Andrea Marcum

Andrea Marcum

Having started in competitive gymnastics, Andrea Marcum, a Santa Cruz, California native, began instructing yoga in 1999 and soon opened her own studio, U Studio, in Los Angeles in 2006.

In a city filled with yoga stars and behemoth studios Marcum launched U Studio to success through her distinctive core intensive Vinyasa flow classes. U Studio has won critical acclaim, no doubt due to Marcum's passion and dedication. She relishes in the transformation yoga brings her students and the community it encourages.

When not in her studio, Andrea Marcum teaches workshops and leads retreats in Bali, Costa Rica and around the world. She has been featured in Shape, Self, C Magazine, Huffington Post and the LA Times. Marcum is an Ambassador for Lululemon and Manduka and writes for Gaia, MindBodyGreen, and is a Lifestyle Editor for Origin Magazine. Though her early childhood aspirations were to be a fairy princess, she is pretty happy with the way things have turned out.

"Andrea's combination of a challenging class, and a great sense of humor are unique, intelligent, and always leave me feeling better when I leave than when I arrived. She is an amazing teacher and I love her class." -Heather Graham, actress

29 classes found

Andrea Marcum
Bring your mat to the wall and play in this advanced practice full of balancing poses, twists, inversions, and arm balances. This fun practice is great for those days when you just need a different vantage point. You can adjust the modifications to make it more moderate or pretty sassy, and you can opt in or out of the suggested inversions.
Andrea Marcum
This juicy hip and heart opener with Andrea Marcum will leave you in a bind. Not the kind of bind you might find yourself in with reckless hips or heart overshare at a party. Our blissful bash will take us deep into our inner warrior, challenging our strength and our flexibility both body and mind. We'll make our way to a fully bound warrior and even stop off in paradise before our journey's end. Of course once we've blasted open your heart and hips what you do with them from there is your business…
Andrea Marcum
This class from Andrea Marcum is all about just what the title tells you: strengthening and toning. In this practice we will work our arms, legs and abdominals, but we will also strenghten things like our focus, our intention and our follow through. We are on a mission to transform! Transformation isn’t instant and it isn't easy-- but it is insightful and incredibly rewarding. Let's do this together! When we realize our individual and collective power, there are no limits as to where we can go. This video is part of the Get Strong, Be Calm challenge.
Andrea Marcum
Join Andrea Marcum for this intermediate/advanced shoulder therapeutics class. A loose grasp on a strap is suggested for this practice, as many tend to get overly ambitious at the top of this sequence, only to find it unbearable mid-way through. Remind yourself that you are administering therapy, not torture. The simplicity of these movements is misleading – they pack a punch. Listen to what your shoulder girdle is telling you and if you need to take a break then do so. Dull pain and sharp pain are very different indicators. Dull pain is what Mr. Iyengar calls “good pain”-- things shifting carefully. Sharp pain is our body throwing up red flags and telling us to stop what we are doing before we injure ourselves. Enjoy!
Andrea Marcum
This advanced vinyasa practice with Andrea Marcum keeps you flowing, challenging you physically and mentally as you progress into a variety of postures.
Andrea Marcum
Plot twists define this innovative sequence form Andrea Marcum, who introduces a unique color-pallette to a yoga practice. Drop all expectations and follow along as she moves her brother, Art, through this flow in an endearing example of sibling rivalry.
Andrea Marcum
This practice with Andrea Marcum, leads us through a rigorous flow and towards tittibasana, the firefly pose. It’s not at all important that your firefly actually take flight in order for you to enjoy this playful journey. The magnificent Rachel Jackson joins us for this one. There are many of us who will not lift up into tittibasana this lifetime. How tight or open our hips are has a lot to do with whether our firefly can actually fly, and some of that may be our genetics. This practice is definitely about the ride, not the result. If the elements here help you understand how to make your way into the final firefly that’s great. If not, there are plenty of other ways our lives will take flight.
Andrea Marcum
There's gluten-free, dairy-free and now Andrea Marcum's vinyasa-free yoga practice! We step outside the chaturanga box on this one and make our way through a challenging flow without our usual A B series suspects. There are opportunities for arm balances, and plenty of modifications along our way. Fear not. I've got lots of chaturangas up my sleeve for other classes it's just fun to try a different recipe from time to time.
Andrea Marcum
If you like fallen triangle, this baby’s for you! Andrea Marcum weaves fallen triangle treats into this flow and finds options for advanced arm balances that can easily be avoided if that’s not your fancy. The incredible flying and floating Brent Lafoon joins us on this one. This is an advanced practice that can be modified to make it more intermediate. Brent does all the off-the-charts-superman variations but I suggest modifications you can (and frankly I would) use along the way.
Andrea Marcum
Andrea Marcum leads this strong practice, Busy Mom's Sweaty-Sweet Time-Out Flow. This Marcum Method flow gets right to the point and gets the job done! Slip this in as your own time-out during nap time, play dates, or while they're pretending to do their homework and texting their friends. You'll emerge centered, grounded and ready to resume your super-human duties. Great for anyone who has limited time and want a generous helping of powerful flow, great stretch and stress release, with a delicious well-earned savasana for dessert.
Andrea Marcum
Get ready to sweat out those toxins! This detox flow with Andrea Marcum is great for kick-starting digestion and metabolism as well as inspiring our spine. You can count on a workout & core work as you reach for all eight limbs on your yoga tree. It’s the ideal combination of core work, powerful sequencing and plot twists that will lead you to a blissful savasana. The advanced element isn’t fancy inversions or bendy business -- it’s more the endurance aspect that’s tough.