Zain Saraswati Jamal

Zain Saraswati Jamal uses her personal experience and knowledge to guide her students to a balanced, healthy place within their minds, bodies and spirits.
Jamal is an Ayurvedic, Holistic & Sports Nutritionist, Internationally Certified Kundalini, Sivananda and Ashtanga Yoga Teacher and Personal Coach.
In her hometown of Vancouver, Canada, Jamal works with those struggling to overcome weight issues and/or self-esteem issues, eating disorders, serious illness and who are looking to gain a greater level of overall health.
Raised in an Indian home, Zain Saraswati Jamal received the first teachings of yoga and Ayurveda at the age of five through scripture and a home asana practice. She felt naturally connected to the mystical and metaphysical philosophies, experiencing an innate familiarity, as though the teachings were already a part of her being waiting to be revealed through practice and life experience. Since then, Jamal has learned from esteemed gurus such as Pattahbi Jois, BKS Iyengar, Gurmukh, David Life, Shiva Rea, Dharma Mittra, Geshe Michael Roach, Eddie Modestini and other masters, which have helped her to refine her own practice and teaching.
Deciding to pursue her exploration of yoga and meditation, Zain Saraswati Jamal was classically trained in Mysore, India at the Shri K Patthabi Jois Ashtanga Institute (KPJAI) in 1996. She then studied over ten years of traditional Ashtanga practice and teaching before exploring other styles. In 2006, Jamal was drawn to another classical lineage Sivananda. She completed her E-RYT 500-hour at the Sivananda Ashram in Paradise Island, Bahamas as well as three years of deep philosophical study of the Yoga Sutras, Vedas and other scriptures from both the Buddhist and Vedic perspectives.
During this time, Zain Saraswati Jamal discovered the practice of Kundalini yoga in a Sikh Gurudwara and became fascinated by the liberation of movement and the immediate effect that the technology of kriya offered. She went on to study with the 3HO Certified Karam Kriya School in London, England and her own personal practice is a reflection of these classical styles.
In addition, Jamal leads Kundalini Fire Full Moon Ceremonies in Vancouver on sacred land, where women come together to release that which no longer serves and unite in support of one another's growth and healing as well as other yoga workshops and classes all over the world.
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