Beyond Belief
Season 17 . 18 Episodes TV-PG

Join George Noory, from Coast to Coast AM, each week, as we explore the amazing and unusual world we live in. He brings us thought-provoking discussions on paranormal phenomena, conspiracies, and all things unexplained.

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Chakras and Money Flow (Preview)


Join George Noory, from Coast to Coast AM, each week, as we explore the amazing and unusual world we live in. His talk show taps into the minds of experts in their field who work tirelessly to unravel the greatest mysteries. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on paranormal experiences, extraterrestrial conspiracies, and all things unexplained.

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

Host: George Noory
Featuring: Leisa Peterson, PrinCess Jeanee, Jason Shurka, Marla Martenson, Ben Stewart, Mitch Horowitz, Bruce Goldberg, Patti Negri, Theresa Bullard, Sean Stone, Laurie McDonald, Jim Myers, James Fox, Kelly Sullivan Walden, Vincent Genna, Ben Fuchs, Brad Olsen, Corin Grillo
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
46 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Leisa Peterson
Can trauma directly affect our relationship with money? Leisa Peterson, wealth coach and author of The Mindful Millionaire, explains how scarcity consciousness and trauma can block or close the chakra system.
44 mins TV-PG
Featuring: PrinCess Jeanee
How can we unlock our own innate abilities? PrinCess Jeanee's modality of scientific remote viewing (SRV) has unlocked her pathway as a teacher, meditator, and knowledge seeker. She utilizes her emotions to see through the eyes of those she remote views.
44 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jason Shurka
Approached by a clandestine organization called The Light System (TLS), Jason Shurka is a messenger of information for this group, revealing who they are, what they do, and what their purpose is.
40 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Marla Martenson
Marla Martenson is a mystical matchmaker, spiritual life coach, and intuitive reader. Her work is to facilitate transformational shifts for her clients to allow them to align to who they truly are, to find someone with perfect affinity to them.
44 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ben Stewart
Fear and stress in the mind and body diminishes our frequency, but we can strengthen ourselves by living in gratitude and connecting to the natural world. Ben Stewart returns to answer questions on the impact of 5G connection in a high speed society.
45 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Mitch Horowitz
Thought is a tool of creation that alters our reality. Writer, historian, and scholar of the occult, Mitch Horowitz discusses the history of occult (hidden) knowledge.
41 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Bruce Goldberg
How can people improve their lives by accessing their spirit guides? Bruce Goldberg, a healer hypnotherapist and author of award-winning books, developed a technique called ‘the super conscious mind tap’. He trains patients to access their higher selves.
40 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Patti Negri
Magick can be used to evolve our consciousness. Patti Negri, a psychic and author of Old World Magick for the Modern World shares the techniques of rituals and spell making.
40 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Theresa Bullard
Theresa Bullard discusses how it is possible to observe the world with both a scientific and creative mind. We can tap into archetypal symbols and study mystery traditions that point us toward greater wisdom, peace, and balance.
37 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Sean Stone
Now is the time to uncover hidden truths. Sean Stone, filmmaker and host of Buzzsaw on Gaia, describes his spiritual work in contributing to the awakening of our society and transforming the world.
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Laurie McDonald
Laurie McDonald returns to Gaia to speak more about her extraterrestrial contact experiences, which have prompted her work as a clinical hypnotherapist.
42 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jim Myers
Researcher Jim Myers has been following signs of the sasquatch, or bigfoot, across the continent. Are sasquatch human or ET beings? He examines the evidence of sasquatch presence in remote forest land, and the many reported sightings over the years
37 mins TV-PG
Featuring: James Fox
Filmmaker James Fox has spent many years researching evidence of UFOs. His documentary film The Phenomenon calls for government transparency in disclosing what is known about ET presence.
41 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Kelly Sullivan Walden
Our dreams carry the patterns of our waking lives, and understanding them can help us understand ourselves. Kelly Sullivan Walden is a dream expert and hypnotherapist who uses dream therapy to help her clients access wisdom from their subconscious dreaming minds.
40 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Vincent Genna
Vincent Genna is a psychic medium who has learned to channel messages from extraterrestrial beings. He discusses his experiences of telepathically communicating with ET beings who are part of an intergalactic council working to raise humanity to a higher level of awareness, consciousness, and action.
45 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ben Fuchs
Is there a way to overcome viruses that doesn't include pharmaceutical drugs? Fuchs shares the practical techniques we can use to heal our immune systems with energy from both plants and sunlight.
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Brad Olsen
As we are learning more about the secret agendas on our planet, can we escape their confines and wake up to our individual and collective potential? Writer, publisher, and researcher Brad Olsen works to uncover lost and hidden knowledge in our planet’s history and current events.
39 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Corin Grillo
Learn how to recognize the presence of angels and begin to follow your intuitive guidance to release resistance and allow miracles in your own life. Corin Grillo, author of The Angel Experiment, returns to Gaia for an expanded conversation on the power of ever-present angels in our lives and the techniques we can use to invite their assistance.