Karmic Numbers; What Your Birthday Says About Your Past Life

Karmic Numbers; What Your Birthday Says About Your Past Life

The day you were born says a lot about who you are and where you’re going in this life. However, according to numerology, it can also say a lot about who you were, too. In numerology, Pythagoras believed that every number vibrates energy. It is the vibrations of the important numbers in our lives together that dictate who we were, are, and are going to become.

The numbers in your birth date reveal hidden clues to lessons missed in past lives. In numerology, it is believed that our souls are core, but our bodies reincarnate many times in order to further evolve. In each life, we learn new lessons, but we aren’t perfect.

Along the way, we make mistakes and abuse our natural gifts. Using your birth date, we’re able to identify whether your numerology chart contains one of four important Karmic Numbers. The numbers 13, 14, 16, and 19 are Karmic Debt Numbers, which indicate areas of your past lives that could still use some work. Understanding these past mistakes allows you to balance and heal the karma in your present life.

Calculating your Karma Numbers

There are four Karmic Debt Numbers. Each of these numbers signifies a different area of abuse. To find your Karmic Number, there are three areas in your numerology chart to which to pay attention:

Day of Birth

If you were born on the 13th, 14th, 16th or 19th, then this is your karmic number.

Personality Number

Your personality number signifies the energy that you project to the outside world, as well as how others are most likely to interpret it. This is not your true self, but an indicator of what you allow to be seen at the beginning of a relationship. There are multiple ways to find your personality number, however, we choose to focus on adding your day of birth to your birth month. For example:

If your birthday is May 5, then your personality number would be:

  • 5+5=10=1+0=1

If your personality number is found by one of the following ways, then this is your Karmic Debt Number:

  • 4 (13=1+3=4)
  • 5 (14=1+4=5)
  • 7 (16=1+6=7)
  • 1 (19=1+9=10=1+0=1)
8th Dimension and the Akashic Records

Life Path Number

Your life path number represents your true self. It is the unchanging you and signifies your core values. You can calculate this by adding all of the numbers in your birthday. For example:

If your birthday is April 4, 1955, then:

  • Day: 4
  • Month: April is the fourth month = 4
  • Year: 1955 = 1+9+5+5 = 20 = 2+0 = 2


  • 4+4+2 = 10 = 1+0 = 1

Your life path number is 1. The same as the personality number, if the final calculations of your life path number are broken down using a Karmic number, then this is your karmic debt number.

What Your Karmic Debt Number Means

Karmic Number 13: Laziness

People with a karmic debt number of 13 will need to focus their energy on hard work and may eventually find it difficult to stop working. This is retribution for a past life dominated by laziness and finding success in the hard work of others.

For people with the number 13, you must fight the temptation to take shortcuts. You will often feel frustrated and exasperated, as your hard work frequently leads to no visible signs of success. However, do not give up. Success is within your reach. While trying times may leave you feeling exhausted, perseverance will ultimately pay off.

An example to take comfort in is found in Thomas Edison. The hard-working inventor had a personality number of 13. He is famously quoted as saying, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Karmic Number 14: Control

The Karmic Debt Number 14 abused a position of power or control in a past life. Because of this, those with this number in their numerology chart will have issues finding control in their current life. If you have Karmic Number 14, then you likely took or controlled the freedom of others and are now paying the price. Your life is filled with ever-changing circumstances beyond your control and they are often unexpected. You are obsessed with your own freedom to the point that you are at risk of surrendering it to life in the form of addiction.

In order to overcome this, you must focus your life on modesty and maintaining emotional awareness. You must stay committed to order in your own life, even when tempted with the option to run and escape. Your life will be filled with extreme highs and lows, but if you keep a goal in mind, it will always move in the right direction.

An example to take comfort in: Abraham Lincoln had both a personality number and life path number of 14. It’s pretty safe to say he balanced his karmic debt when it comes to control and freedom. Thomas Jefferson was also a life path number 14. His ode to freedom shines in his founding words, “We believe that all men are created equal.”

Karmic Number 16: Inflated Ego

The Karmic Number 16 is about cleansing and can often be very painful. Those with this number allowed their ego and vanity to hurt others in a past life and will now see its destruction. This karmic debt number is particularly excruciating, as the fall of the ego generally comes after it has been severely inflated in the present life. If you have a karmic debt number of 16, then you most likely have grand plans for your life. However, when confronted with challenges or decisions, you find yourself making choices that are self-destructive.

The 16 is different from other karmic debt numbers, as it is not easily overcome. It involves a continuous cycle of rebirth. After collapse, you will learn the way of humility. You must recognize that power is meant to be shared and you are superior only to your former self.

An example to take comfort in with this number is Mother Theresa. Her personality number was 16. Her mission was to teach the power of love and acceptance, and while the world tends to focus on her later years, her early years were filled with lessons in humility — especially when it came to the medical field.

Karmic Number 19: Selfishness

For those with Karmic Number 19, you had great talent in your past life, which most likely led to a position of power. However, instead of using this gift to help others, you enriched and advanced only yourself. The number one symbolizes beginning, while the number nine symbolizes end. Your journey will be about the give and take that happens in the middle. In this life, you must learn how to be of service to others and also how to accept the support of others.

Those with this karmic debt number are often stubbornly independent and resist help in the face of struggle. However, no man is an island and you will lock yourself in a self-imposed prison of loneliness if not careful. To overcome this, you must learn to form deep connections with others and realize that ignorance is not bliss. You will be tempted to avoid emotions and memories that are painful or filled with regret. Don’t. Reliance on others is key to facing your own inner turmoil.

An example to take comfort in — Elliott Ness, who was born on April 19, 1903. Most noted for his tireless law efforts during the prohibition, Ness led a team known as “The Untouchables” to combat organized crime, trafficking, and the government’s own internal corruption. Ness held a position of power and with the support of his team, dedicated his life to justice.

Feng Shui Space Clearing and Salt Water Cure

Feng Shui Space Clearing and Salt Water Cure

As an energetically sensitive being, we may find ourselves affected by people, events and even spaces. Though subtle, we can often feel the shifts of energy which can bring us discomfort and unease. Practices clearing these spaces starts in our physical environment. When this physical container is clear, it allows the light of our soul to expand and create greater manifestations from within.

Feng Shui is an ancient practice of maximizing the energetic flow of a physical space. All things have Chi/Qi – a life force energy which is always in motion.

Paying attention to these trusted principles can help us be in more cooperation with the harmony of life around us. When we apply these methods, we may discover ease, joy, abundance and creativity is more easily able to find us.

Stagnation occurs when there is no flow. This stuck energy can feel like something is off, lethargy and simply being uninspired. When this blockage is allowed to fester, arguments, sickness, depression and loss of material wealth may result. The tensions will certainly mount if we do not pay proper attention to how energy is allowed to move around us. Feng shui space clearing is one practice we can engage to ensure the flow remains.

When to Clear Your Space

While routine cleansing should be a normal part of your home care, I like to also clear, charge and bless the home during significant moon phases like the Full and New Moons, during eclipses and at the holy-days. Each will give us a subtle reset which can program the energy of our space to resonate with our own intentions.

When matched with sacred days honored throughout time, we will get an extra boost in the form of blessings from the natural world. If we can match the vibration of clear intent with our personal goals, energies can more clearly manifest for us.

Anytime you feel unsettled in your space, this is a good indicator that feng shui space clearing may help. More obvious reasons could be a fight, a trauma or guests who may not match your frequency, which also offer an ideal time to clear your physical space.

Moving into a new home can be hectic, but merging with your new space so that it may be ready to hold all of you is also a must. Clear out the old tenants and introduce yourself to your home room by room.

And don’t feel like this ritual cleansing only applies to your home! Cars, offices and yards are carriers of energy and may need our attention from time to time.

Works spaces likewise are crucial as we all have tensions that arise at work. A little bit of feng shui clearing will help us be more focused, productive and at ease in this most important aspect of our lives.

Negative Energy

In feng shui, salt can purify “negative” energy bringing the charge back to neutrality. Some people feel the new energy as clear, purified and clean. It can then hold and lift the intentions we set.

Let us acknowledge that just because something feels funky, it doesn’t necessarily equate to evil or “negative.” Rather it is simply a disruption that affects our energy fields.

Like a duck swimming in a dirty pond, the dirty water is not bad, it is just affecting the duck in ways that are not optimum for its well being. Energy is the same, to label it as negative or bad will only program it to be so. Energy is neutral, it’s subtle affect on us is where we can be patiently aware.

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