The Importance of Cleansing the Soul

The Importance of Cleansing the Soul

Do You Have Soul Sludge?

I spend a lot of time talking about proper food choices and cleaning out the kitchen, but what happens when our bellies are filled with wholesome food, we sleep the recommended 7-9 hours and we include yoga asana (the physical practice) and exercise into our daily lives and we are still off?

What is slowing us down and burning us out? I like to call this soul sludge. This is the hard stuff to face and change. It is what sits stagnate at the bottom of our bellies and our hearts.

Cleaning out the kitchen cabinets is the easy part, cleaning out the junk in our personal trunk is the hard part. Are you ready mentally to face the world and people you have surrounded yourself with and tell them things need to change or it is over? Are you brave enough to do what is best for you and not just what is best for others?

Cleansing the soul doesn’t mean you need to become angry or mean, but rather it means you need to become real, real with yourself and others. When we take the time to self-reflect and determine what we need and where we need to be, we are being honest, brave and ultimately the healthiest we can be.

It is not just about what we eat, it is about what eats at us. Is it a job? Is it a relationship? Is it your friends on social media? What brings you down and what brings you up? When we fill our lives with the positive and start to eliminate the negative, we become stronger, healthier and much more productive. When we drop the dead weight, we have more to give to those who deserve it.

You are not being selfish, you are being the best you can be! When you start to make you the focus, you can love more and give more.

I challenge you to look deep within and be honest. The truth often hurts, but so does living an unfulfilled and unhealthy life. You deserve the best! The journey will be difficult, but the reward will be worth it.

How to Ground Yourself

How to Ground Yourself

Profound change is waiting just beneath your feet.

Every naturally occurring event gives energy to the earth. Its surface acts as a conductor, constantly receiving and distributing energy to all its inhabitants. For most of humanity, humankind was one with this primordial connection. Walking barefoot across the land, our bodies were continually linked to this massive energy field. Now, thanks to the advent of asphalt and plastics, we have become increasingly separated from the earth and its many gifts. From tennis shoes to supermarkets, nearly every step we take is on a foundation that is not conducive.

What is Grounding?

The term grounded is often applied to stabilizing electricity, which is precisely why the new theory and movement are aptly named. The world is made up of electrical and magnetic fields or currents (electromagnetic), including our bodies. We are endlessly emitting vibrational signals out from our organs, while also receiving them from the objects around us. This notion is the driving force behind cable television pioneer Clint Ober’s theory, which applied the same techniques behind grounding electricity to the human body.

Though it may have started as an innocent query into the conducting and stabilizing powers of the earth, universities and scholars have adapted Ober’s research. One of the most advantageous qualities of the theory is its ability to be tested by nearly anyone. All one needs to do is step outside and touch the earth for several minutes a day and record the results. There are, however, other DIY experiments that offer more proof for the skeptics.

Research held by the University of Arizona examined the vitality of plants in relation to their connection to the earth. The earthing experiment pitted 2 sunflowers against each other, one grounded, and one ungrounded, to reveal the results of separating a living entity from its direct source. What became apparent immediately was the decline in the health of the ungrounded flower, which became “stressed”, versus the vibrant nature of its grounded neighbor.

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