How Essential Oils Can Help You Heal And Evolve

How Essential Oils Can Help You Heal And Evolve

Our bodies yearn to connect with the earth and the elements. Even the latest research points to the fact that we feel better when we surround ourselves with natural surroundings or allow nature to envelop us. While we came from dust, it’s dirt, trees, rivers, and vast sky that gently nudge us from depression to happiness. 

The more we learn about how the natural elements at our fingertips can help us, the more choices we’ll have to improve our attitudes and states-of-mind when we feel disconnected, lost, confused, or negatively impacted by a life-event.

“I believe that for every illness or ailment known to man, that God has a plant out here that will heal it. We just need to keep discovering the properties for natural healing.” ― Vannoy Gentles Fite

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are some of the loveliest substances found on planet earth, extracted from nature’s most beautiful living-Beings: plants and flowers! The most popular scents include Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Orange, Ylang-ylang, Patchouli, and many others. 

Most essential oils are extracted through the process of steam-distillation, also known as hydrodistillation. The process begins when the botanicals are packed into an enclosed compartment within a pressurized still. Water is boiled, and steam pressurizes the plant’s material. This results in the extraction and release of the plants’ aromatic and bioactive compounds into the steam. This vapor is a combination of water and scented oil, which are condensed during the final stages of the process. After the byproduct is cooled, it’s bottled and labeled as our favorite essential oils. 

Other production processes include cold pressing (CP) and microwave-accelerated distillation (MAD). According to several studies, yet currently less widespread, microwave-acceleration and cold-pressing result in faster extraction times, cleaner production, larger yields, and potentially essential oils of higher quality. However, these processes may reduce the vibrational frequency of the oils. It also might be likely, in terms of application, benefits, and improvements, there are very few differences. 

Only you know what will improve your connection to your nature and the universe. The most impactful results and research will stem from experimenting and learning by and for yourself.

Essential Oil Companies

There are many producers of essential oils. Most of them tend to market their oils using contrived, incentive-based structures like MLMs (multi-level marketing organizations) and misleading, hype-based lingo like “We produce the only farm-to-home organic oils.” It’s all baloney. 

Once you cut through the weeds, you understand that essential oils are part of your birthright. You don’t need a membership card to invite these powerful fragrances into your life. Through mindful intention and research, you can attract quality, affordable essential oil product lines into your life.

“It doesn’t get much greener than essential oils: when used correctly, they are among Mother Nature’s most potent remedies.” ― Amy Leigh Mercree

How To Use Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways, most notably to improve your feelings about life, others, and yourself. You can add drops of oils to your liquid soap, massage oil, and in some cases, beverages. You can place a few drops on your fingers and massage the oils into your temples, chakras, wrists, and tops of your feet (the places where your skin is thinnest or nearest to a vein). 

woman sitting at spa center and choosing essential oil for treatment

While most Essential Oil packaging states that these oils should not be consumed, many people ignore this and do it anyway. Use your best judgment. I believe that ingesting a few drops of essential oils (ones that we love dearly) can only improve our states-of-mind and vibrations.

Use essential oils in rituals and prayers. Hold a bottle of your favorite Essential Oil in the palms of our hands and pray for someone to receive its attributes. Use oils to anoint the sick and bless your loved ones. You can also use essential oils to protect specific aspects of our life and health. 

Before using an essential oil, I hold it in the palm of my hand, and I pray for it to achieve its highest possible vibration. I ask that the universe extend this vibration to those in need. Sometimes, I’ll use different combinations of oils to improve my energy levels and feelings. I’ll place a few drops in the palms of my hands, rub my hands together, then press my hands against my face. I’ll take five deep breaths through the nose and immediately feel an upward shift. 

A Heart-Clearing Ritual With Essential Oils

One of my favorite rituals involving essential oils is to use specific oils to cleanse each chakra. Here’s how to heal your heart chakra:

  1. Use rose oil to unwind (counterclockwise) your heart chakra and then peppermint oil to rewind the chakra (clockwise). 
  2. Place a few drops of rose oil on your fingertips.
  3. Reach under your shirt, press your fingers onto your skin, at the location of your heart chakra.
  4. Move your fingers in a counterclockwise direction, making a small circle.
  5. For a few minutes, breathe white light and love into the center of your heart. 
  6. When you’re ready, place peppermint oil on your fingertips and do the same in a clockwise direction. 
  7. When done, rub your hands together and press them against your face. Breathe deeply for a minute or so. 

There is an unlimited number of ways to use essential oils to improve your health, heart, mind, overall wellbeing, and connection to our divine universe. 

“Labeled apothecary bottles filled with raw material oils lined the risers: flowers, resins, leaves, woods, mosses, spices, herbs, seeds, grains, roots, bark, and fruit. From the animal kingdom came fixatives: civet, musk, and ambergris. The absolutes, the resinoids, the essential oils.” ― Jan Moran


Essential Oils That Can Improve Your Attitude and Vibration

Here are some of the more popular essential oils and a few of their attributes. While this list might help get you started, you will always be the best judge of something’s value and specific use. 



Feel more grounded, reduce your internalization of external stressors, know yourself more deeply, and improve your general awareness. 


Connect with your emotions, feel more accepting of yourself and others, be more connected to your surroundings, and achieve a relaxed state of mind.


Feel more energized and improve your mental clarity. 

Pink Grapefruit

Improve your mood, increase your connection to your desires, and be more open to up-leveling your patterns. 


Build a bridge between your mind and heart, release the effects of minor upsets, and recall how sweet life can be.


Purify your blood, boost your metabolism, and use this oil as an antiseptic.


Increase the level of activity in your life, feel more cheerful, and celebrate positivity. 


Feel more peaceful, reduce inflammation, heal minor burns, reduce anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and cure your restlessness. 


Cleanse your liver, heal your adrenals, improve your energy level, and feel more rejuvenated. 


Open yourself to more love and heart-centered beauty, connect with the universal Divine Mother, and improve your peacefulness before bedtime. 

Ylang Ylang

Improve your connection to grounded masculinity, improve your self-confidence and sex drive, and relieve a broken heart.


Stimulate your mind and heart for an awakening or rebirth.


Let go of the past, feel more connected to others in the present moment, and move forward with a clear resolution. 


Calm your emotions, reduce activity, and enjoy the sweetness of life.


Reduce inflammation, breathe more deeply, create internal space and flow, and connect more intimately with yourself and others.


Reduce fear and anxiety, open your heart, improve concentration, and be more creative.


Relieve feelings of anger, worry, or anxiety; add feelings of joy and calm to your daily life.


Enhance your ability to meditate, forgive, and connect with the divine. 


There are hundreds of plants being distilled into essential oils. You have so many choices! Also, since tincture bottles are inexpensive, you can customize a personal blend of the essential oils that inspire you most. 

To create a custom blend, place 100 drops of several favorite oils into a small tincture bottle. You can make it more robust by adding carrier oils, including single uses or combinations of Coconut, Argan, Brahmi, Jojoba, Olive, Avocado, Grapeseed, and Moringa oils. 

Use essential oils to improve your relationships, business pursuits, health, intuition, and reality. These oils are your subtle-body friends. You can even talk with them and ask them how they can help you. Chances are, they’ll answer you.

While we are each alone in the universe, we can enhance our connections with eternal consciousness and divine by connecting with nature and inviting nature-born products into our lives. This might include essential oils, Bach Flower Remedies, candles, wood-burning fireplaces, cotton sheets, hemp clothing, bamboo comforters, and anything else of nature that appears to you.

As you seek to improve your mind, heart, and health, consider embracing and exploring essential oils to invite feelings of peace, joy, and abundance.

Top 10 Cleansing Foods for a Natural Detox

Top 10 Cleansing Foods for a Natural Detox

Feeling lethargic and constantly bloated no matter how much you exercise? It may be time to jumpstart your body and give it a fresh start with an all-natural detox. Toxins are everywhere – from household cleaners to deodorants – and they can have a negative impact on your health. From getting sick more often to never losing that last 5 lbs., toxin build-up causes your body to waste valuable energy on basic functions.

While some may say the more you sweat, the more toxins you release, this isn’t necessarily true. More exercise may help you lose weight and feel better, but toxin removal only comes when you flush your body’s system from the inside out. By substituting a few of your regular snacks with “cleansing foods,” your body will function more effectively and thank you in the long run.

Recently, detox pills and powders have become all the rage, but they’re unsustainable in the long run. They may help you lose weight fast, but your body will ultimately rebound and they may have harmful long-term effects. The key to success is working healthier choices into your daily routine until they become second nature.

Natural detox foods contain molecules that cling onto toxins and carry them out of your body. While all cleansing foods have an overall purifying effect, specific foods are extra helpful to specific areas of the body. Natural detox foods are everywhere and you might just be surprised at how tasty they can be. Take a look at our top 10 favorite cleansing foods and get your body back on track.


How they help:

Although beets have fairly high sugar content compared to other vegetables, a few beetroots can go a long way. One of our favorite natural detox foods, beets contain a group of antioxidants called betalains, which are excellent for detoxifying your body, and more specifically your liver. Beets also contain a high concentrate of betaine, which helps to reduce liver inflammation.

The antioxidants found in beets support the liver’s phase 2 cleansing when toxins are chemically transformed into a water-soluble form that can be excreted through urine. On top of this, beets are also high in immune-boosting vitamin C, vitamin B folate, fiber, potassium and manganese. Just a few benefits you might see are reduced blood pressure, reduced inflammation, enhanced stamina, and increased liver function.

How to use them:

More than just a tasty side dish, beets can be worked into your diet in a number of ways. Trying adding beet juice to your morning smoothie or as a mid-workout drink to help keep your energy up. If you want to go the more traditional route, a cup of cooked beets contains only about 60 calories and with a healthy dose of fiber, will keep you feeling full.

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