Tiffany Bush

Tiffany Bush

Tiffany is the vibrant embodiment of gratitude. Originally from Georgia, Tiffany recently brought her love of yoga back home to the south after 8 years of yoga study and practice in Colorado. Rooted in grace and strength, her teachings weave heart-forward, passionate instruction with a therapeutic approach to strength, mobility, and flexibility, creating an experience that is as empowering as it is enjoyable.

With a deep love for teaching underserved populations, athletes, and health enthusiasts, Tiffany expertly guides her students through flowing yoga asana and heartfelt meditation that she calls, "Divine Flow Yoga", always emphasizing the core principles of yoga: oneness, unity, and connection.

Beyond the studio, Tiffany leads an active and creative life; enjoying paddleboarding, hiking, reading, creating doodle art and jewelry, and traveling with her husband. Whether she's indoor climbing, skating, or spending time with loved ones and her beloved pups, Tiffany's creativity and passion shine through. Her ultimate mission is to inspire expansion and remind others of their power through love, courage, and compassion.

Tiffany also proudly holds the title of number-one fan (and occasional fill-in) for her husband's championship cornhole team!

Connect with Tiffany here and on Instagram @tiffanybushyoga

57 classes found

Tiffany Bush
Release the tensions of the day and wind down in preparation for sleep. Spend time working the kinks out with a few standing shapes before returning to the ground for hip openers and legs up the wall.
Tiffany Bush
Inspired by the beauty and resiliency of the bee, flow through a practice designed to make you feel like you are moving through honey. Explore the many amazing qualities of bees and see how you can bring more sweetness and community into your life.
Tiffany Bush
Reclaim your power as a strong feminine force and learn how to use your own physical strength as a reminder of just how incredible you are. Flow through an energizing sequence of warrior III variations, mudras (hand gestures), strong affirmations, and a quick twist to cool it all down.
Tiffany Bush
Stretch out the sides of your body to create spaciousness. Breathe into your neck, side waist, low back, and IT bands so you can feel more ease in your whole body.
Tiffany Bush
Build strength in your shoulders, chest, and arms with yoga-inspired drills. Practice plank variations and tricep dips to tone all of the muscles around your shoulder joint and upper arms.
Tiffany Bush
Cultivate flexibility in the hips to invite freedom in your day-to-day life. Flow through seated, kneeling, and standing poses focused on each side of the hips to help reset any time of day.
Tiffany Bush
Start your day with a foundation of gratitude as you flow through stretchy shapes and fluid movement. Begin by playfully shaking your body, then flow through sun salutations, and end with a sweet meditation.
Tiffany Bush
Explore the stability of triangle variations to invite power in your body and mind with this strong, fluid practice. Strengthen your core and legs to engage with triangle-based poses, then find a moment of rest to integrate the practice.
Tiffany Bush
Create strength and stability in your hamstrings as you learn to engage and focus on these muscles through pulsing and longer held poses. A great balancing practice for the glutes, hips and whole lower body.
Tiffany Bush
Break through the sluggishness of winter and early spring with a well-rounded continuous movement practice of strong balancing and twists. When imbalanced, the energy of kapha can feel heavy and stagnant. To complete, slow down with grounded, nourishing poses.
Tiffany Bush
A practice for rock climbers to bring flexibility to your hip joints and space in your low back. Low lunges to open your psoas (a deep hip flexor) with hip circles to lubricate your joints. Sneak a little core work and heat in there too!
Tiffany Bush
Need a break? Use this practice to counteract the effects of chronic sitting including the shortening of the hip flexors. Lengthen and strengthen the hip flexors and low back with standing poses, lunge variations, and spinal movements.
Tiffany Bush
Rock climbers are notoriously tight in the shoulders and often overdeveloped in the upper back, creating a rounded posture. This practice is designed to cultivate well-rounded strength and flexibility in the shoulders. Begin in a seated position (on a mat or chair) through various options of mindful shoulder movements, then into kneeling and belly-down variations.
Tiffany Bush
Balance means something different from day to day. Today, focus on finding your center through a variety of balancing poses on your hands, forearms, and feet as your foundation. Jump right into the practice with hip openers, forearm planks, standing poses, and one-legged balancing poses.
Tiffany Bush
A practice for climbers to support recovery and preparation for climbing. Flow through seated and kneeling for movements to strengthen and stretch the forearms, wrists, hands, and fingers.
Tiffany Bush
Greet the energy of a busy day with powerful standing poses and slowly move the body and mind down to settle in for the evening.
Tiffany Bush
Explore the possibilities of camel pose through this active, continuous movement practice of mindful backbends. Flow through a well-rounded practice including lunges, spinal movements, and back body strengtheners for the back, glutes, and hamstrings to culminate in backbend variations.
Tiffany Bush
Relax and unwind from your day with a slow, fluid practice to prepare for sleep. Move gently through grounded postures for the hips and spine with influences of vinyasa breath-to-movement within the shapes.