
Spirit World

Your physical existence is the smallest and most dense part of your being. When you have completed all of the soul lessons for your lifetime, you will leave this physical world behind and return to your life in the spirit world. James Van Praagh explains what the spirit world really is and offers a journey of discovery to better understand life on the other side of the veil before giving spirit readings to a live studio audience.

Deborah reconnects with her daughter who she lost to a train accident. She offers details about her passing and advice on how they can stay in contact with each other. Betsy reconnects with her mother, who was very fashionable in life and expresses that she is beautiful again in the spirit world. Interestingly enough, she brings a message for the whole audience. Kim and her mother reconnect with both of their husbands and several family members. Important messages come through about forgiveness, letting go and soul lessons as the family members take turns communicating.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English