thoughts, emotions, or intentions toward a target. These projected energies can create a sense of discomfort or distress for the recipient.
- Energy vampirism: Energy vampires are believed to draw and drain the life force or vital energy of others. These individuals may have a chronic need for attention, validation, or energy, leaving the victim feeling depleted and drained.
- Curses and hexes: Curses are believed to be intentional acts where negative energies or intentions are invoked to cause harm to the recipient. Hexes are similar, with the intent of causing misfortune, bad luck, or suffering.
- Psychic cording: Psychic cords are energetic connections between individuals, often formed through emotional interactions. Negative cords can drain a person’s energy and make them feel controlled or manipulated by another person.
- Evil eye: The evil eye is a belief that someone can cast a negative gaze upon another person, inadvertently causing harm or misfortune. The recipient might experience bad luck, illness, or emotional distress as a result.
- Black magic or dark rituals: These involve the use of occult practices to harness and direct negative energies toward a specific individual. The intention is often to harm or control the victim.
- Telepathic attacks: These attacks involve sending harmful or negative thoughts directly into a person’s mind through telepathic means, causing psychological distress.
- Spirit attachment: Some believe that negative entities or spirits can attach themselves to an individual, leading to emotional, mental, and physical disturbances.
- Environmental energy influences: Certain places or environments are believed to carry negative energies that can affect individuals who spend time there. This can lead to feelings of discomfort, unease, and negativity.
- Dream manipulation: Psychic attacks can also occur in dreams, where negative entities or energies disrupt sleep, cause nightmares, or create feelings of fear and anxiety upon waking.
Regardless of one’s beliefs, addressing these forms of psychic attack typically requires practicing self-care, emotional resilience, and these simple yet effective practices.
5 Practices to Protect Yourself From Psychic Attacks
1. Clearing Ceremony
Use plant medicine, like sage and crystal allies, to clear negative energy and spirits from your environment and energetic field. There are many variations of these ceremonies: try buying white sage and sweet grass. Burn the white sage and brush the smoke around your whole body, then continue to fan the smoke around your house and, particularly around your bed, if you have night terrors.
While you sage yourself and your environment, concentrate on banishing negative or dark energy by holding light and love in your third eye. Next, repeat the process with sweet grass. As you bless yourself and your space with sweet grass, invite in positive energy, guiding spirits, and love and speak the following affirmation:
I release negative energies so that I may serve my higher purpose.
2. Cord Cutting and Earth Cording
Try the powerful practice of cord-cutting at night and Earth cording during the day. Before you go to bed, imagine a cord between yourself and any person or thing that comes to mind originating from your belly. Using a pair of imaginary scissors, cut the cord between yourself and any external energy that you envision.
You can envision this as a series of cords or perform the exercise cord-by-cord. In the morning, just after you awake, envision a cord connecting you from your belly to the center of the Earth. The cord is strong, flexible, omnipresent, and nurturing. Before bed, as you cut the cords, say this intention aloud:
I release energetic attachments so that I may serve my higher purpose.
Saltwater can also be used for a more powerful ceremony. Begin by gathering all the energetic cords from your chakras into one handful. Using the other hand, slice the air between your body and the handful and then dump them into the saltwater. Repeat again with the cords coming out of your back chakras.