Thrive: Self-Healing with Ayurveda
1 Season . 22 Episodes TV-G

Explore Ayurveda through five pathways in this series that brings ancient wisdom to modern life.

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Thrive: Self-Healing with Ayurveda (Preview)

Ayurveda, often known as the sister science to yoga, is a 5000 year old holistic medical system originating in India. Ayurveda means “the knowledge of life” and is known for being one of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive medical systems. Unlike anything seen before on Gaia, Thrive: Self-Healing with Ayurveda is a multi-part educational experience focused on finding balance amidst the pressure of modern life. Thrive celebrates the fact that people learn in many different ways and everyone has a unique pathway to self-healing. Thrive offers five ways to explore: a docuseries, cooking shows, self-care tutorials, yoga classes, and meditations.

Through this series, you will come into deeper connection with your unique body type, understand your imbalances, and learn techniques to restore greater harmony to your system. By learning to bring balance to the mind, body, emotions, and spirit, you will be able to more easily navigate challenging circumstances and fundamentally change the way you live in the world.

Featuring: Krishan Shah, Paul Dugliss M.D, Justine Lemos PhD, Dr. Sujatha Reddy
Audio Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
Subtitles: English, Spanish, German, French
19 mins TV-PG
Learn how ayurvedic wisdom can help you enter into a deeper relationship with yourself and the natural world around you.
14 mins TV-PG
Release stagnant emotional and physical toxins, known as ama, in order to live a more positive, conscious, and connected life.
19 mins TV-PG
Discover how the doshas, the three primary energies of ayurveda, are a gateway into living authentically in your unique, bio-individual body.
23 mins TV-PG
Learn the basic principles of an ayurvedic diet and come to understand food as your pharmacy to release toxins and increase vitality.
19 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Krishan Shah, Paul Dugliss M.D, Justine Lemos PhD, Dr. Sujatha Reddy
Learn how your system not only digests food but also emotions. Discover ways to release stuck emotional and mental patterns.
8 mins TV-PG
Start your morning with self-care using this short routine that consists of personal prayer, simple movement, and an exercise to connect with nature.
8 mins TV-PG
Align with the cycle of the day as ruled by the doshas and learn techniques to help fall asleep and stay asleep.
14 mins TV-PG
Read the signs of your body to understand your imbalances using tongue examination as well as facial and body type analysis.
10 mins TV-PG
Release anxiety, detoxify your organs, and exfoliate your skin with two techniques: raw silk glove brushing (gharshana) and oil massage (abhyanga).
9 mins TV-PG
Purify your nose, ears, and mouth with practices such as nasal flushing, oil pulling, and tongue scraping.
13 mins TV-PG
Transform mealtime into a healing feast with fresh vegetable, spice, and fruit chutneys tailored to your body type.
12 mins TV-PG
Learn to create spice mixtures catered to your dosha type. Each mixture strengthens digestion, reduces inflammation, and balances your system.
13 mins TV-PG
Clean out your digestive tract and remove toxicity from your body with this nourishing and delicious dish made of rice, lentils, and spices.
28 mins TV-G
Kindle your inner strength while grounding your energy into the earth in this powerful flow that will work your lower body and open your upper body.
39 mins TV-G
Strengthen your core and boost your metabolism with vigorous asana, heat-generating pranayama, a 6-minute ab routine, and cleansing kriya.
29 mins TV-G
Explore mudra (hand gesture), pranayama (breath work), and intentional active poses to soothe your nervous system. After opening the side body, lower back, and hips, close the practice with a brief guided relaxation.
10 mins TV-G
This meditation uses mantra (sound), visualization, and sacred geometry to call your awareness to each of the chakras (energetic centers) and create space for transformation in each. As we balance the elements of the chakras, we simultaneously restore harmony to your doshas - the three main energies of Ayurveda.
13 mins TV-G
A well-rounded meditation for vitality featuring mudras (hand gestures) to build your prana (life force energy), reduce anxiety, and balance the five elements.
12 mins TV-G
Practice welcoming emotions with this simple guided meditation. You will get in touch with your heart space and explore what contentment feels and sounds like to you.
14 mins TV-G
When living a fast-paced, jam-packed lifestyle, it is easy for the mind to get overwhelmed and the nervous system triggered. In this practice, learn chandra bhedana pranayama, which is a cooling, calming breath, corresponding to lunar energy. Then follow breath and mantra into a deep stillness that will help you to disidentify from the whims of your mind and the busyness of your surroundings.
14 mins TV-G
Invoke the healing vibration of Lord Dhanvantari, an aspect of Vishnu and the god of medicine, with a powerful and soothing Dhanvantari Gayatri Mantra (chant) followed by a radiant body meditation.
13 mins TV-G
Equilibrate the polar energies of your body with Nadi Shodhana pranayama and a meditation. In balance, you can live in tune with your true nature.